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StarWarsRP Management Team
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Everything posted by Splicer_

  1. -1 Due to the way you answered the questions I cannot give a good commendation. You seem to have a creative mind but just failed to answer the questions adequately enough for my approval.
  2. +1 Solid application and I've had nothing but good interactions with you.
  3. +1 Confirming referral, dude is a nerd and I see him doing great things as a GM.
  4. Splicer_

    Fetn GM app

    +1 Confirming Referral Fetn would be an amazing fit for the GM Team.
  5. In-game name: Splicer/Navaran Age: 18 SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:593195590 Warns: 0 Timezone: PST Playtime?: 140 days Do you have access to a microphone?: [YES/NO] Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] Yes Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Past experiences as a Game Master: Previous Senior Admin and was a Senior Gamemaster way before that Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs] I believe that I should be chosen due to my previous experiences, long play time, and knowledge of the server. I joined this server over 2 years ago and played it consistently before resigning in April. I joined back a month later before leaving once again due to time constraints and other reasons. Admittingly I left without much thought and much care. I was no longer enjoying the server so I simply said my goodbye and left all the discords. However after a much needed break I feel refreshed and my love for the server ignited. I see it only fitting that I return to the staff team so I can begin contributing to the server again. I plan to focus on campaign events and hosting off worlds with risk. My events will be focused on RP and decision making. If the players make a decision then there will be actual consequences and punishments. Oh CT 5228 Dickass shot a hostage, well have fun defending your actions in court. CPT 2957 Assdick wants to try to 1v1 a sith, well when they get impaled on a saber they can enjoy sitting through Med RP or take an NPK. I want my events to actually be engaging and make players use their brain instead of turning auto pilot on and shooting endless pods. I will make sure that they are aware of the possible consequences in a proper way so it’s not just sprung on them, but I personally am bored of the de-evolution that we the playerbase have gone through. Also I know I sound harsh in my previous sentences but let me make it clear, every situation will be completely fair and it’s not my goal to NPK/Punish players. I still want my events to be fun, however I’ll also be incorporating risky scenarios every so often. That way every mission feels at least a little difference Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: Nope How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Hopefully 2 off-worlds a week with a few batt trainings and on-worlds sprinkled around. In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: To create an enjoyable and fun RP environment for the players using their GM tools and minds. Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: My events will allow for more freedom and RP decisions from the players. They will make their own choices and the outcome of the situation will depend on their decision. Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: My events will have multiple possible outcomes depending on the decisions made by the players. In every event they could fail or succeed through different ways. I will not push them in any direction and will let them fail or succeed in their own way. This will require a lot of improvising but I believe that I’m capable of such. Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: (Note this is a revised version of a campaign that I made ~2 years ago at 2AM, so it might not make sense on some parts. If I actually use this idea it’ll %100 be modified a bit more, consider this a rough draft since I can’t be bothered reading it over anymore) Event number 1 A Dark Side Acolyte accompanied by a TX droid infiltrates crystal caves and begins mining kyber crystals. As a distraction, drop pods and a muni bombard the base with everything they have. The Jedi investigate the caves while everyone else holds down the base. The Jedi kill the BX’s positioned at the entrance of caves before clearing the caves. The Acolyte uses force cloak to slip past them and force leaps into the Muni before escaping. Using the dead TX Droid the 34th extracts information and sends it to Fleet. After Fleet deciphers the information they send the 34th on a mission to a snowy planet that the Muni supposedly fled to. The 34th touches down on the planet and begins searching for the Acolyte. In a nearby cave the Acolyte is found and after another skirmish with the Jedi they flee the planet again. After searching through a few consoles 34th found files talking about ‘Project Zephyr.’ Event 2 After sifting through all the information, Fleet is able to find the location of a FOB that the Acolyte should reside at. After a holotable call, the 34th sets off to Tattoowine. Upon landing they are forced to fight through a large army of the CIS before finding the Acolyte amongst the battle droids. The cowardly Acolyte and the Jedi have a little skirmish before the Acolyte once again runs away and leaves the planet. However due to the rush to get off planet some crucial information is left behind. This includes a data pad with a message from the Acolyte’s Master, Valkyr. Valkyr lets it leak that they’re transferring weapon components to the planet of [TBD]. Once again the information is sent to fleet and the 34th returns home. Fleet tells them to await further orders, after all, they don’t want to just rush into what could be a trap. Event 3 After running recon on the planet, Fleet confirms CIS presence and gives the 34th the order to attack the FOB. The 34th landed on the planet and set up a FOB of their own before moving towards the base. Soon an all out battle commences as the 34th fights countless waves of CIS droids. They make it to a bunker and blow open the front door. Once inside they fight through even more droids and eventually discover the Acolyte behind a rayshield. The rayshield is forced open and now the Acolyte has nowhere to run.