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Posts posted by Carnage

  1. 11 minutes ago, Fonza said:

    The interactions I’ve had with you have been very frustrating and toxic. If I ended up with you handling my staff sit, I wouldn’t feel confident as you once tried to get me warned for “Non-Mal RDM”.

    If i remember correctly, you were both going after each others throats trying to get the other warned/banned. Kole is a very smart officer and can be very versatile in his efforts, im sure if someone brought him aside and told him how to better himself in a polite way he would.

    After reading through this app, I am giving a +1 due to the fact that I know him very well, and he is a chill person unless he gets heated, which we all do.

    • Dumb/Shitpost 2
    • Agree 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Zombiekilla said:

    Sir if I had the resources required I would absolutely do my best to make it run smoothly sir  

    I believe we could get Airborne in game, we could find someone to control it like a SOC COL, but they would have to know its on thin ice. Idea gets my +1

  3. On 8/21/2022 at 7:28 PM, KennethSlick said:

    In-game name:

    Kenneth Slick

    Age [minimum 15 y/o]:


    SteamID (https://steamid.io/):





    NA (EST)

    Playtime? [minimum 100 hours, use /playtime in-game]:


    Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO]


    Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: [YES/NO]


    Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?]


    Past experiences as staff: [Optional]

    I have been a senior staff member for multiple servers, some of which have fallen off and died, but one of which is still a prominent SCP-RP server today. In addition to those experiences, I have been a staff member for a SWRP server that had high expectations. 

    How do you plan on benefiting our server? [minimum 2 paragraphs]

    As it stands within the community, I am wishing to become a member to help better the community and make everyone's experience more enjoyable. Although I have never done much on the forms, I consider myself to be a great person in-game, trying to be a role model and to help others out when I can. I am active on the server and plan on using my time to help the community members that need help, whether that is as major as RDM or tedious like teleporting for sims. I see all situations as important and want to become a member that is seen in a positive light that can always be relied on to help when needed, no matter who you are or what you need. 

    With this given role, I will benefit the server greatly by being an upstanding role model, ready to support, answer, inquire, or deal with any question, comment or desire that comes to my attention. I understand what needs to be done due to my heavily regarded background of being staff and will work with others to be able to support those who need help. I understand how to communicate with those around me, asking for help with situations, educating others when it comes to it and being one that can reliably give information in a well suited manner. With all this, in the end, I hope to benefit the server with all that it is, supporting its drive with community outreach and helping keep order and balance with all the people within it. 


    Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, Include details


    Have you made any previous applications, If so when?:


    How much time do you have to contribute to the role?:

    I have been playing consistently at 2 hours or more a day. I see myself giving around that amount of time on weekdays and much more on weekends. I really enjoy just playing on the server, including downtime so I will be on a lot to help out when needed and requested for. 

    While I have only seen you in-game a handful of times, the fact that you have 500 hours and no warns shows your competency for RP servers. I think you will make a good addition to staff, if this fails you should probably get to know the community more, other than that this gets my vote because of the paragraphs being fair, keep up the activity! +1

    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, Kurtle said:


    This was honestly a great attempt, and I almost +1'd due to the amount of effort you put in. The reason for my -1 comes from the fact that you conveniently deleted and forgot the fact that you need 2 paragraphs, coupled with a few different grammatical and spelling issues. If you put a little bit more effort in next time I'm sure you will be considered heavily for the position!

    yeah im gonna -1 as well, need to have the full format, also just download medal, you can clip the past and record.

  5. Please do not do the render fog again, it is annoying and a lot of the people ive talked to about it only wanted it because of sniping, echo is a very basic and open map with 3 lanes really, so sniping is pretty easy if you have good positioning.

