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Dan Gardner

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Everything posted by Dan Gardner

  1. Dan Gardner

    Matoi's App

    After rereading your app, I realize how absolutely little effort you put into it. You removed fields, your paragraphs are short, and the story you tell looks like you're just trying to fill up words so you have at least a little content. And finally, @JasminAKAAlt he has you as a referral, do you remember him at all?
  2. Dan Gardner

    Matoi's App

    Please post your /playtime from DarkRP so we can know for sure you actually have been in the community for a long time. I already find it hard to believe, as you have no prominent Garnet members in your Steam Friends. Your game stats are also Private so your hours on GMod itself can't be confirmed. -1 for now, sketchy
  3. Either this or remove the mechanic until it's been refined. Maybe make it so if you're in the zone, you also don't do damage.
  4. This is a lot of content! Good job Garnet! The only problem I can see with Godmode in DB is you can't kill trolls that micspam or just keep coming to tryouts/training. Of course, this can be solved by making a report, or having a higher up come and remove the person from the room, or just remove their whitelist. All other changes look great! Can't wait to buy the new guns and Bulldozer!
  5. Yea dont ask him anymore lol
  6. It sucks what happened with you becoming staff and leaving instantly. It shows the Administration you can't be trusted to uphold your rank. As much as I'd like to +1 based off your actions in game, I can't just forget that you ghosted the server because you had a few bad days. Not only that, but according to Draggy you never actually let him know the real reason of you leaving. That just shows that especially for your age, you aren't mature enough for the role. If I were you I'd wait another few months before applying. Prove you're ready and I'm sure you'll get the rank back. Neutral for now, good luck regardless.
  7. This is why Raid Block is needed on this server, it just needs to be nerfed into the ground so it stops being just another annoyance in the game. Before, you could halt a 5 man team's progression just by shooting at their base every 3-5 minutes, with no intention of actually raiding. Hopefully with the changes suggested here and changes already implemented, Raid Block will be a lot more playable.
  8. In-game name: V SGT Gardner Age [minimum 15 y/o]: 20 SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_1:1:8821501 Warns: 0 Timezone: EST Playtime? [minimum 75 hours, use /playtime in-game]: | V PVT Gardner has played for 1048:28:23. Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] Yes Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Jim, Koulit Past experiences as staff: [Optional] MRP H. Mod in 2017, DRP Admin on Impacted Servers(dead) from 2014-16 How do you plan on benefiting our server? I plan on benefiting the MRP server by being active and fair. I follow the rules actively and stay known on both sides of the server, and I will always stay impartial no matter what. There have been several ban wipes since my Chargeback in 2017, and I have remained loyal to this community and its members since returning in February. I plan to be here a while, and I want to make things right by helping the staff team in any way I'm able, which I know I can. There have been several staff members that have urged me to keep trying, and I'd like a chance to be staff again so I can prove myself. I know it was never a question of whether I was capable or not, but whether I could be trusted. So I'll tell you this: It's been two years. I'll reference this comment from Phantom on my last staff app: (not quotable, but is in the post listed below). I don't think there is anyone that can truly deny that yes, I have changed from who I was in 2017. Who hasn't? I understand what I did was very wrong, and I've been trying to make up for it ever since. It isn't about the fact that I've changed, it's about the fact that I am determined to make things right. I've been an active player since February, and just recently in August, I led my first SOC faction, PDSS. It was an amazing experience, and I learned so much in the community and am proud to be a part of it. I took a short sabbatical due to personal issues and just overall not being able to stay focused on the game or the community. That part of my life is over and I hope to move on from many things, including my mistake in 2017. My whole application shouldn't be about that though. I have more to offer than just apologies for the actions of a broke ass 17 year old. I am extremely familiar with the flow of staffing due to not only my prior experience, but continued involvement in the server. I have been a part of several SOC factions, on both US and RU, which has granted me a wealth of knowledge and understanding within the MRP community and GG itself, that will help me be an effective and fair staff member. I've met a lot of people and only hope to give good experiences and memories to all around me. To me its more than just RP, its building friendships and having a great time kicking each others asses. Keeping the peace and keeping members in check is all I've been doing since becoming an officer in PDSS in May. I've made many contributions to the community that I'm pretty proud of, and I hope I've left a lasting impression on all of you. All in all, if you think I should be limited from staff due to my actions in 2017, I can respect that. Thank you for considering and have a happy holidays. Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, Include details: Charged back in 2017. I was broke, making shit money, and needed a car ASAP. I regret my decision more than anything I've done online and have been paying for it since. Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: My most recent is below. Others before had the same outcome; a fair amount of positive feedback from the community but stalled by the fact that I charged back in 2017. How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: 2/day. I have been overly active on Rust recently due to the increased playercount and I plan to change that. (sorry Jim)
  9. (hopefully) Garnet just recently accepted a suggestion for Raid Block fixing, but I figured we should make sure ALL bases are covered so we don't all spam Garnet with the same replies "FIX RAIDBLOCK" "GARNET YOUR SERVER IS BROKEN FIX RAIDBLOCK" So, based off community opinion that I've gathered; 1.Raid Block should only trigger when a player uses some kind of explosive on another player's entity/base. In the suggestion thread, Garnet says only C4 will apply a Raid Block, which, in my opinion, creates an easy exploit, meaning if you don't use C4 in a raid, the people getting raided can do whatever the hell they want. I would suggest adding Basic Rockets and Explosive 5.56mm to the trigger. They are commonly used in high profile raids, and along with C4, are the most expensive explosives in the game, meaning they should provide the benefit of Raid Blocking the defender. 2. Raid Block lasts 3 Minutes. This is a lot better than 5 Minutes, and it's still manageable for the raider to keep it going. I say this stays, and so do the rest of the community that I've asked. 3. Raid Block prevents you from placing a lot of entities. There is most likely a whitelist that can be changed for this mod, but I'm not familiar with it. If it isn't too much of a challenge, the whitelist should be as follows: - Sleeping bag - Camp Fire - Stash - Ladder - Tool Cupboard - Auto Turret - Small Generator - High External Walls and Gates (This was 50/50 out of everyone I asked. Further discussion will help ease the matter hopefully) - If High Walls and Gates are allowed - allow Stone barricade, Sandbags, and wooden barricade/metal barricade for balancing. - Wire Tool (have not tested to see if it doesn't work in Raid Block, but is important for some raid tactics) - Twig Floor/Walls/Stairs (possibility of adding a chance to completely destroy the block when upgraded would be really cool) (no foundation) - Any Seeds (just annoying when you have to wait for Raid Block to end to tend to your garden) - Any others, please suggest in comments/replies Placing down a door to seal the raid is very common and I believe that we need a way to accomplish this without it directly breaking the functionality of Raid Block. Discuss whether door/doorway placing should be allowed during raidblock for further discourse on the subject. Key locks and Code Locks should also be allowed if doors are. "Building" during raids has always been a meta that I've been a genuine fan of. No walling off loot inside your base, but using certain entities in the game to the advantage of the defender and the raider, makes for very interesting PVP. 4. Trading/TP/Home teleports do not work while Raid Blocked. Thanks Garnet! That's pretty much all I have for this. Please let me know your thoughts down below.
  10. +1 Please remember to fix MR96 recoil its aids as it stands
  11. +1 reasons above, could prove useful for actual intercommunication of factions
  12. +1/-1 Embassy should be set so people can cap from the wooden boxes all the way back to the top of the stairs. Boardwalk is fine, it's really all about how each team approaches taking the objective.
  13. Easy +1 for me, you've always been super mature and always abide by all rules, plus youre one of the friendliest on the server. I know you have what it takes to dominate in the staff team
  14. +1 you already know what it is. You have had your spats of retardation and toxicity but I can tell you it really was never to the point of you not being fit for staff. You have tons of experience on the server and given your current attitude I'd love to see you on the team
