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Everything posted by NotDeadPool

  1. +rep I believe this would make sense and add more of a reason to play the job.
  2. Information: Having it come up as the first thing people see will make it no excuse not to know anything about them. Adding an !motd command will make it more visible and well known to players who are familiar with this command. Perhaps add a chat message saying "Remember to follow the rules in the @ !motd" every once and a while. Having information more readily available will make players more informed. General Game Suggestions - Add an !motd Command!! - Have rules come up as first thing players see!
  3. Description: The following list is a suggestion of jobs that would expand the roleplay setting, making it more challenging to walk the streets comfortably. This may influence people to sell more guns to those looking for a means to defend themselves, keep a sharper eye for out those of shady character, and most dooming of all, to watch their backs! Keep your eyes peeled, as some may be out to help you... or out to get you. To inspire more creativity with roleplay, I believe the following jobs will make the game even more fun knowing that these jobs are available to roleplay with. Reasoning: More role play scenarios! Job Suggestions - Kidnapper, Cult Leader, or Isis job Available level 30-35 Kidnap Cooldown: 10-15 Minutes Must either be taken to base or publicly executed May only held captive for up to five minutes May not mug the victim, however, can be held for ransom (up to certain increments? 25k, 50k, 75k, 100k?? Dependent on level?) - Spy Available Level 20-30 May disguise themselves as other players, including player model and name Comes with a default pistol, perhaps a revolver? May not raid disguised May not mug Cannot raid PD(?) - Mob Boss Available level 5-10 Can Raid PD Can unarrest only Must set up their business ---------------------------------------- https://forums.garnetgaming.net/index.php?/topic/23927-new-job/ ***** https://forums.garnetgaming.net/index.php?/topic/23926-new-jobs/ <<< https://forums.garnetgaming.net/index.php?/topic/24058-kidnapping-advert/ <<< https://forums.garnetgaming.net/index.php?/topic/24021-bloodzcripsgrove-incentives-2/ ****** I recommend supporting the following articles!
  4. https://streamable.com/wmjcty A situation like this would be fun. +Support
  5. Who are you reporting? [Staff/Player]: Player Your in-game name: PR NotDeadPool Your SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:72332391 In-game name of reportee: MyysteryxTriickz SteamID of reportee (https://steamid.io/): Couldn't find. Date & Time of incident: 11/2/23, Roughly 9:00 am. Timezone: EST. What happened? (include any proof): RDM x3, ARDM x2 I don't know if the other player actually said the N word or not, I can confirm he did not say it in my presence. He proceeded to pull out a gun and killed the man. I arrested him for the incident. When he broke out of prison, I arrested him again, in which he accused me of fail rp. Highly toxic, does not care about the rules. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Un03t9-xCS0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYE8B8k6-9k Forgot to include these clips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_RFpp3Wkfo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yhuh-lMSD5w
  6. + Support Make it a requirement that there is a mandatory space between DJ huts or add individual sliders for each nearby radio
  7. +/- + Owning the front door would make more sense - Just because they are rarely seen there shouldn't make it a possibility to own it This area's known as Ghetto
  8. -Support Raider Advantage Loss of creativity and possibilities with defense
  9. Chugalaka, Chugalaka, Ooo ooo! This is all fair, except I would like to hear why you don't think wardrobe should be an option. I understand that the raiding rules wouldn't exactly benefit you, however, is having more than three really fair? What else is the thief good for if he can't raid a nearly impenetrable base? It's only overrated for you because I'm sure you don't see as worth your time. I'll post some base examples tomorrow.
