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  1. I can understand you not knowing that I have a speech impediment. However I very clearly spelled out exactly why this was diss in sit. I explained that I have a speech impediment revolving around me not being able to pronounce the letter "r" then proceeded to explain exactly how he was making fun of me for it. Your excuse for not doing it was because he could've just said "awested" randomly out of context, so I explained that part to you, then I explained how it was evident he was making fun of me because after he said "awested" he was asking me to say chair, which I also explained to you how that would be mocking me. There should've been no point during the sit in which it was unclear exactly what this guy was doing. I could understand you not knowing it if I hadn't thoroughly explained it to you, some people don't hear it. If that guy had not mocked me you probably wouldn't have noticed. This makes no sense, why would I have an issue with what he was saying if I didn't have a speech impediment. Also if I didn't not have a speech impediment he would not have said what he said. So basically what I'm getting from this is you didn't read into the situation whatsoever, or listen to what I explained several time so this guy would not get in trouble. I really hope you were at a lack of words, because the way this reads is you only warn people for diss in sit when it's so clearly diss so that there is no chance of you getting in trouble or that you would get in trouble for not doing so. TLDR: I explained several times how it was diss in sit, this appeared to me as favoritism/letting a friend off the hook, or that you were just too lazy to deal with it.
  2. Who are you reporting? [Staff/Player]: StaffYour in-game name: DerpzaYour SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:84936323In-game name of reportee: StS NuT doodleSteamID of reportee (https://steamid.io/):STEAM_0:1:156073043Date & Time of incident: 2:35 AMTimezone: CESTWhat happened? (include any proof): I was in a sit for RDM, when the reporter started making fun of my speech impediment, so I proceeded to ask for diss in sit. StS NuT doodle proceeded with the rest of the sit as per usual and didn't ask the guy to stop what he was doing. When the RDM portion of the sit was over I insisted on Diss in sit, he refused and proceeded to tell me that the reporter making fun of my speech impediment is not disrespectful to me. Clearly this guy was not trained correctly in this portion as the definition of disrespect it lack of respect or courtesy. It should be obvious to anyone that making fun of someone's speech impediment is not courteous nor respectful. The guy making fun of me: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i2MjIYCX5WndCFUuC/d1337oAQlFJK?invite=cr-MSxUamcsMTc2ODI3OTI5LA Nut not doing anything: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i2MnaqZ9gtBOZCedc/d1337ivmhrpF?invite=cr-MSx2TTUsMTc2ODI3OTI5LA https://imgur.com/a/0BPxkXL
  3. In-game name: HG DerpzaSteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:84936323Staff members in-game name: DONTTOUCHMYFROG87Staff members SteamID (/id (name): STEAM_0:1:435330788Date & Time of incident: 6 Jun 8 PM Timezone: CESTWarn Reason: IASWhat happened? (include any proof): We are doing a parkour event, and he had shot and killed me several times on the ground, with other people he was picking them back up and bringing them to the start of the parkour. On this occasion he picked me all the way back up to the start and dropped me back to the ground, we were maybe 5 feet from the start and instead of putting me on it he dropped me back down. So I shot him while I was falling, he then instantly tp'd to a roof and brought me to it and warned me. Several things were done wrong, and then he took his own sit and dished out a punishment. I told him in the sit he shouldn't be shooting people in the event to kill them. He said he could then oddly enough he stopped shooting people that fell and would instead respawn them or bring them back up. In this clip you can see him following someone who is falling attempting to save them, which he doesn't. He then flies over to me, sees that its me and caps me: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i11oXuaqfZV8llJcS/d1337PaVQRyD?invite=cr-MSw2bDksMTc2ODI3OTI5LA Here is the clip where I killed him after he dropped me, as you can see in the clip we are very close to the start of the parkour and it would've been just as easy to put me up there: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/i11dLKwTrFHeNzVgn/d1337kJNZLZZ?invite=cr-MSxyRTEsMTc2ODI3OTI5LA Here is screenshots of console showing that he took his own sit (he didn't even make a report) and of him doing things the correct way after I told him about it: https://imgur.com/a/U0q0jrZ
  4. Preatty dumb guy ngl

  5. I'm neutral on adding something like this, it could be useful for players day to day, however as many people before me have said it would be straying away from the vanilla feel. However something like this could be useful to implement into the apartments for hotel managers to use. So instead of having to run around the hotel they own they can use a computer at the front desk and add someone as an owner to the door, and remove them when they want to move out.
  6. how do u go from being a manager to building a nazi flag with props?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AlexConway



