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Everything posted by Danny_The_Dog

  1. +Huge playtime +Huge referrals +Prior staff +Good paragraphs +W hobbies +Read the rules Get this man in here +1
  2. You're gonna be told regardless that an appeal isn't a the place for an apology and your ban will remain. After all you did admit to killing someone 3 times then leaving. They will probably say its on you to read the rules but we will have to wait for @Derpza's evidence
  3. Only after I mentioned it, and the edit and Dog replying both happened at the same time so I feel like Dog told him
  4. +Playtime +Has a referral even tho its only a v mod -/+ Paragraphs could use some work +Gym -Didn't read staff rules Its gonna be a -1 for me because you didnt read the rules and your paragraphs could use some work
  5. We mean you missed something very important in the staff rules
  6. This situation has been taken care of
  7. I didnt even ban you Im just here to accept your post but you admitted to this bro
  8. @Salteeeens @Jerryry Take a look over his app, I had him fix it
  9. +Good playtime +Seems like he has been around on the server for awhile -Only has one paragraph (and just talks about liking garnet) -Didnt read the rules -1
  10. +Actually read the rules +Good Playtime +Guns and gym (massive W) +Good referral if confirmed I don't see anything wrong with the application. I met this guy just yesterday and he was talking about how he used to be staff and was thinking about reapplying. I told him to go for it +1
  11. sad to see it go :(( but i dont base anymore anyways so
  12. Holy shit what a W. Best things: -Freezing people as staff -Freezing Hobo box -Improved hitman and logs (my fav) I do have a question about this T admin can already remove props? So what can managers do with /removeprops
  13. I like seeing people use my format lol Oh and heres this: -1
  14. +1 Honestly just add trading within the unbox menu period (and have a money tab too to buy stuff off people and have a secure transaction)
  15. Its when I factory reset my computer that this came up when I had to reinstall all the addons for garnet
  16. With what Ive seen of him on the server kinda a minge -1
  17. Basically said exactly what I was going to Actually read the rules too +1
  18. -Current warns on record -/+Previous bans +Solid playtime +Well known\ -Did kinda slack on the paragraphs, all you did was talking about being staff before and they are short +Huge amount of referrals and they are getting confirmed Personally even thought you have good rep and shit, Id like to just see more effort Neutral
  19. *Spongebob voice* “Take it away @Derpza
  20. As an avid hitman/assassin enjoyer I understand But I feel like adding another menu though could get accidentally opened when you have to have your crosshair on people for other things will make it a pain in the ass -1
  21. Pretty uhhhhh self explanatory @Merk @Korn @Wubb
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