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Everything posted by busterbignut

  1. +1 Although it is clearly stated in the rules, the vast majority of new players playing CP will not have read the rules of every single class. I don't see a downside to this addition, and only the upside of keeping CP's from falsely warranting the bank for having printers which I see nearly every time there's a banker.
  2. +1 Read the rules Very solid paragraphs Meets all requirements
  3. Cheers to a great month everyone. Errol and TJizzle congrats on your promotions and SOTM. Looking forward to another one with you all!
  4. Weapon Crate Cost Adjustment Description I believe the price of weapon crates should be adjusted. Specifically the $1 million Forbidden Crate and the $25 million Explosives Crate. Based on the current average of capital per player (anecdotal observations,) explosive and high tier weapons are only accessible by a very small percentage of the server population. I'm suggesting to lower the cost of Forbidden Crates to ~$250-500k and the cost of Explosive Crates to ~$3-10mil. If that is not possible, then increasing the odds of better item drops from these crates would be another good alternative. Reasoning Due to the average capital of any random player on the server being so low currently, the rate and cost of acquisition of these high tier weapons disincentivizes players from buying the crates at all. The standard price RPG's are being sold for is $5-8mil now and ~$10mil for matadors. Considering it takes $1 mil to have a small chance at RPG and a far smaller chance at Matador, these numbers don't add up. I believe that the cause is the lack of market for selling these weapons for what they should be worth based on the price. If the odds of receiving an RPG from a Forbidden Crate are 1/20, the cost should be at least $20mil, and even more exaggerated for higher tier weapons/explosives. I believe as the model currently stands the weapon crates have been made nearly obsolete, meaning it's almost never a good idea to buy them as you can never make your money back. Finally, I believe slightly increasing the accessibility of these high tier weapons would increase server population, providing more incentive for players to stay on and realistically farm for, as well as vastly increasing the enjoyment of the server from players now able to get their hands on these weapons.
  5. +1 Read the rules. Have seen him active and being cordial on the server over the last month, seems cool-headed. T. Mod is a position for a reason, think he deserves a shot.
  6. +1 read staff rules (at least since Martian posted) played with him a bit today, solid cool-headed guy. Has a good grasp on the drp rules in general, would probably be a good addition to the team
  7. +1 Seems like a good guy from all of my interactions with him. Read the rules, seems like he'd be a good fit to me.
  8. Congrats, everyone! Looking forward to meeting more of you this month.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BB-FsmrpPM&t=67s You were being raided and returned more than 3 times. You also had a building sign and a kos sign with printers in the base.
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