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Posts posted by Cargolon_Backstar

  1. 4 hours ago, Flak said:

    Or instead of begging for there to be changes to server rules about something that's been happening since the server launched, play smarter and quit bitching like children about every minor inconvenience 

    As a player for both sides in the recent months, I can genuinely say that there is no problem if you don't play like a moron and run straight lines the same way wherever you go. There is nothing to complain about but your own stupidity

    Insulting the people that are complaining about it doesn't change the fact that new people are leaving because of it. People are zig zagging, flanking, but they are still getting killed, nothing is fool proof. Instead of telling people they're playing like a moron, maybe try to see things from their perspective. Base camping has not always been a thing on this server, back when I played in 2017, it was not a thing. Learn to be tactful, not disrespectful.

    • Haha 1
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  2. 1 hour ago, Fonza said:

    "my take on basecamping is as simple as faction leaders growing chest hair and disciplining your guys for pushing up off OBJ and killing newer players that have no clue what’s going on."

    Fonza, the issue with making it the faction leader's responsibility is that some faction leaders, themselves, basecamp. I hate to say it, but we can't expect those people to enforce a rule that they won't implement because they want to keep doing it. 

    New people come in, get base camped, and get told it is allowed. Those new people leave and don't come back, and I can't blame them. If I joined the server as a fresh 11B and was told that base camping was ok, I would of left and I wouldn't of looked back. The only reason I stayed was because I didn't experience it until I was already in GB. Eventually, new people won't hop on, and the server will die slowly.  Staff need to step in and resolve this, or this community will die out. Don't put it on faction leaders to put a rule for their factions, when it should be the staff enforcing it as a server rule. 

    To the people saying "Just use the other exit and flank that way". It doesn't help when they set up a second basecamper at the other exit, it's almost like they coordinate it. 

    I have to disagree with Towelie's statement "As long as snipers exist, base camping will exist.", as some of these snipers deliberately are moving TO US base, when they really should be at the OBJ or off center of OBJ. 

    I have already made a forum post about this, and it was technically accepted because of the spawn protection they added in, which really does fuck all when you take two steps out of the base.

    Staff, if you want new players to stay, fix this. Don't rely on faction leaders to do it for you.


    • Disagree 3
  3. -1

    I haven't seen much of you on the server, but I have seen you in reports (Whether you have made them or someone else reported you). I also applied for staff with just 25 hours under my belt, but it's the fact that you already have two warns. The two warns you have are for the same offense, meaning you didn't listen the first time.

    I don't seem to understand why you didn't put your Steam ID (STEAM_0:0:68511867 is your steam ID BTW) on the application. You also seemed to have a typo in your title, which means you didn't double triple check your work, how do we know that you're not going to bullshit your way through tickets instead of using every tool at your disposal to come to an educated conclusion. 

    Last but not least, the overturned ban
    . You didn't disclose the reason why you were banned in this application. The initial ban was for MRDM. It was overturned because Steve stated "You only killed 2 people and damaged a 3rd that’s not attempted mass rdm." However, looking at those same logs, it does show that you Killed 2, injured one, and HIGHLY likely killed a 3rd, since 128 damage was dealt to them by you. (https://imgur.com/a/68s4Dm3). The reason why you killed that T was because you claimed they went over an Un-IDed, but IDK why you'd throw an incen at the accused T, when there are potential innos near said accused T. You would use a firearm, not a nade to combat that. You said you had to shoot "who shot at me after I was proven". Logs indicate that you also killed an innocent with the same nade, the only context they have is that you threw an incen at a group, which is T Baiting and IS KOSable.

    I'm going to have to vote no on this one.

  4. +1

    I can vouch that Tunnel has a good understanding of the rules. From the reports that he made or has been apart of, he has acting as a professional. He is on quite a bit during the day, and having him as a member on staff would help us monitor and moderate the server. I have noticed through gameplay that he has good attention to detail. Tunnel is someone I would trust to handle a report I make if I get RDMed. He rarely shows up as the one that has been reported in a ticket, but when that happens, its mostly a misunderstanding, or a troll trying to get under his skin. 

    In my personal opinion, from what I have seen of him, he would be a fine addition to the team.

