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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Captainswag

  1. Stay away from my sister


  2. May I add that if you go with this idea of making official discords Garn, that (and it’s just my suggestion) they don’t discriminate against some players if they are official make them public and make sure the owners don’t remove people they dont want (unless it’s the obvious ones like hackers, comm banned folks, the usual people who aren’t allowed on the servers in the first place)
  3. Just wanted to bring it up again Expectations. You see, you all expect to be given a source of entertainment, and rightfully so, the server transitioned from (at least from when i joined) a place where we made our own fun, being idiots and whatnot, to where the staff are supposed to make the game fun? I don't understand when people were like "Welp lets hope someone does something so we can enjoy our time here." while, at least i remember, just enjoying the general fuckery of a gmod server. Sorry, i know i don't play at all anymore, but i just had to bring it up again, after reading that. TL;DR: I don't think it should be up to staff and garnet to make your time on here fun or interesting. It is more their job to keep the environment tidy.
  4. Look I dont play at all anymore But I do want to point out that when i did play, especially in 2018-2019, we just entertained ourselves. Everything got a whole lot more serious for some reason, and if you wanted the server to be serious, it really kinda pushed away all that fuckery that I know the players back in the day enjoyed. Sure there isn't as much chaos as there was in 2019 CSCDesert, but that stupidity and just freedom that allowed us to mess around with our friends without having to be serious was one major thing i just know people enjoyed. Hell those were probably my favorite times on the server, i could care less about a map, or weapons (How they handle, i love variety, even if that just means reskins). I got to run around as a goat in war biting peoples ankles and yelling at them through a mic. There are little things that make a server like this a fun place to be. And if players get to experience those little things, they will surely want to come back and play again and again. I personally think the thing that ruined the fun for me was when everything got too serious for a server that just wasn't serious, i know I am a 'vet' and just reminiscing on the past, but i feel like it is worth noting. Don't know if this helped Garn-man, just trying to give an input i felt needed to be shared.
  5. Aren’t there videos from like 4 and a half years ago with GOATSOC? (Also good ol Taiga days do be long gone...)
  6. May Allah bless us for the next 12 months brothers! no but seriously, hope you all are doing great so far!
  7. How has everyone been recently? Been a while since I’ve checked in?

  8. Goodbye gamma, please keep in touch man, gonna miss you. I hope everything gets better soon mate. /me salutes with a tear in my eye
  9. I am sure you realize that times change yes? Back when I first started playing, the PDSS would say the word in their tryouts as it was a part of their last question, they didn’t get in trouble, but due to the rules changing, you can see now that the staff are less lenient than they were.
  10. Look I don’t play, I know. but I have the brain power even after my concussion to point out that you should know the rules by now. also “I have less than 1000 hours I’m not a vet” isn’t a good response. I first joined 2 years ago and from then to the last time I got on I only had 980 something hours. I didn’t AFK hence my lower playtime, but just wanted to point out that not being valid. -1 To the appeal from me (Once again I don’t play and haven’t in a few months, but I was giving more of a “third party” look on this appeal, so take my words as you will, thank you for your time)
  11. School Happy 1 year anniversary of the thread boyos!
  12. One year ago today, word association game started

    1. Aparh


      nooo shotttt its been that long

    2. Captainswag


      I remember exactly where I was when I made my first post on it, I still had short hair haha

  13. Diet (one more day and then this thread will be one year old boys!)
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