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Everything posted by zbt_

  1. Description: Currently weed cultivator's light is way too finnicky and inconsistent. I often see players struggling with getting at least one of their plant pots to receive light from the source provided in the F4 menu. This is something that has been an issue for a while but currently is harming the server as there are people who really want to level up but are hindered by this issue. I think you should be able to have one light that has a fair radius to allow for both plants to receive Light at the same time, or perhaps increase the plant pot's light detection radius. Reasoning: The staff team gets plenty of sits and discord tickets regarding this issue. I think fixing this in some way could help new players exponentially, as there is a pretty fair exp threshold between Weed Cultivator and Meth Manufacturer that Deliveryman will just take too long for. I also believe that a more consistent Weed Cultivator could increase the amount of bases that are seen on server, as well as how many new players attempt to learn the basing rules. Ultimately, new players need more ways to earn exp and this should be more accessible and not so finnicky.Additional Info: Both pots have the exact same setup but one is not receiving light.
  2. +1 Dang twin I didn't think you were serious. You obviously meet the requirements. Can't wait to have you as part of the team!
  3. -1 I'm not sure if you made a typo or not, but all of your bans were in 2024 with your most recent being in August. 6 bans is a lot to accumulate over 73 hours and I would like to see more of you before I'm willing to give you the +1 Still, good luck to you! Nice app!
  4. +1 You've been around a while and I can say your personality is befitting of the role. This application is very good. Best of luck!
  5. -1 Your application is invalid as you don't meet the paragraph requirements. This response is also invalid. Please fix your application and I will change my vote.
  6. -1 Although you meet the requirements and have a solid application, your ban history is extensive and that's putting it lightly. Even still, I wish you luck!
  7. +1 This is certainly a great application. You're clearly a good fit for the role. you meet the requirements, and I hope to see you on the team!
  8. +1 You meet the requirements and clearly have some heart to invest. I don't have memorable experiences with you but the app is pretty solid so perhaps you deserve a chance. Good luck!
  9. halo is dead but the memories live on🤓🗣️💯💯🔥🔥🔥