    • Agree 1
  5. I'm gonna have to -1 for now.

    I have seen you on quite a bit on the server and have been mostly indifferent. I think I have had to slay you a time or two for RDM, but we all make mistakes. 

    The last time you were Karma banned was December 28, 2022, so it wasn't too long ago that you were, but that isn't my main concern. You did mention you were warned for prop killing, but you didn't specify when you received said warning. You got that warning only 3 days ago, which is very recent.

    You're inability to record gameplay can be pivotal to getting someone's ban overturned due to lack of evidence (Example: Someone spams racial/homophobic slurs over the mic, and you can't collect that evidence to issue a ban).

    If the warn wasn't so recent, and you could record gameplay, my response would be different. 

    • 300 IQ 1
    • Spicy 1
  6. 17 hours ago, Nutter said:

    Funny enough this is something i'm going to be addressing fairly shortly on the server. When the population is less than 50, players who are part of war will spawn on an objective as opposed to at their respective base, and as such, wars will become much faster paced.

    Will there be Ammo Caches to go with those spawns, or will players be forced to pay for ammo crates?

  7. Description: 
         Basecamping is a frustrating part of the server. I don't know how many times I've been killed for taking 1-2 steps outside our FOB during war by a one shot sniper. During war, people should be trying to stay on the OBJ, and not push much farther than that. They should not sitting outside of a spawn, waiting for someone to stick out their toe and get instant killed by a sniper that is unable to be seen. Base camping kills the mood and lowers server morale.
    	Reasoning: Having people sitting outside our base, killing new players will deter them from wanting to come back. The server has recently seen a boom in population and I want to see it stay that way, however, all the new players coming on could easily get frustrated and would want to leave after not being able to leave their own FOB. 
    	Additional Information: An Example of Base camping https://imgur.com/a/6nUkYA5

    Subforum Etiquette/Rules

    • Haha 1
  8. In-game name (or known aliases): Cargolon
    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:41540888
    Age: 23
    Timezone: EST
    Current playtime on the server?: 25 Hours
    Have you received any previous bans on the server?: No
    Which staff member referred you to apply?: None
    Past experiences as staff: TTT Admin 2012-2013 (Server got shut down)
    Have you joined, and are active in the GarnetTTT Discord?: Yes
    Do you have access to a microphone?: Yes
    Do you have the ability to screen-record while playing on TTT?: Yes
    Why do you want to join the staff team, and why do you believe you are a good fit for the role?: 
    I want to join the staff team because the TTT gamemode is fun when played correctly, and making sure that the server isn't overtaken by trolls and RDMers is important to that success. Being RDMed constantly takes away from the experience, and can cause players to get frustrated and leave when nothing gets done about it. I want to be able to assist players in their needs and provide the cleanest TTT experience as much as possible. I would make a great fit for the role because of my prior experience as an admin, my experience as a leader in my IRL occupation, my training to deal with situations impartially, and the ability to know when it is playtime, and when to be serious and lay down the law. As a member of the staff team, I would hold up, and be the standard that other players should strive for. As I go through the Staff ranks, I would be able to teach and coach other staff on how to handle situations, and hold them accountable when they themselves do not uphold the standard.
    How much time will you be contributing to this role: 1-2 hours a night, and more on a day that I do not work.

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  9. Who are you reporting?: Seth
    Your in-game name: Cargolon
    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:4150888

    In-game name of reportee: Seth
    SteamID of reportee: STEAM_0:0:62151528
    Date & Time of incident: 12-31-2022, 3:50 PM ish
    Timezone: EST
    What happened?: Seth killed an Innocent that shot a shotgun round, that innocent got revived, and Seth killed them again anyways.

    Seth also threw a discombob at the top of the lighthouse so people would fall to their death, he was an innocent that round as well

    I would of had videos of all this happening, but my files got corrupted, but I do have a photo showing Seth having Sub 700 Karma, showing he likely continued to RDM other innocents as an innocent.  I also was able to bring up the audio of one of the instances, but not the footage.

    He said he was joking around, but as a T.Admin, he needs to be setting the example on how to behave on the server, which means to follow the rules.

    Photo: https://imgur.com/a/TTjIMN3

    Video: https://imgur.com/mw5WoYI

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