    3. Gabbox


      @IAreGunnerYou've never been on 1942 rp servers

    4. IAreGunner


      i actually have

  7. In-game name: DerpzaSteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:84936323Staff members in-game name: GamingCarrotStaff members SteamID (https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans) (/id (name): STEAM_0:1:93460670Date & Time of incident: 09/05/2024 2000 CESTTimezone: CESTBan Reason: RacismHow long were you banned for?: 2 weeksProof of Ban: I'm bannedWhat happened? (include any proof):I was building starting to build a nazi flag just to see someone's reaction to it, now I know that this is wrong and all, but the main basis to my appeal is that two different staff members walked up and laughed about it while I was building it and said nothing along the lines of asking me to stop, GamingCarrot walked up laughing asking me what I was doing, to which I replied "nothing" then he walked away and proceeded to spectate me. I know this was wrong, but I figured if either staff member had an issue with it, they would have told me to stop. The two different staff members walked up while I was building it and laughed about it, had I been asked to stop I would have. I was building it for shits and giggles since I was bored. I know that I 100% did something wrong, but two different staff members walked up while it was being built and laughed about it with me, so I believed that they chill with it. I would like to reiterate that had I been asked to stop I would've. There clearly was a miscommunication between Gamingcarrot and myself with that, we were fucking around earlier for example, I had Gamingcarrots name ingame for 20ish minutes without punishment, I had prop trapped him as well all in the name of having fun. We were just having fun fucking around. So when I was building it and he came around and laughed, I figured he was chill with it. In no way am I excusing my behavior, I would just like a second chance because had I been asked I would've stopped https://imgur.com/a/ZboOY9C This is an image of Gamingcarrot admitting he walked up laughing about it, and assumed that I knew what he meant when he said what are you doing (while giggling) I believe I was misled into believing they were okay with this and were going to let me build it and delete it after I got a reaction, there was no indication by either staff member that they were not okay with this. TLDR; I built a nazi flag, two staff members walked up while I was building it and laughed about it while it was clearly a nazi flag, then I got spectated whilst building it and got banned. I completely understand that I did something wrong, however I was under the assumption that the staff was ok with me doing this, as two different staff members laughed about it while I was building it, and there was no indication that they wanted me to stop, until I was pulled into a sit.
  8. It's time. I have had a lot of fun staffing with everyone and making tons of good friends. @Merk you will probably be the best director for DarkRP yet, you genuinely enjoy every part of DarkRP, and you have tons of good ideas in regards to staffing, and updates to the game. You will do great things as a Director. @xHydrax420x it was great being staff with you and watching you do better with each promotion (P.S im better at siege). @Danny_The_Dog keep doing great things, you know a lot of server and staff information, keep it up. @busterbignutYou went from some random VIP mod I kept hearing good things about, to being one of the best admins I have seen, you actually enjoy staffing and DarkRP in general, You have great potential within the staff team. @Gorditayou broke my heart first </3. @Rosiestill mad you didn't train me for staff when I first got here, you showed me a lot of the ropes for being staff and how to conduct myself within the staff team. Those are just some of the few people I have to thank for my time here in the staff team, it has been great fun and there were some stressful times, but in the end it was a blast. To all the newer admins, I have not had any issues with any of you, keep up the good work and make sure to have fun. A lot of staff get burnt out just doing staff stuff, make sure you have fun too. To the rest of the staff team, keep up the good work I have had very few issues with newer staff and those I had some issues with all fixed the small things they messed up. @AlexConway it was a pleasure to get to know you and work some DarkRP stuff out with you. @Nutter love the server you have created and look forward to all the updates you got planned. It's been fun y'all, I'll still be on the server every now and again, but not as staff. Feel free to ask me questions regarding staff if you need, I got all this useless information in my head.
  9. DENIED Unfortunately, after deliberation with the Darkrp Administration Team, we have decided to deny your Staff Application. This decision was made in part due to the following reasons: You did not thoroughly read the staff rules, you put very little effort into your two paragraphs, and at the time of applying you had 4 warnings indicating a lack of correct behavior on the server Thank you for the time and effort you put into your application. You may reapply in 72 hours.
  10. DENIED Unfortunately, after deliberation with the Darkrp Administration Team, we have decided to deny your Staff Application. This decision was made in part due to the following reasons; Based off of community interactions a lot of them have shown negative interactions, from your interview it was shown that you know the rules, but you are quick to fire back at people. If you are able to show a pattern of good behavior and interactions with people we would be willing to accept you upon reapplication Thank you for the time and effort you put into your application. You may reapply in 72 hours.
  11. DENIED Unfortunately, after deliberation with the Darkrp Administration Team, we have decided to deny your Staff Application. This decision was made in part due to your past history within the staff team, you were a good staff member until it came time that you wanted to resign, in which case you would just mass rdm. As well as other issues within the last month. We would love to see you back on the team, however we do need to see a pattern of good behavior Thank you for the time and effort you put into your application. You may reapply in 72 hours.
  12. ACCEPTED After deliberation with the Darkrp Administration Team, we have decided to accept your Staff Application. This is largely in-part to some, but not limited to, the below reasons: You were previous staff and have shown that you still have knowledge of the server rules and how the day to day activities run on here. Plus you have a great attitude for a staff member Welcome to the Darkrp Staff Team! We're looking forward to getting you trained and having you on board! Please do not use any commands/permissions until you have been trained, contact any HR member for training!
  13. +1 W mans, was a great staff member before, also here confirming referral
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