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[TW] Nakeys

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Everything posted by [TW] Nakeys

  1. for this video, at 2:10 you can see there is a Us on the hill. at 2:22 I do agree it is super suspicious and possibly a wallhack. The only possibility i see there is that cramps is using 3rd person and saw the head of the guys over the bushes when he was close to the wall https://gyazo.com/65d237061722f81e05bb9aedbd71c13b arround 8:40 https://gyazo.com/00f4458609e52639a6a29b9c03b96949 when you said he shoot out of his cross-hair its just a bad argument. In the settings you can put the crosshair not center in your screen. this is in first person https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1431758702. and this is in 3rd person https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1431758685 . you can see that in the first person view (like in the video above) my crosshair is off target. When you look at my 3rd person cross hair its directly on the head. Conclusion : im not saying he isnt cheating, im just saying there is a possibility he isnt
  2. where are those 25mins clips?
  3. https://gyazo.com/83199722384050a8e743122dd9ab1e6d tell me if im wrong, but if he was cheating wouldnt he snape on the player right in front of him or a player surrending? and if you tell me that it is because your body is on top of him, why he never locked on phantom or someone else when he was being spectate playing war?
  4. can you show the hole video and you being on top of him while spectating?
  5. you know that everybody knows when you are being spectated right?
  6. Some have joined marsoc and delta force
  7. Nice that we are following the same way!
  8. -1 for those 2 reason, if you are legit freebird, can you explain me how you are playing the angle on the first video cause i dont understand how its possible. first off, in this video the important part is not me dying, its the guys far in front of me getting kill then the one on my left getting kill 1.5 - 1.8 second after . With the distance between both of them, i dont see how its humanly possible to flick from the first guy to the other one. After that, I know that me dying isnt a proof and its only a kill but its still fishy af to snipe me right after I jump out of cover. If someone say he is holding that tight angle, how did he kill the other guy on the hill? On this one, If he doesn't have walls, can someone explain me why he is shooting the tree when im behind the tree? when i<m sniper at someone and he runs behind a tree, i dont shoot at the tree directly, I shoot at the space before the tree. We all know that you cant wall bang a tree. After that, when he killed me, he killed someone 2sec after ( Lev/panini) ( if you have the video of where you were at that time that will be great but i remember he said he was oil) who is again super far away from me. I dont see how you can snipe people in that short amount of time with those distances.
  9. I joined military Rp 4 days ago. Its only been a couple of days but I really enjoy the server. Already had meet fantastic people from a lot of countries and excited to meet more. To people who dont know me yet, im a 21 year old canadian who speak french and english. I have a tone of experiences in gmod on other type of server like darkrp and star wars Rp. I like hockey and futbol (soccer) and like many canadian, im a friendly person! ? Sincerely, Nakeys
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