  10. +1 This app is pretty good. I think you deserve a shot! I see you around often enough and you meet the requirements.
  11. +1 You meet the requirements and actually read the staff rules. Your paragraphs are concise and clear, covering relevant topics and giving valuable insight into your mentality. I think you truly care about this position and deserve a chance at it. Best of luck!
  12. Who are you reporting?: Player Report Your in-game name: zbt Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:54235978 In-game name of reportee: DLN DIDDY SteamID of reportee: STEAM_0:1:124476306 Date & Time of incident: 12/5/2024 6:30 AM Timezone: CDT What happened? (include any proof): Diddy and I used to be friends before a drama broke out between mine an another regulars discord server over a month ago now, which he was subsequently banned from my discord as a result from the drama finishing and any beef (except for his apparently) being squashed. Since then, he has made numerous attempts to berate me and my real life circumstances for absolutely no identifiable reason. Today, he has basically been following me around doing whatever he can to get me reported. Around the time specified above, I placed a prop at the casino's doors and jokingly demanded people gamble for their freedom. Most of the players escaped through the window and I deleted the prop but Diddy went ahead and reported me for it. Of course, I don't expect to be let go on behavior like this especially considering how many were involved. However, he also went ahead and reported me previously for ARDM and tried to get me in trouble for instigating combat before him even though he shot first and missed. Whie I don't have a clip of that incident, I do have plenty of evidence of him harrassing me after being jailed for the aforementioned Propblock: \ The above screenshot was his response to the question of why I was jailed. Naturally, this is uncalled for regardless of how false the statement is. In typical Diddy fashion, it doesn't end here. I had to mute him earlier today because of the extent of his verbal rants of trash talk. I don't have a clip of that however, but he spent the next minute or two berating me to these random players before deciding to mug me fresh off of his mug cooldown just after continuing to talk trash, despite the fact he had already had me jailed and was harassing me in the jail. https://streamable.com/1rqyi0 I don't think I need to go into detail about why this behavior is absolutely unacceptable, especially from a previous staff member. Diddy has clearly shown that he does not have a desire to improve the way he speaks to people on or off server considering the recent drama where he blatantly went to another ex-staff's social media to berate them as well. Diddy recently caught a mass RDM ban as well which should paint the image to any readers just the extent this guy does not care about his status as a player or how he impacts others. BONUS CLIP: https://streamable.com/uua3lm
  13. Dang I cant believe BOTH Mysterios got demoted. I was hoping to see more from them
  14. -1 I have never seen you around and you chose not to elaborate on your ban or subsequent appeal. If others come forward with positive experiences, as well as you putting forward a valid explanation about your punishment(s): I will change my decision.
  15. -1 I personally barely know you, but your app shows genuine interest. Please commit to the minimum of 2 paragraphs and perhaps I will change my vote. +1 You show potential and care, as well as meeting the requirements. Best of luck!
  16. -1 While I don't have any bad experiences with you per se, you have shown that you don't have a very good grasp of the rules despite your playtime. For example: just yesterday you reported somebody for not advertising Mug which is something that most players learn in their first few days. Pardon me if I'm reaching here, but you also lied about reading the staff rules when you first made the application. Considering the staff rules are much shorter than the server rules: I presume you haven't read the server rules as well. You are allowed to prove me wrong, though, and I will change my vote to a + if you can answer this question correctly: If you die in a solo raid, and after 11 minutes join a party that is beginning to raid the same base: are you allowed to assist? +1 Thanks for answering so fast! You meet the requirements and your app is acceptable. Best of luck! (HE ANSWERED ME IN FORUM DMS)
  17. +1 I have talked to you about the situation mentioned above, and clearly you care very much about this opportunity and are eager to learn from your mistakes. I hope that you get a shot and good luck to you!
  18. +1 You have a great application, meet the requirements, and have read the staff rules which is already a massive plus. You're super chill in game and it's always a fun interaction with you. Can't wait to have you on the team!
  19. Normally I would absolutely agree with this notion. However, copying and pasting are two sides of the same coin in that: if you allow one, not allowing the other will create the exact same demand in the exact same place. The goal here is not to impede on VIP while allowing Users a covenience. Not allowing Users to paste props is key in that they are still forbidden from the full use of Advanced Duplicator. Allowing Users to copy and save their build to a client-side storage does not impede on anybody's VIP. P.S: If people can't do it here then they are going to go somewhere else, but the key point is getting them to come back.
  20. dw about hurricane just prop block irl have a fun trip polka!
  21. Description: Hello! Today, I would like to discuss allowing users to copy/area copy their own props using the advanced duplicator tool AND allowing users to save their builds for when they later become VIP or decide to try their build on another server. I should clarify immediately that I do not think users should be able to paste props. Also, I am not sure whether these permissions can be coded separately. Reasoning: There have been many instances of users asking about saving their builds to use for next time they play; only to learn that they cannot do so without a higher rank. While this change doesn't completely solve their problem, it allows for a new user to keep their build for whenever they decide to become VIP. I believe this change would bring more longevity and loyalty to new and returning users that are looking to save a little time, while still maintaining a fine line for the QoL (quality of life) between VIP and User. This set of permissions also helps to leave less of a time sink/paywall feeling in the eyes of new Users and can help to establish VIP as a rank or goal that they should grind for. Additional Information: I should also mention that most servers from back in the day (and today lol) would paywall VIP which causes new players to assume that VIP cannot be obtained without some kind of real monetary investment. Establishing ourselves as a server with no paywalls helps to alleviate this dilemma and I feel small changes like this gives our server good direction toward that narrative.
  22. NEUTRAL Literally I had to ask someone earlier who you are. I have no interactions with you but I have heard some good things! Your app is mostly pretty good although you could use some more about yourself (i.e how your Minecraft staffing may be a transferrable skill) in the paragraph section. You cover some good points and if you beef those paragraphs up I will happily +1 this! +1 I believe your edits are clear pointers to how serious you are about this and I wish you luck!
  23. zbt_


    -1 Firstly, I will spare you for the app since everyone else has already stated that its below par. I rarely see you on server outside of admin sits. Perhaps you should get out there and make some good impressions! Please give the staff rules a read and remember that you can create a discord account for free. P.S: Revamp this application and I will gladly reconsider!
  24. zbt_

    Base Expansion

    +1 Less-familiar players that base back there almost always build outside anyways. This extension is pretty generous already with just the alley and back area, so I don't particularly agree with the sewer room. Still, this is a great idea, and I hope to see it happen so I could try and build a base there myself someday
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