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Everything posted by Shizzle

  1. Said what I needed to in the dc, love you man stay safe
  2. Bye payphone , maybe we can enjoy cellphone
  3. Changing to -1, staff is something that requires patience and can be infuriating. This is a red flag for me and I would give it some time before applying.
  4. I am blow up my computer if I dont have one of those seasonal hats
  5. -1 it can still be abused sorry
  6. -1 garnet needs cat money from your incompetence
  7. Ofc you arnt going to 1 man army this dude, mayor got one of these on his team and it is a gang raid now.
  8. Ain’t no one gonna grind prestige 3 just to mrdm lmao
  9. Shizzle

    pd raid rules

    -1 i like nerve gassing cops for no reason, plus it adds some edge to being mayor as some already last for hours.
  10. Neutral I’m ok with muting them while in jail so they can’t socialize.
  11. Neutral i agree but nutter has his reasons
  12. You can Alr get pretty close with full perks, I’m ok with prestige 3 Maybe just the combine elite would be cool, I didn’t really think about player model as I wanted to see what garnet would come up with for that.
  13. Description: I’m kinda piggy backing off of what jaz said and we should make a COP with like 1k health and an LMG but he is like crouch speed walking. Reasoning: extra classes Additional Information: level 80 unlocks him
  14. +1 clone trooper look very gaming
  15. I am so sorry to hear : ( i hope the little dude is gonna pull through. I am unable to donate but if I could I would give you every dollar I had to be sure your surgery was covered. If you need anything else other than money I can (maybe) help.
  16. Congrats to the mvp‘s. PS, you were right @Chawhead
  17. -1 prevents people from spawning blacklisted items.
  18. +1 he had my rec but I guess it got lost in translation. Super nice, read the rules before even considering staff, willing to help and learn. Dare I say we may have a soon-to-be manager on our hands. Yes her playtime is a little low but he more than makes up for it in maturity and Readiness for staff. GL Edit: nvm she added me
  19. Sorry to hear man hmu on discord my dm’s are always open (The shizball#1767)
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