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  1. I apologize for not having the right evidence I had it when I banned him I think i deleted it by accident. i genuinely had a montage of him breaking 10+ rules and being extremely disrespectful. I believe i fixed the problem with my obs and it shouldn't happen again.
  2. I called you that because you were talking shit to me and i was just giving back (I was off duty and not taking sits at the time, I also believed I was jailed for something.) I was getting extremely upset at you, I didn't say stuff to be toxic, I said stuff because you were extremely stressing me out and frustrating me. You can say what you want to me when I"m off duty, thats fine, but when I have a sit, and I'm on duty, I stopped, I said IDC cause I was in a sit for pd propblock and you kept talking and I was just trying to Ignore you. Thats a completely out of context clip also. I don't act toxic on duty cause I'm not allowed to, even whenever I had a sit with you as the reporter I treated you respectfully and fairly and whenever you were the reportee you were extremely hostile and disrespectful every single time.
  3. I didn't wait until u were off. Again, the initial ban was for rda + ltap. Also, this isn't a rdm sit, and me saying idc isn't against any rules especially since that wasn't a sit in the video. What I said the reason your ban was for was , disrespect in a sit, fail rp x3, interrupting a sit, rda +ltap. You obviously are just projecting and not actually answering whether or not you did what i said. And I saw you taking stuff from the printers before u destroyed them, meaning u are printing in pd as pd. What I am most ticked off about, honestly, is when i get a sit saying hobos a propblocking the pd jailcells, and I go and try to handle the situation, you keep trying to undermine me and belittle me as i am trying to tell the new players why you are wrong completely and why YOU are not the moderator who knows the rules { cause you probably have never read the rules with the amount of stuff you were doing) I am.
  4. My video got autodeleted but i have video evidence from two sits that are enought to warrant a nitrp ban, you just gotta give me a bit to find them.
  5. Nvm. I know who you are. The original ban was supposed to be rda + LTAP. But because that night I had 6 sits with you as the reportee, as well as one sit that by itself I should've banned you for NITRP. This was a sit of someone saying you were using printers in a cell at pd. I get there and there is 3 hobos building bases in jail cells, and your printers. they are destroyed when i get there and then I tell the hobos to delete the props, and you, started being extremely extremely rude, disrespectful and blatantly telling new players to break the rules because you though you were in charge. I honestly believe you should be community banned for the way you acted that entire night, I had maybe 5 or 6 people ask why you weren't banned throughout the night because you were just minging and cursing at people unprovoked. IT was a lot more than just trolling. It was just toxicity for the sake of being toxic.
  6. What was your name in-game at the time of the ban? Or the last time you played cause I only banned one person who went offline for nitrp, so unless you were "officer oinker" I'm sure you were online when you were banned. I will check my recordings when I get home
  7. +1 Very good guy, very wholesome 100 man and ngl, kinda poggers
  8. Jonko

    false jail

    Video of his admission of guilt with some nice insulting to add too it. https://streamable.com/prag0m
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