(If you actually read this far I’ll give you a cookie) Despite being very outnumbered they take the fight and fall in battle. On the Acolyte’s comms device, their master can be heard swearing vengeance for his fallen Acolyte. The 34th discovered ‘Project Zephyr’ is a weapon and even discovered some blueprints. Event 4 Valkyr isn’t happy with the death of his former Acolyte. He hires the Mandalorian Clan Equi to help with his revenge. 4 Clan Equi members are sent to Anaxes to cause some trouble, but also to lure the battlegroup into a trap on planet [TBD]. They do this by leaving a datapad that confirms Valkyr’s presence on the planet. The 34th see this as a way to stop Valkyr early and after a call with Fleet they are given the order. Upon arriving on the planet they are met with resistance. They fight through the droids before once again finding themselves at a bunker. They brute force their way into the bunker before being met…. With nothing. The bunker is completely empty, but as they finish clearing it, a Muni jumps into position above the base. This isn’t just any normal Muni however, it holds the first prototype for Valkyrs super weapon. The 34th are pinned in the bunker as they are met with an endless stream of turbo lasers, pods, and toxic bombs while the weapon charges. The 34th contacts the Fleet and requests support. Thankfully the Fleet are quick to respond and the prototype is no match for the firepower of a Republic Fleet. The 34th are quickly evacuated and returned home. They now have no leads and Valkyr can be anywhere testing his new prototype. Event 5 The Finale. It's just an average day at Anaxes. That's until they 34th receive an urgent message from the fleet. A nearby planet was recently hit by what appears to be a weapon believed to be Zephyr . It’s destructive capability is small in range but it’s discovered that the weapon is biological. A swamp village was turned radioactive and its inhabitants were turned into a zombie-like creature. Now that the radioactive levels have stabilized the 34th are sent to investigate and take samples(Clones and 1 Navy only since it's still very dangerous). Upon arriving it seems eerily quiet, only the water and destroyed wildlife surround the FOB, and the previous villagers and nowhere to be found. The 34th set out to find what happened to the zombies that Fleet scanned 7 days ago. Ever since the weapon struck the swamp has been foggy, making it impossible for any planetary scans. Upon setting out on foot the 34th are engaged by CIS and in the thick of the fog a red blade begins cutting clones down. Valkyr and his gang of Clan Equi Mandos have begun their own survey of their weapon, and have begun engaging the 34th. The ground forces immediately pull back and request more supplies to handle such a threat. Valkyr decides to have his fun with the battlegroup and releases his test subjects on the FOB. The 34th now have to fend off zombies and the Clan Equi members while Fleet works on getting supplies to them. Valkyr retreats to his bunker as a strong force presence seems to be arriving with the supplies. Supplies arrive along with the 34th’s Jedi who were not originally sent on the mission due to it being too high risk. After clearing out the zombies they advance towards the dark sense of Valkyr. They push down the bunker and the Jedi engage the strong Sith. After a short skirmish the Sith Lord retreats to an observation room and releases gas into the room. When the gas clears the Sith Lord appears zombified and a lot stronger. A much longer battle ensues and ends when the antidote is injected into the Sith Lord, or when the Jedi duel the suped up Sith to death. The battlegroup leaves all information for Fleet who promptly send a clean up team to wipe any information about the weapon.
  6. Confirming referral, you've done great work even achieving Officer of the Month. Can't wait to see what you're able to get done with GM. +1
  7. Very proud of the staff team as always. Great work everyone and congrats to those who got promoted. (Theos and Jotaro can no longer slay me yippee)
  8. I've interacted with you a good bit in 327th comms. You're active, have good ideas for events, and haven't caused any problems that I know of. Hope to see you hosting events soon +1
  9. I haven't interacted a lot with you but I've never heard anything bad about you. Your events are very in-depth and well thought out. Would love to see you on the GM team +1
  10. Guildie has been active and has done well in Jedi, plus has some good ideas for events +1
  11. Confirming referral. Fetn is an active, well-mannered player and wrote a really good app +1.
  12. Another amazing month and a great start to the year. Can't wait to see what else we can accomplish this year.
  13. Another great month and an amazing looking staff roster. Very proud of this community and team.
  14. Splicer_

    ANGY's Ban appeal

    -1 Not much thought went into this, plus you weren't really a contributing member of the community before the ban.
