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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


DarkRP Management Team
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Everything posted by Merk

  1. Denied Previous attempts at charity raffles on the server resulted in players charging back if they didn't win... Unfortunately, we can't have nice things on the internet. Thank you.
  2. Accepted This concept has been placed on the back burner of our development board for possible addition....at some point, maybe? It's a stretch okay. :^(
  3. Denied Instead we've added an interaction cooldown to printers, since players insisted upon using autoclickers/e-spam scripts to automate the printer farming process. :^( ______________________________ Thank you for the time & effort you put into your suggestion!
  4. Denied ______________________________ I feel as though, while the cinema owner and its capabilities could be explored a bit more.. adding an assistant would not benefit the role very much, for reasons stated above. Perhaps we can look into expanding the cinema job a bit in other ways though! ______________________________ Thank you for the time & effort you put into your suggestion!
  5. Merk

    Totem of Undying

    Denied ______________________________ The overwhelming community pushback speaks for itself.. allowing the higher/elite players to respawn after a user finally takes them down is a terrifying thought to me for some reason. :^( ______________________________ Thank you for the time & effort you put into your suggestion!
  6. Accepted ______________________________ We're working on making the rules a new popup which would show up for new players and be something staff could force upon players who are having trouble accessing the page and/or simply don't want to be bothered to. :^) ______________________________ Thank you for the time & effort you put into your suggestion!
  7. Accepted? ______________________________ The bank robber is a practically redundant class, yes, and as such perhaps he should be removed? or perhaps a change can be made to give him an edge over other classes attempting to rob the bank. This will be added to a list to be discussed for potential addition in a future update. ______________________________ Thank you for the time & effort you put into your suggestion!
  8. ACCEPTED ______________________________ This has been added to our development board for possible addition in a future update, thank you for your time! :^)
  9. Denied ______________________________ I feel as though the big white text on the center of your screen should sufficiently serve as notification that a warrant has been issued. Making it necessary for police to advert their raids would simply make it easier for players to only monitor chat to ensure their base is not at risk of being raided while they farm, such automation is not within our plan for the server. ______________________________ Thank you for the time & effort you put into your suggestion!
  10. Woohoo, forgot to mark this as ACCEPTED We have integrated the PM system from SWRP.
  11. Denied ______________________________ Hobos, by definition, are not intended to be on an equal playing field to normal civilians, hence the weapon restriction being added in the first place. A hobo is not intended to be a standard member of society, which means they should not have access to higher-end weapons; You could even go as far as saying that hobo is just a troll/fun job, whose purpose is to give the server a bit of lighthearted fun amidst the other roleplay classes we have. Giving hobos access to other weapons essentially violates the rolepaly logic of them being at the bottom of the food chain. I don't feel as though this is an issue that we should address at this moment in time. ______________________________ Thank you for the time & effort you put into your suggestion!
  12. ACCEPTED ______________________________ After much debate, we finally decided to accept this and have it added to our rulebook, gone are the days of being locked in a tight hallway and blasted to pieces by a point & click defender inside the base. ______________________________ Thank you for the time & effort you put into your suggestion!
  13. Denied ______________________________ I think this idea is terrific, except the fact that adding additional bank robber(s) would be worsening the fight against single-purpose classes, due to the fact that they literally would serve no purpose than to rob a bank which, lets be honest, does not fill up often enough to warrant having specific teams that have permission to rob it. I feel as though the bank robber class could stand to be removed as well, but that's a discussion I'll have with Garnet. ______________________________ Thank you for the time & effort you put into your suggestion!
  14. Explained perfectly by Conway here, if you see something, say something.
  15. Denied ______________________________ When considering vehicles, in any capacity, we must face certain questions and inevitable discussion which comes with the territory; For example, how would these collide, how could you fight a player who is currently mounted to one of these, how would this be used to fly through the world/props, how could this be abused to crash the server, and the list goes on. Additionally, I feel as though this may disrupt our vanilla environment, (yep, this argument again,) and take away from our population who just wants barebones DarkRP with a consistent playerbase. Overall, while it's creative and seems like a good thing, I feel it is just not something that would fit in with our current direction. ______________________________ Thank you for the time & effort you put into your suggestion!
  16. Merk


    Denied ______________________________ Unfortunately, as cool as this may be for a heavy-modded darkrp, soldier/pirate classes might be a bit of a stretch to our vanilla environment, and have little functionality considering the current roleplay capabilities of our playerbase. Perhaps if/when we get our sailor class addded, it may appease your desire for a water-bound job-role, and could be explored further from there.. Until then, this will be denied. ______________________________ Thank you for the time & effort you put into your suggestion!
  17. Denied ______________________________ I do not feel as though this should be classified as scamming, as currently, our rules state that scamming is an event in which a promised exchange is not carried out. Stealing money unrightfully is already considered as failrp, (whether it be as part of an invalid raid or just taking cash without an /advert steal..Most staff members will allow the victim to reduce/drop the charges in exchange for their precious roleplay cash, but we do not heighten the punishment on someone for not returning the cash they've stolen. I feel like a rule like this would be difficult to enforce, and even harder to determine if the victim doesn't know the exact amount of cash taken. At the end of the day, this seems like a complicated endeavor for our staff when handling such situations, and should probably be avoided. ______________________________ Thank you for the time & effort you put into your suggestion!
  18. Denied ______________________________ Due to the immense pushback here on your post, and my personal hesitation to allow players to spawn anything which can allow another player to attach to it...your suggestion will be denied. Seems like a fun little addition on paper, but in practice, we both know what would happen. :^) ______________________________ Thank you for the time & effort you put into your suggestion!
  19. Due to this post being dead for some time, I will take this issue into my hands and keep this my list of bugs to monitor. Accepted, as we will check back on this next time we are able to reproduce it, and fix it accordingly.
  20. Merk