  10. Job Suggestions - Kidnapper, Cult Leader, or Isis job Available level 30-35 Kidnap Cooldown: 10-15 Minutes Must either be taken to base or publicly executed May only held captive for up to five minutes May not mug the victim, however, can be held for ransom (up to certain increments? 25k, 50k, 75k, 100k?? Dependent on level?) - Hacker Available level 10-15 The ability to quickly crack keypads, faster than normal Must be in a group of 2-3+ People raiding a particular base May not solo raid or mug Must be hired - Spy Available Level 20-30 May disguise themselves as other players, including player model and name Comes with a default pistol, perhaps silenced? May not raid disguised May not mug Cannot raid PD(?) - Mob Boss Can Raid PD Can unarrest only Must set up their business --- DJ MODIFICATION: If the server's radios are using Chromium, could they support the addition of other media platforms such as Youtube or Vimeo? Rule Suggestions - A limit to only three one ways This is just crazy and out of control. You can practically have your whole base one ways and it does not make it entirely fair. There should a definite cap. This also forces people to get creative instead of hiding out underneath their base with fifteen one ways, waiting for someone to walk on in and blast them. Not fun. - The player "Mossly" had recently brought a valid point in their suggestions. The "Pixel Peek" should be considered a form of fading door abuse and an unfair advantage and should not be allowed. I believe this will add more of a balanced dynamic when it comes to both raiding and defending your base. If you disagree with this, I want to ask yourself, "Was that fun? For me? For the raider?" because I mean come on, it goes something like this. *Raid *Crack first fading door *Defender sits behind a narrow opening/space, or it's blocked off, protecting them * Opens fading door for split second, BAM. Dead, raid over *"Welp, I failed to raid this base. That was... fun?" *"Welp, I defended my base. Raid over and nothing to worry about!" Yawnnnn. Do you really have fun doing that? Fading door abuse would not make it fair for the raider. - Specify the mug amount Cool, the level thing is alright, however, what's the official cap? Because it's not listed in the MOTD. Besides, it's not like every player is going to sit there with their calculator, approximating the level and the amount to ask for. It should be as simple as picking your target and mugging them right on the spot with a bind, "/advert You're getting mugged for the Red Cross foundation (Mug, drop 20k)" {for instance} I think it should be 15-20k - NLR Prevention? I think that there should be an NLR circle that prevents people from returning to the area of death. Maybe this would work well, maybe it wouldn't. It would be one less thing staff has to worry about, one more thing for a player. Perhaps the radius should be fairly small? I'm not sure. What do you guys think? Weapon Suggestions - Blundergat and Gluon Gun Should be purchasable on the store and available in game for all players (for some hard cash and non perma of course) - Make Annabelle a purchasable shotgun For the Lols - Perhaps you would consider implementing a few weapons from the Half Life 2 Beta Weapons Pack, or maybe I've just breathing too much oxygen through my skin orifices instead my nose. Custom Classes - Is wardrobe a thing on this server? If not, I think it should be! It would make me want a custom class, that's for sure! General Game Suggestions - Add an !motd Command!! - Have rules come up as first thing players see! Mmm, that's about it for me! (Public Relations) PR NotDeadPool
  11. I believe having a trusted community will inspire people to have greater public relations with other players, keeping other players informed that they are counted as a reliable and trusted member of the community. - Forum Roles: for Trusted - In Game: for Trusted - Ability to use advanced duplicator two with minimum of 62-72 hours of playtime I believe this will keep players coming around knowing that they can save their builds at any time instead of having to purchase the ability itself. "There are ways to crash the server with adv. dupe," other player's will state. "The paywall keeps things and in check and supports the server." Abilities should come at a cost, yes, however, not monetarily. I believe it would develop a better view of the server with people knowing they can have fun later on with their bases that they worked hard on and being able to support the server if they want to. Even to obtain certain weapons like the grabble, firearms and equipment, or CC's, which they may be more inclined to purchase. I have found no way to consistently crash my game or the server with any of the props that are available to spawn, except slamming the guitar into the wall does drop frames significantly for me. If players were to be caught spawning excessive amounts of props in logs in an attempt to crash the server, perhaps their trusted could be revoked based on agreement, or permanently with out notice. (Or any scenario that may show they are not trustworthy individuals.) - Camera tool gun should be allowed? Make all cameras static by default An interactable tab player menu? To visibly track hours and have a faster way to pull steam id's and make friends?
