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Everything posted by Chicaa21

  1. -1 Since your last application on Monday you've gained 14 hours on your playtime which still, is good but I cant say for sure if they're afk or not. I have also not seen you at all. I would also like to point out that cyber said " You may reapply in 72 hours Please do not reuse your paragraphs Be sure to use the criticism given here to improve upon your next application" You used this exact paragraph on this application and the one prior. To me it does not seem like you are trying at all.
  2. I was basing with Strongside in industrial but he was getting off soon so I had made a base for myself and began to transport. I asked plague to help and Ghostie volunteered to help as well. We started transporting, S1abs was in front of the pd as a hobo with a dlore and killed me twice as well as killed plague. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2920594405 Kill logs https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2920603447 Job Logs Regarding the reports I was unable to take any due to moving printers, when everything was said and done the reports were cleared up and the guy was banned.
  3. +1 You have a really good application and playtime. You are always super nice and have a good knowledge of the rules. You always seem to ask questions and have the want to learn more. I think you would be a good addition but I also think you may need to interact more and get known in the community. Good luck!
  4. I hope everything is well! let me know if you need anything
  5. These are the logs and and him admitting to it. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2919560753 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2919560729
  6. -1 You have good hours but I personally haven't seen you in game much. Be a little more active and get more of a reputation since you are just now coming back into the GMOD life. Go back and fix the grammar issues to make it a bit more professional and less rushed.
  7. +1 He's very active and always goofy when I talk to him. Good playtime and application overall. Good luck!
  8. -1 You barely have over the minimum hours for staff, I would like to see more IMO. You don't have TeamSpeak, the ability to capture and you didn't read staff rules. These are all a requirement to be staff as well as your paragraphs are lacking badly.
  9. +1 Your application is good as well as your hours. I don't see any reason to -1 but I will say get your name out there a bit more for those who don't see you on much. Good luck.
  10. Slacker, Ill see you in a bit lol good luck with everything
  11. -1 Throws me off that you were only staff for a day on MRP.
  12. -1 Missing parts of the format. I haven't seen you in what feels like months, Although you are cool in game you did not ask me for the referral this time around. Be more active and fix your rep.
  13. Bro you suck! Say Sike right now, we went from City RP playing hide and seek, giving horrible call outs and screaming to this sad ass shit
  14. Neutral Although you were good when you were staff before hand my only worry is the passed few weeks with you being really mingy trying to get banned. I don't wanna +1 incase you're planning on staff abusing. If shown different then ill change answer.
  15. Neutral Although you have a good application the only thing that worries me is you have the minimum hours. ( I personally would like to see more ) I have never seen you in game, maybe get your name more known in the community.
  16. +1 Strongside is very active and an overall cool person in and out of sits. Would love to see him on the team, Goodluck!
  17. Man came in and said imma do more sits than everyone and dip XD. Ill see you around buddy
  18. +1 He is very active and has a strong application.
  19. Yeah I would definitely redo that whole thing using the format Smity has provided above. Until then -1
  20. Hurry up and get back already
  21. Congratulations to everyone who got promoted! Yall did great this month! Excuse me@stretchy Im extremely happy for you, you deserved that promotion more than anything... but me and Hoal are coming for you
  22. +1 I personally have never seen you in game but your application is well written and you have great hours. Hope to see you on the team!
  23. -1 Didn't read staff rules I've also never seen you in game
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