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DarkRP Management Team

This member is apart of the DarkRP Management Team!

JonnyFlame last won the day on January 14

JonnyFlame had the most liked content!

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About JonnyFlame

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  1. + Age + Playtime - Active warns (No ban history) +/- Referrals +/- Some prior experience as Staff on other games? (I have no idea how Roblox works with this stuff) + Paragraphs + Read the Staff rules Neutral I made the decision to be neutral for a few reasons, you have quite a few recent active warns, and I think you need to mature a bit more. I say this because I have seen other players get under your skin. Part of being staff is dealing with players who will try anything they can to show a reaction. It's important to keep a straight face and ignore those comments. For those reasons, I chose neutral. Thanks for applying and good luck!
  2. + Age + Playtime + No active warns / Has prior bans but that was nearly a year ago from the last one. +/- Referrals + Paragraphs + Prior experience as former staff + Read the Staff Rules +1 Overall, I chose to give you +1. You haven't had any issues since last year, and you have prior experience being staff. Others seem to agree that you've matured past your ban history. I've seen you in-game quite a lot and you're always letting new players know the rules. Nothing more to be said. Thanks for applying and good luck!
  3. + Age + Playtime + No active warns/bans + Prior Staff experience on other games +/- Referrals + Paragraphs + Read the staff rules +1 I chose to give you +1 for a few reasons: you have prior experience with being staff on other games, you don't have any warns during your first start on the server, which many players often get, and your paragraphs seem genuine. Overall good app. Thanks for applying and good luck!
  4. ACCEPTED Thank you for your appeal. After a careful review by our Operator Division, we have decided to remove/lift your ban. The decision to remove your ban and accept your appeal is due, but not limited to, the following: It's clear that Anthorith made a mistake and banned the wrong person. I have updated the ban so that you can rejoin. Anthorith will be spoken to regarding the situation, apologies for the inconvenience. Thank you for your appeal and we hope to see you in game!
  5. Thank you! Congrats to everyone on a great month! Together, we worked hard and it shows. Everyone deserves a pat on the back and here's to another great month!
  6. It's been great gaming with you. I really appreciate having you as a role model and you will not be forgotten. I sincerely thank you for being the backbone of Operators and trying to recruit me way back when I was an L. Mod. Just how things happened back then, things are happening now and it was destiny that I went through the Gamemaster path to end up where I am today. Please, re-apply if you ever feel up to it again. Outside any games or Discord servers, feel free to hit me up any time!
  7. Aww man, we'll miss you! Good luck in the Army! Go kick some ass with @Danny_The_Dog
  8. + Age + Playtime + No active warns / No prior bans +/- Referral (1 confirmed, waiting on 1 more) +/- No prior experience as Staff + Paragraphs + Read the Staff rules + Positive Interactions +1 I gave you +1 for a few reasons, I have seen you on quite a bit recently and I've only had positive interactions with you. I have seen you help out other players as you stated above. I enjoyed your paragraphs because they seem genuine and I can agree with what you're doing. You seem like a reasonable person and I think you deserve a chance! Thanks for applying and good luck!
  9. I would highly recommend filling out everything listed in the required format, including hours. (P.S. I'm pretty sure This is your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:67733921) Edit: To anyone reading this Staff Application; He has purchased VIP Moderator and I assume this application will be moved into accepted once his onboarding begins. Please refrain from replying in the meantime or otherwise stated.
  10. Aw man, we'll miss you. It's been great having you on the team, farewell and good luck in your next ventures!
  11. + Age (Meets requirements) + Playtime - Active Warns (1x on 1/5/2025 by Nutter for RDA and 1x on 1/16/2025 by Zbt for RDM) +/- No prior Staff Experience + Referral (Confirmed) + Paragraphs + Read the Staff Rules +1 I chose to give you +1 for a number of reasons, you meet the requirements, you have a prior ban but haven't been banned since 2022 and there hasn't been any since then. Others seem to have good experiences with you and validate your claims in your paragraphs. One thing about your paragraphs that more people need to do is simply explain their reasonings why they believe something or why they do what they do. You explained your reasonings in this manner and I can agree. Overall I'd like to see what you can do. Thanks for applying and good luck!
  12. +1 Just makes sense, it was probably intended but forgotten.
  13. + Age + Playtime +/- No active warns (Prior ban for MassRDM, but it was on 7/16/2024 which was over 6 months ago, and it's the only one) +/- Referrals (None, so neutral) + Prior Staff Experience on other servers + Paragraphs + Read the Staff Rules +1 I don't have much to add, you have a good amount of experience being staff on other game servers which is my main point in giving you +1. Your paragraphs are good and having someone with your timezone would be great during the hours when not many staff are online. I think others are on the fence about the ban for MassRDM, but it happened over 6 months ago, and there aren't any other bans on record so I'm willing to look past it. Overall I give you my vote. Thanks for applying and good luck!
  14. + Age (Meets requirements) + Playtime (Meets requirements) +/- No warns or recent bans (verbal warns though, so I'm keeping this one neutral) + Referrals (Confirmed) +/- No prior experience as Staff (neutral) + Paragraphs + Read the Staff Rules +1 I like your paragraphs, they seem genuine and you seem to have good intentions. Those who referred you speak highly of you. You also show promise being that you took advice to heart and made necessary changes to your Staff Application as others suggested and it has tremendously helped. The only caveat I have with this application is the current playtime vs. the time you claim to attribute once you become staff, what I mean is that you say you can contribute 50-60 hours a week but yet you've played for years and only have 76 hours currently. No one needs to contribute quite that much time per week as that's a bit overkill but I can't believe those claims with your current playtime (you would have hundreds of hours if that was the case). Even still, I'm willing to give you a +1. Thanks for applying and good luck!
  15. + Age +/- 1 Active warn from me (Diss in OOC) + Playtime ++ Prior experience as Staff + Paragraphs + Time to contribute + Community Engagement + Read the Staff Rules +1 I chose to give you +1 for a number of reasons. Reason one is that you have been playing for an extremely long time and have more experience than most people on the Staff team. I have no doubt that you've seen it all seeing as you were a Director and Manager at one point. I have also seen you on quite a lot and helping other players by giving tips. You also keep the server population high at times after a crash (which we all greatly appreciate). The only neutral aspect of this was the warn which I issued a few days ago for diss in ooc but that's understandable and I can easily look past it. Others also say great thins about you and I'm inclined to believe them. Thanks for applying and good luck!
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