  15. +1 I haven't had any notable experiences with Kennedy. However, their application is well-written and I believe they'd be a great addition to the Mod team.
  16. +1 I have interacted with Anor through Jedi and they seem like a cool person. The application is nicely structured and event ideas seem interesting.
  17. +1 Eli is an absolute goat, would love to see him back on the staff team.
  18. In-game name: Splicer / Master of the Order Mace Windu Age: 17 SteamID (https://steamid.io/) : STEAM_0:0:593195590 Warns: 0 Timezone: PDT Playtime?: Master of the Order Mace Windu has played for 1749:54:11. Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: Yes Referral(s): n/a Past experiences as staff: Currently a battalion GM and previously a S.GM for GG. Why should we choose you over other applicants?: My oldest discord message dates to 07/02/22, meaning I have played this server for 302 days. I have been around for the ups and downs, sticking to the server through it all. Throughout my time as a player, I have made mistakes and have grown from them. So it is now time that I use all of my experience to benefit the server in any way I can. After thinking about it for quite a long time, I think that the Mod Team would be the best place to start. I believe I should be chosen due to my long playtime and loyalty to the server. I plan on climbing the ranks as high as I can. Hopefully, I can make my way to admin and really start helping maintain the server and have a say in changes. I have a solid amount of experience in all fields the server has to offer. My previous positions are, 327th CO, Navy SLT, 19AW SGT, CENG, and SCMO. Through these positions, I have learned a lot about the players of the server. I believe this will help me whenever I take a sit or need to de-escalate a situation. As a Moderator, I want to make ensure that the server is fun and fair to every player. I want to admit to a few things though. In Navy, I made a lot of mistakes and ended up getting demoted before I resigned. I wasn’t ready for a serious position back then. However, I believe that I have shown a lot of growth in my maturity on the server since that time. I would also like to own up to a mistake I made back when I was a GM. Two of my friends and I resigned because we didn’t appreciate the direction the GM team was taking. There was a lot of drama and we didn’t deal with it appropriately. I have had a long time to think about my actions and grow from them. I have also made amends with all the people that were involved. So I hope that after reading all of this I have convinced you why I should be chosen. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server?: I think I have a warning on some other SWRP that I can’t remember, but I have never been banned on any server. Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: This is my first Mod application. How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: I have a lot of time to contribute, I am very active on the server and almost always available on Discord. If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod?: For activities I occasionally ride dirt bikes and go fishing. For hobbies, I mostly just play games and listen to music. Did you read the staff rules?: Splicer
  19. +1 Shini would be a great addition to the Mod team.
  20. Confirming referral +1 , Amadeus is a great member of the community and can do great things as staff.
  21. In-game name: Splicer Age: 16 SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:593195590 Warns: 0 Timezone: Pacific Daylight Time Playtime?: 417 hours Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES] Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES] Referral(s): None Past experiences as a Game Master: None Why should we choose you over other applicants? I believe I should be chosen due to the amount of time I could dedicate to it. Recently I’ve found the server getting progressively more boring. A lot of down time between events and I find myself not even being interested in the events. If I am chosen I plan on heavily decreasing the downtime between events. I don’t mean just doing event after event. I simply plan on doing smaller events between events. Like sims, and patrols. Like I’ll have a republic pilot crash on the planet. Medics will have to heal him while engineers will have to repair his ship. I plan on thoroughly planning out my events before doing them. I also plan on actually going out of my way to get event feedback. As well as reaching out to groups of people to see what they want to see in events. I’d probably do this by making a google form and sending it to battalion COs and asking them to share it with their battalion. While also making different ones for the different certifications like EOD, ENG, and MED. This way I can take a look at how all the players feel about events and what I could do to make sure that they continue enjoying them. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server?: I have not been banned or punished on any server How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: I could easily contribute 4 hours a day to the role In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: A gamemaster has the responsibility of helping players out when needed. This includes, but is not limited to, tryouts, certification, and training. I believe they also have the responsibility of creating a fun and enjoyable environment for the players of the server. This is done by making events for the players to enjoy. Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: I plan on incorporating many different things to my events in order to add a lot more room for RP. Like if a vehicle is damaged I might have them pull back and be properly repaired by engineers. I would also not make players do /roll and stupid stuff. Like if engineers are taking off a panel I'm not going to make them roll for it. However if it's something actually serious then I will have them roll. I believe this will actually improve quality of life and wont make certain rp scenarios irritating if luck isn’t on your side. Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: I plan opening more EC slots in my events. When you read my event list you’ll read about an event where a riot is taking place. I plan on letting upwards of 10 players become rioters. Sometimes people need a break from being a clone 24/7, and letting them be ECs could skyrocket their enjoyment of an event. From what I’ve seen GMs mostly only let other GMs be ECs. However, opening a few slots for the players could as I said earlier, skyrocket enjoyment. Especially if it’s just a small goofy character where they don’t have to be as serious as they have to be in their clone life. Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: (Truthfully I am not good at writing out events, or writing in general. I’ve never really been good at putting ideas into words so I hope you can take that into consideration.) Trouble at Coruscant Recently in Coruscant a lot of riots have been happening. A lot of citizens are mad at the Republic and have begun taking their anger out on by protesting outside of many senators homes. Well it gets taken too far when a senator is killed while inside his own home. The protesters hear about this and immediately target his house as their next place of interest. They want his body burned and they want to harass the republic detectives that are trying to solve his murder. The 34th is sent in order to control the protest and assist in solving the murder. This will be a more rp focused event. I’ll have a few players be random rioters and throw them into a crowd. This will be a more relaxed and fun event opposed to just endless fighting. The clones will have to calm the crowd while others investigate the crime scene and question citizens. Off to Kamino Emergency at Kamino The CIS are once again attacking Kamino. Yet another attempt to slow down clone production, obviously we can’t just let that happen. The Navy gets a call from the fleet, the 34th is to be sent to defend Kamino. Unfortunately the CIS have had quite an amount of time to fortify their defenses and the fight won’t be easy. Troopers will have to clear every building and capture zones in order to retake Kamino. It just so happens that there is a very important republic scientist that has been taken hostage. As the rest of the troopers retake the base, hostage negotiations specialists will have to negotiate for the life of the scientist. Not too much for notes on this event. Medics will have multiple EC clones that were injured while defending. Smaller vehicles could be given depending on how many players each batt has. Just another day The event would start off as a normal base attack. Then suddenly high powered bombs would strike the base, leaving quite the impact, as well as toxic gas. CIS Scientist Bruce has been wanting to test his new biological weapons. After 3 bombs, Cairo, Aux, and MHB would be damaged and gas would consume the places. Any clone exposed to the gas would quickly notice their armor is being corroded and wouldn’t last long. Medics would have to take care of clones that have been exposed to the gas. The engineers would have to create a vacuum big enough to suck up all the gas, while also being strong enough to withstand the corrosion. The base attack itself would be somewhat quick. However the effects of the bombs is something that would take quite some time to take care of. All the gas would need to be taken care of and select spaces would need to be repaired. The garage building next to the recruit room, Auxiliary hangar bay door would need to be rewired since the gas corroded it, and Cairo landing pad would need to be repaired. Danger from the darkness In this event a group of 5 BX droids accompanied by a DFU enter anaxes’ crystal caves and start mining kyber crystal utilizing laser mining tech. They do their best to keep quiet, unfortunately for them the jedi feel a disturbance and immediately send off to check it out. At first only the droids are found and dealt with. However when the ground forces are clearing the caves the DFU emerges from the shadows and starts picking clones off one by one. Utilizing a force cloak to stay hidden. Eventually help will arrive for the DFU as drop pods and sent to caves in order to evacuate the DFU. An unknown ship also arrives in order to pick up the DFU. Harsh Revenge A black market dealer known as Von Nov has crash landed on Anaxes with a shipment of very illegal items. He tries to keep his ship's storage a secret, but eventually the clones find out and attempt to arrest Von. Obviously the man doesn’t go down with a fight, but is killed by the clones. Moments before he died though, he was able to send a final message to his friends. It turned out that Von was apart of a very dangerous gang known as the Galactic Kings, and they didn’t take his death too kindly. They hire a group of mandalorians known as Clan Valenz to kill the clones who killed their precious friend. – The mandos will make it clear who they are after and will request that the clones are escorted out to the middle of MHB runway. Or else they will force their way into the base and take care of the clones their own way. [Thank you for reading through my application. If you have any suggestions what so ever I'd greatly appreciate them :]
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