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Everything posted by Vetements

  1. Who are you reporting? [Staff/Player]: staffYour in-game name: vetementsYour SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:759952468In-game name of reportee: Jay GreeneSteamID of reportee (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:78988321Date & Time of incident: 9:00 pm (around that time) 1/10/25What happened? (include any proof): so from So what happened, start to finish, was someone had let Br0ken into base, and he had adverted a raid and had thrown a nerve gas but caught it with his gravity gun. It had broken off near the printers, and everyone was running to save the printers. We had saved them; about 1-4 had blown up, and then Jay proceeds to throw a nerve gas at and proceeds to say, "Five mil down the drain, fuck every one of y'all," which we had not lost 5 mil from 1-4 printers blowing up. Now that's quite immature for a staff member over such a small thing, but then he proceeds to start dissing in OOC (screenshots below). Now I admit on my part that I was dissing as well, but as a staff member, he should not be arguing as well; he should have shut down the situation. proof: of him destorying printers and saying fuck every one of yall "https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/jsV9HVy0BPDL0UZFK/NKWRENKEzEhW?invite=cr-MSx1d3YsMTg4NTI5MTgwLA" proof of his ooc diss: https://imgur.com/a/rJ9hZrT
  2. back to the good ole days of staff cheating
  3. -1 number of reasons have been listed above and i didnt refer you to apply nor have i ever gave anyone a referral in my time of being a staff
  4. she garnets on my gaming

  5. ill come test out mrp just for u texas
  6. +1 you seem to know what youre doing and when to report those in the wrong when i was staff never seen get reported hope you can make it to the staff team
  7. After thinking for a few weeks, I think this is the right decision for me to do. Firstly, I would like to state that I don't have as much time as I did when I first applied, which is one of the main reasons for my resignation, and unironically, I've been going outside more. I've also been playing other games more than GMod. I won't go on about my reasons, but those are the two main reasons for my resignation. Firstly, I would like to thank @Baiterfor training me and @Errol for doing my interview Secondly, I'd like to thank everyone for making Gmod so fun for me. Without you guys, I would not have had as much fun as I did. here are some honorable mentions @PaereBrus whens my gamemaster training @Schyzo for bringing me into DsC when i was a nobody @Puhnagefor being my first ever HR training @MunchieZi love you babe xoxo @Orion8559for giving me 58 printers that one time and to anyone I didn't mention, I won't forget about you; you just didn't come across my mind while writing this.
  8. +1 everything looks good and i dont see why u should get a -1 (quit crying romac)
  9. i think that it should just be reworked as a whole (added onto) +1
  10. crazy how i predicted mrp comeback

  11. - staff rules not read - 4 bans on record -/+ age (doesnt really matter) + referral im going to have to go with a -1 you have bans as recent as 4 months ago and you came back and massed around each time of ur 2 week bans i always believe that players can change ill probably +1 if you read over the staff rules everything looks good here you read the staff rules this time so its going to be a +1 from me
  12. quit stalking me

    1. Hoal


      Your pfp makes me doubt about that

  13. ill miss my favorite gmod femboy
  14. 2 of my goats quit this is a sad day do i still get my gm interview
  15. mrp being tested 3 people on

  16. In-game name: StS heartSteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:759952468In-game rank: T AdminTimezone: CSTLength of LOA: December 14 - December 24Reason: going on a cruise for christmas
  17. +1 age +/- playtime +1 paragraphs +1 previous experience +1 time to contribute -1 2 bans on record including racism everything looks good here EXCEPT the 2 bans on record one for racism one for failrp and ltap im gonna be NEUTRAL until i hear some extra word about your app
  18. gunner demoted 999th time

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