    Number the Rules

    Denied ______________________________ Numbering the rules seems to be a good idea on paper, even I supported it at first, but a point was brought up to me that, if we number the rules, more than likely, staff will refer to the rules by their numbers and expect players (new and old,) to go look that rule up. While it would be easier to find, I feel as though referencing rules by their number rather than their content will only cause additional confusion, due to staff not fully explaining the rule in its proper context. ______________________________ Thank you for the time & effort you put into your suggestion!
  21. Denied ______________________________ A hobo's whole existence revolves around annoying people and getting in the way, I would hardly expect them not to irritate the mob boss into placing hits on hobos to get them out of the way. Maybe they know too much? Bottom line is, I don't see this as a necessary change and the community feedback here seems to concur with this idea. ______________________________ Thank you for the time & effort you put into your suggestion!
  22. The job resume script only works for infinite-slot jobs, @1998Corolla @Monkey_withagun (As we don't want someone to be like, spiderman and infinitely hold onto the 1 slot) The reason you guys are set to hobo is because it's likely the only infinite slot job you use or have used. (Examples are citizen, hobo, bloodz/crips member, deliveryman, chef.) Even if the most recent job you used wasn't infinite, the server will remember the most recently used infinite class and set you to that. But anyway, awesome work Garnet. :^) The crab is finally over. (one day my phone autocorrected "crash" into "crab" and Garnet, Conway, and Harus called crashes "crab"(s) for the next 3 weeks.
  23. DarkRP Staff Roster Month of March, 2024 ______________________________________________________ MVPs GamingCarrot - Administrator (430 Points Earned!) Orion -> Lead Moderator (404 Points Earned!) Versa -> Lead Moderator (319 Points Earned! | DOUBLE PROMO) _____________________________________ Promotions BusterBigNut -> Lead Administrator | 99 Points Errol -> Administrator | Human Resources Director | 138 Points DONTTOUCHMYFROG87 -> Trial Administrator | 316 Points! Orion8559 -> Lead Moderator | 404 Points! (MVP) CreativeStageName -> Lead Moderator | 117 Points! Sam Nella -> Senior Moderator | 139 Points! Sebbelebb -> Senior Moderator | 90 Points! Silasq -> Senior Moderator | 78 Points! versa -> Lead Moderator | 319 (MVP | DOUBLE PROMOTION) Jerionslot -> Senior Moderator | 109 Points! Jonnyflame -> Senior Moderator | 139 Points! Baiter -> Moderator | 120 Points! Schyzo -> Moderator | 135 Points! doodledoo -> Moderator | 180 Points! _____________________________________ Extended Terms Garnet - Owner Conway - Community Director Merk - DarkRP Director Dmoney824 - Senior Admin | Operators (LOA) Danny The Dog - Senioradmin (27 Points) | Operators ReallyJustChillin - Senioradmin (20 Points) | Operators (LOA) Chawhead - Admin (46 Points) | Operators Division Director Oyasumi German - Senioradmin (178 Points) | Human Resources Assistant Director FireHazard - Admin | Human Resources Gamingcarrot - Admin (430 Points) | GameMasters Division Director (MVP) StarPhantom - Admin (53 Points) | GameMasters Assistant Director hooboododo - Admin (4 Points) | GameMasters brande - Trialadmin (14 Points) | GameMasters (LOA) Lika ❆ - Trialadmin (68 Points) | GameMasters IND4GR0V3 - Trialadmin (41 Points) ChrisRid - Trialadmin (13 Points) | Operators Assistant Director WohMi - Lead Moderator (43 Points) Enzorimasson - Seniormoderator (LOA) PiesAreCool - Seniormoderator (96 Points) | Human Resources MICROWAVE - Seniormoderator (58 Points) coco - Moderator (23 Points) (LOA) GARBAGE - Moderator (49 Points) Toleration - Moderator (15 points) | GameMasters Pyrops - Moderator (LOA) WaffleCheeseCake - VIP Moderator purptig - VIP Moderator Camp [CKY] A7X - VIP Moderator (LOA) Sylex22 - VIP Moderator FreakyFrankie - VIP Moderator (LOA) apheirus_ - VIP Moderator (LOA) ReddRecon - VIP Moderator (33 Points) mrjohnweak - Trialmoderator (13 Points) lemegetuhmufuckinuhh - Trialmoderator (13 Points) monkeeboi36 - trialmoderator (89 Points) _____________________________________ Resignations & Removals D Small - VIP Moderator (Not enough activity to avoid demotion) Tjizzle - Moderator (Not enough activity to avoid demotion) IAreGunner - VIP Moderator (Not enough activity to avoid demotion) Danny The Dog - Admin (Not enough activity to avoid demotion) Leafy - VIP (Not enough activity to avoid demotion) CZARFACE - VIP jeff jeffries - VIP (Resigned) tadtad31™ - VIP (Resigned) NotDeadPool - VIP (Resigned) Chicaa21 - VIP (Resigned) j3latine - VIP Empty - VIP A bit of a slow month compared to the last few, but we made great strides as always. Welcome our new Executive, BusterBigNut, and our new Division Leadership. Congratulations to all who were promoted, looking forward to a much more productive month in May.
  24. I've always considered it automatically implied that the radio was included in this rule, but as with many things on darkrp, people seem to need everything specified.. So that can be done then. Additionally, as far as mods "blowing up the radios" to solve the problem, I think we can drop the job-ban command down to Admin or Trial Admin and use that to combat these issues. TL;DR - Accepted? Kinda?
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