  12. "And this, I don't know if you recycled this text or something like that, but this just doesn't make any sense for the application." Okay, it does make sense. I mean what I say and didn't recycle anything?? "If you plan on applying for staff again in a future take in consideration these requirements, read the rules and get yourself known among the community for support." Fair
  13. In-game name: NotDeadPool Age: 20 SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:72332391 Warns: 0 Timezone: EST. Playtime?: Six Hours? Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] YES Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] YES Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Steven Cow Past experiences as staff: [Optional] 1. Prop hunt server, 2017, 2018. Moderator 2. Neon Link (2018) Senior Moderator, Early August to late September Moderator, Early November to early December (2019) Senior Admin, Early March to mid December (2020) Jr. Admin, Early April to early July Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs] ` Because of the work ethic I have towards being a staff member. I enjoy paving the way for newcomers, working hard to ensure everything is fair and balanced for returning and brand new players to Garnet Gaming, even if they don’t like me for following the rules. I’m cool, calm, and collective and have a good temperament when it comes to challenging situations that may test my abilities as a staff member individually, or collectively through the works of each of us. I use logic and reasoning to handle sits accordingly. I am rational and wholehearted towards having fun with others, ensuring the rules to be followed. I am not afraid to crack down on people causing problems for the server and our experience; I want the most positive time for everyone, limiting toxic behavior and tolerating rules being followed, stoic interactions, and old fashioned role play for us. ` I recognize that I am not well known in the community, nor do I have the prerequisite hours on my account, however, I ensure that if I’m given a chance to prove my knowledge towards the MOTD, I could make a good fit into Garnet Gaming with a level of persistent dedication. I have faced thousands of sits over two years of experience. Would the community trust me? Having faith in someone new is understandably a step back because you never know just who you are putting your trust into when you make them staff: Critical thinking towards resolving problems between players, I am psychoanalytical and will put forth my ultimate focus to improving the server’s overall time, making each player valued and as if their time was spent playing on a well organized server with a decently large community, such as Garnet. Your time won’t be wasted if you make me a staff member, as I hereby swear: Not to abuse my powers. Not to minge or be toxic in sits or roleplay. Not to cheat or steal your time away from the fingertips of liability or trust. In my final words, even made a temporary or trial moderator with limited capabilities, I will thrust myself face first into the field of the server, willingly, to make sure I do what is asked by my superiors, listening to the community and their opinions or perhaps even facts, and capitalizing a global finance of interactions for us all to be fed positively socioeconomically. I may also state that I am in no position to say that I am better than another applicant, as I don’t like placing myself on any sort of pedestal of independence, and would much rather look at the bigger picture. I have the experience, and not the time. Can an adjustment be made? It would take more than words to prove myself, I understand. Give me the light of day and I will not disappoint you, Garnet Gaming. Dedication through minimal egotistical solutions, unbiased, and in the player(s) best interest. Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: NO Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: NO How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: 3 to 4 hours a day If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod?: Playing guitar, listening to music, fishing, and general learning (Books, such as philosophy, chemistry and/or science, poetry, and classical theater or historical literature such as a Mid Summer’s Night Dream or Animal Farm.) Did you read the staff rules?: NotDeadPool If all else fails, hello, I am NotDeadPool. An avid Dark Rp player. I am new to the server's scene and looking to have some fun. Perhaps we will run into each other or already have. Some people aren't exactly nice to me, and it doesn't bother me very much (I must say that it isn't hard to hurt my feelings if I don't fit it, however, taking a deep breathe an analyzing the situation helps me move on.) Thank you for taking the time for reading my application, I hope you have a prosperous day. I do need glasses, sorry for any mistakes
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