  15. +1, always nonbiased no matter what, very mature and pretty dang active
  16. +1 Easily one of my favorite players of the server. Good luck bud, keep being active and you'll do good things
  17. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HpQCuWwk-3c5Eq0IovIM6Q5_WPnWVAVfdD0weuQDWW8/edit#gid=0 I know I just recently resigned, but I figured I'd share this. I've already shown it to the Entry Faction leads and they liked it, so I decided to put it in public. NOTE: this covers EVERYTHING a recruit can learn within 30 minutes. You do not have to cover everything, just teach recruits things you believe are important, and everything highlighted in Green. Feel free to use questions required by your faction's default training docs. Also, please comment any edits you think should be made.
  18. +1 Doggo has grown so much as a person/player since I met him. It was always a pleasure having you on and I hope you do great as a staff member. Congrats on ENS!
  19. @GarnetBig ups for pretty much everything on this post. Have some rest and get back to it when you're ready!
  20. The time has come for me to end my tenure as leader of PDSS. I have had the time of my life in this faction, and it resparked my flame to want to play on the server. This has been the best experience I've had gaming and I'm so glad I got to meet so many awesome people not only in the faction, but on the server as a whole. First, I want to apologize for my recent inactivity, and of course my toxicity. For those who don't know, I'm in a very uncertain part of my life. I've been battling depression for the better part of a year and it's been coming down on me recently because of personal issues that I won't bore the community with on this post. I'd like to individually apologize to @Dexx (I'm p sure you're SSO SGT Dex in-game), for my behavior today in PM's and partly OOC. I'm sorry to everyone on the server that has to see me like that, but, let's face it, it's a video game. You'll all forget about me in a matter of weeks. I also apologize to @Koulit for my behavior towards you today. I had no right to do what I did and have since reversed it. Congrats on Colonel, and good luck. You'll need it Thank you to @Bleach, for being my all-time best friend on this server. If not for you I would have left a long time ago, and most likely would not have joined PDSS or even stayed on the server. Good luck with Major General, I'll always be in touch if you need anything. Thank you to @Gamma, for being there when I needed you and the great experiences in and out of the server. Of course, now that I have no real obligation to be active on MRP, we can grind out some Rust and kill some dummies. Thank you to @BigBoyFlame, for being the best 2ndIC I could have ever asked for. People questioned my decision to make you Second in Command, but I was sure you were the one as soon as I gained leadership. You kept the boys in line and kept them entertained while I was away. Although you didn't do too well with tryouts and the like, you had your position for a reason. I wish you the best in anything you do, and hope you stay in contact. Thank you to @Landon for helping me get Frogmen Leader. I miss you brother and I wanna play games with you soon, hmu retard. Thank you to @Ethan , for all the advice you gave me over my leadership and being my overall favorite staff member. Your time as Manager was short, but I know you could have done great things if you had the position sooner. Thank you to @JimmyEugeneTrash, you were an amazing Frogman and I will cherish you forever. I had a blast as your subordinate in Delta Force, and as your leader in Frogmen. You will do great things in life if you apply yourself, Jimbo, remember that. Thank you to @Skye for being a model leader and helping me be an effective Officer in your faction. I will take the things you taught me to my grave. Thank you @Trip for being my favorite leader ever. Being in your Delta Force was an honor, and I'll never forget the faction that brought me back into the server. Thank you @{GG} CJ , we've never been in the same faction as each other, but somehow we became great friends. Hope to hear from you more often. i might add more periodically. Thank you, every member of Garnet Gaming, DarkRP, MilitaryRP, wherever. Keep the shit going.
  21. +1 for big nerf on this, I try to only use the gun to cheese on dudes with Kevlar/Morphine combos. Very overpowered as it is in CQC, as a designated marksman rifle should not be. While at that, try to fix the weapon deploy/reload glitch, leaving the user defenseless for several seconds after pulling it out or reloading a mag.
  22. +1 to all but morphine, as Dexx said +25 is fine as is. The only issues currently standing are the damage reduction of Kevlar and the Halo like gameplay we're seeing from Weight Reduction.
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