    • Disagree 6
    • Agree 1
  6. On 8/10/2022 at 1:20 AM, BubbaGump said:

    In-game name: BubbaGump
    Age [minimum 15 y/o]: 25
    SteamID (https://steamid.io/):  
    Warns: 0
    Timezone: PST
     [minimum 100 hours, use /playtime in-game]: 1612:56
    Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: 
    [YES/NO] YES
    Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: [YES/NO] YES
    Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Late
    Past experiences as staff: [Optional] I was a S.Mod in a DarkRP server like 3years ago  and a Mod on a MRP Server for like 3months before the server fell apart due to owner
    How do you plan on benefiting our server? 
    i just want to make sure everyone is having a great time and having fun playing on the server. i will do so by watching out for MRDM,RDM,Mingey Behavior, anyone FailRPing, basically anyone who is making it miserable for the players who want to stay on the server and enjoy their time. Theres been a few times that im on and theres no staff to take care of RDMers and have had people leave because of it. so i really want to be able to help get rid of these nasty, mean, no good, A**holes.  Honestly thats what they are, they just suck the fun out of it and thats just not fair. i want to actually be able to do something and benefit the server.  Also i'd love to help out when it comes to Tryouts. I've notcied and have had it happen to my tryouts, that when doing Sims, sometimes the players having to run back get killed and if the Sims is far from base it makes the tryout take longer. So i'd love to be able to make tryouts more efficent and easier on officers, and that goes for both sides US/AFG.  Eventually as i cllimb the ranks of staff i can also help out with setting jobs for Tryouts because late night there doesnt seem to be really anyone on who can. 

    I am mainly on at night but on the weekends im on during the afternoon. Alot of the time late at night theres a good amount of RDMers and just Mingy F*cks, and most of that time theres no staff on so it would be nice to take care of that. what it really comes down to is, im here to help the server, to help the existing amazing Staff, to help players learn how to play the server better and most of all im here to help the server continue to thrive. I love being on the server and seeing returning players and i just want to make sure that continues to happy. i dont like when no ones having a good time, afterall this is a game and its ment to be fun. I would be a great benefit to the Staff team and im sure of it. i havent broken any rules, im very fair when it comes to punishments and i always listen to both sides of the story. i dont abuse my powers as a 11A officer, so i dont plan on ever abusing my powers of Staff. Like i said before, everyone deserves to have fun and play the game without worrying about being bullied or RDM multiple times. i understand you cant prevent MRDM/RDM but i want to be able to stop it as soon as its happening so it doesnt drag on anf make good players leave. im very dedicated to this server and i want other players to want to come back on THIS server, not some other shit MRP server. GG MRP is life. 

    I am BubbaGump and i approve this Message.

    Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, Include details No
    Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: No
    How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: i Plan to contribute as much time as i can, i want to help the server out and get rid of all the minges/MassRDMers to make sure everyone is enjoying the server. i am mainly on at night between 9pm-12am during my work days, on my days off im on in afternoons. i will always be watching for Rule breakers

    +1, i have seen you as a senior officer my entire time playing, and every time you are on it is later at night, i hope you do well as a staff member!

  7. In-game name: 11A MAJ Caleb Dare
    Age: 17
    SteamID (https://steamid.io/):STEAM_0:1:23570073, http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198007405875
    Warns: 0
    Time zone: EST
    Playtime? [minimum 100 hours, use /playtime in-game]:236:25:49.
    Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: YES
    Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: YES
    Referral(s): HUNTINGGUY
    Past experiences as staff: I have no past Garry's Mod server staff experiences, although I do have past experience being a mod for multiple discord servers
    How do you plan on benefiting our server? I plan on helping the server by gaining experience through watching the other staff and learning from them so I can put in my work from this knowledge. I would be learning how to take sits from the other staff members calmly and effectively, making sure that the new players know the rules. Usually, when I am online for the first portion of my time, the staff are all AFK. Recently there was about five staff online, and all of them were either ragdolls or just AFK.
    I plan to be as active as I can throughout my daily life and help moderate the server's blind spot. I also wish to help out our staff members who have been working to keep the server running. I want to help people who don't know the rules first and foremost, as they can be a liability and may cause injury to our server and community. I know most of the rules as I have read through them on my own time, and I think I would do well in this position.
    Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, Include details: No, I have never been banned or kicked.
    Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: I have not made any other applications.
    How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Unless school is in I usually have all day, and as I am homeschooled I can usually get done earlier than most.

