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Everything posted by NicholasBlades

  1. In-game name: JBM DEG LCPL 9714 Nicholas Age: 14 SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:89038141 Warns: 0 Timezone: GMT+1 Playtime?: Around 30-40h (cannot get on Garry's mod atm so I could not check) Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] YES Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] YES Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Gamemaster Aidan Past experiences as a Game Master: [Optional] None Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs] I am a very active person who does not have a big life outside of the online world except school, I can be on for most of the events(around 90%) to help out, I am very creative and can come up with ideas that someone has not thought of before, And I can be quite understanding and I always listen to higher Staff without a question(for minor exceptions) I love the players and wish to help them have more fun by creating and helping to create new events that might make them want to stick around a little longer. Ever since I have started playing on Garnet I always wanted to help create these unique events, Plus I can be on up to 11 hours if it is the right day(if I am not busy). It is up to you to decide if I am worthy enough. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: Not on Garnet but I have been banned and punished on other server brands like Atomic, etc most of them were for RDM, etc since it was DarkRP 99% of the time. How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Minimum 3-5 hours a day(if it is a school day) and a maximum of 7-14(if it is a weekend and I am not busy). In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: Gamemaster is responsible for not using their abilities to cause harm or abuse them. They are responsible for creating new and fun events including Off-Worlds, events inside of the map, and more, a Gamemaster is supposed to be serious most of the time and help out people like if someone has a problem and there is no staff on we should try to solve it or get staff on as quickly as possible. Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: I would bring a creative person who has no life except video games and school. I could help come up with brand new fun events that could make people happy or excited for the next one. And I can be very positive if It is not a bad day, If there is a bad day I am Usually quite down during them, and I am hoping to help you guys out with creating new events! Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: What If we instead of Recruit clones have a job called something like Clone Younglings like in the movies and comics, I have forgotten their names but it would be quite cool to see them on the server, If that does not sound good then we should have a separate Kid-Clone job which could be what you get after passing them test until you get try-outed for an actual battalion. Because in the era the server is in right now there was something called: Young Generation Clones, which were Clone Kids that were getting trained to be put into the Clone Armies. Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation] 1. Attempted assassination of Admiral Harry: In the middle of the night, a LAAT lands on the main base, but there were no LAATs reported to be still in the air. The Guards rushed at the LAAT with their guns drawn just to be shot dead by an unknown person, Yes person not a drone. Little did they know they were dealing with a Mandalorian assassin hired by an unknown person to assassinate Admiral Harry. The Mandalorian was not alone tho, he has brought some friends which were also Mandalorian but these were fresh recruits on their first mission. The point of this event is to stop a squad of 10 Mandalorians equipped with all sorts of equipment ranging from jetpacks, plasma casters, wrist rocket launchers, grenades, and so on from getting to NCC where Admiral Harry is being guarded by the CG and ARC. The real trouble for the Clones was that they were quite stealthy and already inside of the facility, who knows where they could be at? maby at the cafeteria, maby at the brig, maby even in the citadel or even hiding under a clones bed. Or who knows maybe they are disguised. 2. An unknown infected: It was a normal day for the Clones when out of a sudden Navy issued Situation 7(quarantine) and that the main hangar gate is locked, turns out a virus has begun to spread not a normal virus more like a brainwashing virus that forces the clones to act aggressively. The Virus was spread by a worm(If you watched the Clone Wars show you know what I am talking about) that has infected some clones who began to spread it further. The point of this event is to eliminate the infected and to make sure they do not get infected by eliminating the infected it also can bean administer an anti-virus-like a Jedi using the force to well force the worm out saving the clones life. There will also be research that needs to discover an Anti-Virus in the medbay, the thing is getting an infected alive there so they can study the worm. This would be one of the first events that include Situation 7 to be issued. 3. Saving Navy Crew Member: A Distress call is sent to the NCC, it turns out that a navy has crash-landed onto a planet with his guards on a planet full of separatist droids, who captured them sometime after the signal was sent out. The point of this event is to save the Crew Member before it is too late, the event would include obstacles that would need to be overcome which include: being ambushed by bandits who want to steal their supplies, separatists launching drop points to slow them down hopefully and even a separatist ship appearing dropping down multiple tanks and elite droids to try to get rid of them. This would also include saving civilian hostages from the separatist in several villages they will find. After defeating the separatists and saving the Navy Crew Member the clones would leave the planet after freeing its people from the droid's grasp. 4. Sad fate of a recruit squad: It was quite of a normal day for a recruit squad that just got accepted into the ranks of the Clones, little did they know this was their last day that will ever be normal. They were ambushed by several elite droids who jammed their communications and kidnapped them. Brainwashing them and implanting a kill-switch that would explode their heads when triggered, they were returned to the Clones being forced to say that they had some issues with the separatists and their communications acted up. They were sent to target newly acquired data that was stored within the base, the data contained some plans about attacking the separatist fleet, and their plans included going to some planets, setting up new FOB's or even building new cloning facilities. But they were found out sometime after being caught by an ARC member and then knocking him out, which was all seen by a squad of 104th who gave chase but lost them. The main hangar doors were closed, which rarely ever happens to stop them from getting out with the stolen data they have acquired. A fierce battle broke out before the recruits were captured and interrogated but little did they know the separatists had a plan for this, after realizing the recruits were busted they waited sometime before detonating the kill-switch which killed all the recruits within the squad that was brainwashed and in the interrogation room. But it was not done yet, The separatists launched an attack on the base, bringing elite battle droids and tanks to aid them in battle before calling in a ship to try to eliminate the Clones. Failing in their mission they aborted the mission and disappeared yet again to plan a new attack. 5. A Cry for help: The NCC received a report about the separatist having enslaved a community of Twi'lek species on a planet, they were dispatched to free the slaves and get rid of any droids there. But that was not the only thing they would find there, because amongst the trouble they found there was also something way harder to fight: It was a dark side member, wielding multiple lightsabers at once: General Grievous, They fought against him eventually wounding him but not killing him. Which caused him to successfully flee from the planet quickly after that the Separatists launched a giant attack on the Clones, over 50 drop pods and 6 tanks were deployed to fight the Clones in hope of not losing their slaves who were mining resources for them. It was a long fight that eventually ended when a fleet of the Galactic Republic's fighters and bombers zooming through the air launching an attack on the separatists while buying time for the Clones to destroy their base at the planet eventually destroying a Commando Droid Captain that was commanding all of the droids who were at the planet via a giant console. After eliminating him the Separatists started to flee the planet after losing a lot of troops hoping to save some of them so they can use their information for further conflicts.
  2. Lightsaber Hitboxes makes absolutely no sense, you can be in front of an enemy and it would take you 20 swings to land a single hit, can be annoying when fighting against a droid. So how about we make them work and have sense, I do not know how it can be changed but please just make it so it's not 1/100 that you are gonna hit an enemy.
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