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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Scotti

  1. Scotti

    i wanna rape

    The fact that there even is a rapist job is pretty sick. Its not something to joke about. How about removing the job all together.
  2. Please dont. Everyone in ur unit would roast the fuck out of you.
  3. Do you have anything better to do with your time? XD Im flattered that you donated so much time to me ❤️

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Scotti


      oof i guess you got me.

    3. LalaDeviluke


      hehe i was bored one night when i had no hw so i just said eh spend like 1 min of my life to dislike cause you want attention so np 🙂

    4. Silo


      whats wrong with you scotti

  4. Do you have anything better to do with your time? XD Im flattered that you donated so much time to me ❤️

    1. Krimzin


      💪Pays to be a winner💪

  5. I suggest you do your research on the subject. I am not blacklisted from any base faction. It seems you really took offense to my comment. I suggest not being a pussy. Im not going to feed anymore into this Shitpost.
  6. No if you really need to make a post about it you shouldn't. It takes literally no effort at all to get on and see the state of affairs on the server. Stop looking for attention it is extremely cringy.
  7. +1 The best leader on the server in my opinion. Has an insane amount of potential, extremely mature, and a deep voice. The question is why doesn't he already have staff?
  8. Yeah of course and the knife definitely cuts both ways I can guarantee if you go to rallies on either side you will find it hard to find someone who knows the accomplishments or what the particular person has done. @{GG}otham
  9. @Phantom Following what your parents believe is apart of growing up. It goes on both sides of the isle. Or if you are more rebellious you will take the opposing side. I used to be very liberal and then I woke up and realized that maybe I dont know everything. Same thing happened to one of the founders of those crazy school shooting survivors who founded the walk for life. He just realized that he doesnt know everything and people who oppose his beliefs arent attacking his person or dont care that kids are being killed. @MoldyHotpocket Gun violence is a massive cultural issue that has a lot to do with how people value life. Especially today kids are so desensitized to violence and with all the media coverage these students who are bullied think that if they kill their bullies they will finally be seen and heard. I think background checks can only do so much. I think more time should be invested in training and all of the age limits for purchasing a firearm should be brought up to 21 unless you are in active duty military service.
  10. While I do think that it is hurting humanity as a whole. It would never happen in American society. Its not even really worth bringing to the table. Im talking more on the line of social issues cuz that is what most people talk about.
  11. Ok my guy shoot. Say the most radical thing that you believe.
  12. +1 Can be pushed to be his old self when angry but for the most part the name change and time spent in seals has matured him or at the very least humbled him. I think that a staff position will help him grow.
  13. @MoldyHotpocket I support Trump. Dont be afraid to think and say what you believe in. There are a lot of stupid people out there and I can remember being in your exact position in early high school. Im gonna say this. The second that you stop caring what other people think about you, you will immediately notice that it is 10000x easier to be happy. It took me a while but you will figure it out. Everything comes with age but if you really want to get into politics join the debate team. If you ever talk about politics make sure you are well versed in the thing you are talking about. Do research my guy. Not just one news source. Dont be an edge lord it makes the whole right side look like a bunch of idiots. Dont let other people bully you into not speaking up for yourself.
  14. Scotti

    TKTV's Staff App

    +1 Always fun to play with. Chill guy all around. He is experienced on other servers in administrative roles and I feel like he will grow into a great staff member.
  15. Why is your profile picture the SS bolts?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Scotti


      Mk chubs keep tryn to roast behind that computer screen. i got better things to do then make fun of a kid

    3. Texas
    4. Gamma


      why are we roasting each other on my profile page chat



  16. How old are you my guy? Im guessing from this early to mid teens. Trust me right now your world is so tiny by the time you graduate high school you wont even remember something like this. So buck up and move on.
  17. +1 I completely agree that third person not just in Dark RP can be abused, but the people who have power in the community made their opinion clear on the matter. Which might not make sense to you but it makes sense to them.
  18. Dash got a shit ton of -1 on both his denied applications. This guy is extremely qualified for the position plus he has the maturity on his side unlike a lot of people who apply who are still in their teens.
  19. +1 Its been too long you should have been staff a long time ago. You are overqualified and I am sure that you will be a great addition to the team.
  20. +1 Jokes like this even in bad taste should not ruin someones career on a server. It means a lot that he made 1st Sgt in just 53 hours. I feel like the majority of the cases of advertising are really never meant to be serious and usually run the persons name in the mud for really no reason.
  21. no I dont. his cool down ends in less than 6 hours. What I said is nothing about him is going to change in the next 24 hours. His application is sound and he has more experience then most if not all of the current moderators. My experience with him is he is highly motivated and cares about the server.
  22. +1 To be honest I really dont see what 24 hours is going to do to change this dude its obvious he is passionate and over qualified for the position. Turning this guy away for this is just irresponsible use of available resources.
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