  8. On 6/5/2022 at 5:54 AM, SirSmity said:

    After talking amongst staff about a possible ROE change it would be best to ask the community also. 

    Current ROE :

    Ist: Do not shoot unless fired upon. Only applies outside of war. Does not apply if you're on someone else's claim.

    2nd: You may shoot anyone with explosives in their hands.

    Proposed ROE:

    US KOS Taliban with a weapon out. Unless its on a claimed Area.

    AFG KOS any US outside of base and not in a claimed area.

    Quickswapping will be enforced. 

    With the the current POP of the server I have noticed and also what others have noticed is that newer players leave the server during peacetime when nothing is happening. With the proposed ROE change it would bring more players to the Taliban cause they have more freedom of what they want to do but also give players on both sides reasons to leave the base. I made a list in our staff discord of what they would think of a possible ROE change. 

    Tali numbers would go up substantially as they would get more freedom to do whatever they want unless its a claim/base. 
    Players when they join they want to kill people once they figure out they have a gun. 
    This would allow people to kill other people and have a sense of realism on both sides. 
    It would give a purpose of patroling spots on the map and have the chance of being ambushed and a sense of an actual MilRP scenario.
    People can act like civilians on the map instead of switching to the civ class. 
    Making sure there is no chances of raids and being able to prevent them from raiding DB's before they get into the base.

    People would get killed outside of base. 
    Will be hectic in sits possibly but we use logs to figure out most situations.

    Obviously there are more pros as this is something I mentioned awhile ago to staff so there is bias here so I'm asking for your help on possible pros or cons that I haven't listed and how you guys think it would take affect. 

    +1 sounds good

  9. On 5/25/2022 at 12:55 AM, Desires said:

    Description: A remake of my previous suggestion to 19K/tanks. This suggestion proposes that tanks be used for GM use to see where the future of armory can go, this suggestion DOES NOT IMPLY that everyone will have access to tanks or anything alike. This suggestion is solely for the purpose of introducing tanks to the server to see how far they can be used by staff/GM's for events or during peace time. The tanks proposing to be introduced would be a variant of the M1 Abrams and a variant of the Russian T-Models, this assures equal add on for both US and Taliban sides. The idea is to have the tanks be used as a strategic variable to any event and a big obstacle for any side to overcome with maybe some sort of Anti Tank weapon this would possibly also mean that I would propose a new launcher to be put in that would tank 3 shots to destroy a tank or if not then a rework of the already implemented explosive weapons. These Anti tank weapons could also be GM use only to spawn in for when foreshadowing that a tank could be a possible foe during an event again assigned to a select trusted few.

    Reasoning: Since a lot of traffic is slowed down during peace time having something new and fun to use for events hosted by GM's would allow us to entertain more players and allow us to grow a bigger player base. Since the tanks will be solely for GM use only, players would have to pass a Delta Force difficult certification tryout to even be considered to use such a vehicle. Having two safe walls, first needing a GM and second needing to be certified by a 19A officer hosting a very difficult tryout will allow 0 minges to have access to tanks. Also since the tanks would be used during events they would also be watched by someone who could instantly remove the vehicle as well. Giving something cool and interesting for players to use or interact/fight with/against could promote more traffic and thus a better player base for MilRP to run off. Allow us to further improve the server! 🙂

    Additional Information: All the tanks steam info and more information on my previous suggestion is here CLICK HERE


    Credit to Scrimmy Bingus 


    credit to Scrimmy Bingus

    +1 i think this would be a good test trial, might be a good use of time, 


    -SGM Caleb

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