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Everything posted by Comrat

  1. rust is when electricity
  2. Description: Self-explanatory. Change or make a new default law saying something like "Money printers can only be kept in the bank by the banker." Reason: Most people don't seem to know what the banker does and that you can keep your printers in the bank legally when there's a banker basing there.
  3. Description: There's this addon I've been playing with called Nium's Electricity which adds a relatively simple electricity system into gmod, allowing you to power various useful things like electric fences, health and armor chargers, energy drink dispensers, etc. Because there aren't many applications for electricity in the base addon, I have some more ideas: Powered Alarm: Alerts the owner if tripped, useful for when you're out of your base. EMP Grenade: Disables electrical entities for a certain amount of time when detonated, useful for raids. Powered Turret: Probably OP/broken no matter how it's implemented, but self-explanatory, an automatic turret that shoots anyone who isn't on a whitelist. For balancing maybe give it a limited range, health, ammo, can only have 1 per player, and it can't shoot through transparent props like fences. Given the server heavily prioritizes performance (thank you nutter) the system should be simplified, like a limited update rate for the entities, getting rid of the refinery to just have the drill, having cables become static after a few seconds of being tampered with, and getting rid of entities that don't help with base building like the big power pole. There should also be some rebalancing of the chargers and drinks since there's already the doctor and perks. Reasoning: Other than the cool factor I think adding electrical systems would deepen base building and add opportunities for new kinds of businesses. Additional Info: Link to addon: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2553388311
  4. I think you make a lot of good points, constant reelections would get tiring fast, the popup could be made small and put off to the side to help. You misunderstood what I mean by a free lottery, You don't get free money, it just allows the mayor to set the buy-in to $0 to act as a way to randomly select a limited number of volunteers for RP purposes. If I were to only choose 1 of my original ideas to be implemented, the $0 lotto would probably be it, it's the least demanding to implement as you just have to change the $1000 minimum to $0, and it doesn't do any of the handholding you mentioned as it's little more than a random player picker.
  5. and? i mean that being old in and of itself isn't a bad thing, so what if it's old? and if there is a legit reason why it's bad then i have yet to hear it.
  6. Referendum means you hold a topic/idea to a group of people to vote on directly, basically a public opinion poll. Sortition means you pick representatives (or people in general) randomly by lottery rather than elections. I think all final decisions should still be up to the mayor for players who want to take the dictator/monarch route, like monkey.
  7. 1. How. 2. We're playing a game that released in 2006, claiming something to be "old school" isn't an argument. 3. Another group of people could get together and vote yes in opposition, having conflicts like that is the point. It's like saying there's no point to building bases because raids exist, or that being the mayor in general is useless because some guy can always place a hit on you.
  8. I had some ideas to make the PD/Mayor side of DarkRP more democratic and engaging for the whole server. First is Mayor elections; I just don't think being the Mayor should be locked behind lvl 50, and I think anyone should be able to run for mayor through elections. The second is referendum, essentially I think the mayor should be able to hold referendums so the server can more directly participate in making/repealing laws and PD matters. Third is sortition; I think the mayor should be able to hold lotteries for free and with multiple winners so a small sample of volunteers can gather and plan things like new laws or other things. I think this should all be optional, I don't think a mayor wanting to be a dictator is a bad thing, I just want more options for mayors who want a democratic approach.
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