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Yazmo ☣

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Posts posted by Yazmo ☣

  1. So it has been a while hasn't it. 


    For those of you who know why I have been gone, you can skip this paragraph. I just thought I should explain it to everyone. I have been super inactive due to me feeling extremely lonely, and then I became an alcoholic. I have wasted my life, scholarship, and everything I've basically ever had. I was dealt a hand of 21, and I still managed to lose. Mental health is a touchy subject, but to anyone who think they're in a low in life, just find somebody to support you. No matter what, when you think your life is low it CAN get worse. There will always be somebody who is there to support you. Just find them.


    I had a great time in Garnet, some of the best months of gaming I've had in my whole life, and probably the last. I'll miss complaining about the broken balancing, and being with my friends. Too many people impacted my experience to @ them all, and I just have a lack of creative writing at the moment. Feel free to reach out to me if you wanna talk, or I'll try to respond to anything below.


    For the final time:





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  2. And to you Hooman, you were honestly the player I looked forward to seeing almost everyday. From the days of me training you to make SSO as an OPT, to me sniping you with smokes as a LT. You have such a bright and vibrant personality, and quite frankly if I was more active on server you would be someone I could look up to. Keep up the great work man, you're making 2GA a better place.


    Much love,


  3. I just got a question, would it be possible in the future we got to customize our own HUDs? I know some servers have it that way, I just prefer my HUD a lot weirder then most people like it.


    But, it looks great and the font seems crisper which I like. Good work.

  4. I am going to restate my rant that I posted a few days ago a little bit more professionally because I do not believe this forum was written very well.


    Okay so here are the reasons why I think Siberia is weak.


    1. Mountains: Mountains create negative experience. They encourage camping and snowballing. If you get the high ground with third person it is next to impossible to die if you know how to play it correctly. Little ridges are good where players can mount from both sides, but when you have to circle all the way around the mountain to climb it, it fucking blows. It slows down gunfights, and rewards passive shitty play styles where you can just set up cross fire on two mountains and never lose. Taiga was so good because trees and small ridges allow outplaying and agressive playstyles to flourish because nothing slowed down foot speed and there was multiple routes to flank anyone. Now we just have mountains with shitty chokeholds everywhere on the map.


    2. Slippery Snow: I hate sliding. If mountains wasn’t enough to punish aggressive playstyles, sliding is. Sliding makes it so micro adjusting for every foot step is a “mechanic” to think about. And the counter to this “mechanic” is to camp and sit still in third person and just be a bitch because why push when you can just hide and not be punished even when the enemy knows your location. 


    3. 5 objectives: In my opinion, this is the worst change of all. It heavily favors the side with more numbers as it is impossible to power creep an objective last minute, now you gotta take two which is impossible because you now have to split your low numbers. Another reason I hate it is simply the fact that it makes the more complicated for no good reason. Base factions are a huge part in wars as it is the meat of the army and is what either decides if the % is going up in your favor or not. The need to over rotate and just simply sending them to another objective is awful as most players don’t have the time to learn a map with 5 objectives and FUCKING MOUNTAINS in the way of everything. This is more of an opinion but I think the game play of 3 objectives was a lot smoother.


    Now to round it off, @Ethan had mentioned to me in private that he would not like the map to change, instead just fix the issues we have now. But, then we just have a snowy Taiga. Taiga had so many beneficial things to this server and I can argue this further if people want to know my reasoning.

  5. 6 hours ago, [C5] [Stringer] sdruw12 said:

    The one question I have is that if it wasn't you then why would the other account not make a ban appeal? I mean its as simple as signing in through steam so why wouldn't Boneless not make an appeal?


    5 hours ago, DarkKnight said:

    True, If the other account got banned for Ban Evasion, and he knew it was false, why wouldnt he appeal?

    He may not know we have a forums, or simply he may not give a shit. How many people get banned per day without making an appeal?


    For the final time, stop pulling accusations out of your ass.

  6. If there is not sufficient evidence he is innocent until proven guilty. I understand why it seems the way it is but people typing shit is not evidence. There needs to be legit screenies with some sort of time stamp or a video. You can't ban someone for thinking its an alt without it being a circumstance where a manager+ makes the decision. Stop saying he did this or he did that without hard evidence or a manager+'s discretion. 

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  7. zZq53b.jpg

    Here's a screenshot of this morning. I can't say having someone advertising a porn website is staff friendly.


    -1 btw


    in fact you deserve to be banned for this.

  8. I am also going to have to -1 this. Your behavior is immature and for a KST you never fail to suprise me how immature you are. I havent has a TON of experience with you, but they mostly have been negative.

    13 hours ago, Lucher said:

    10/10 meme

    this is exactly what I am talking about.

  9. So there comes a time in life where a man doesn't feel healthy, mentally. For me this has been this period. 


    I would like to start off by saying NO I am not resigning from the server, I will still hold my spot in Vega and play enough for me to be considered semi active. I would like to resign from staff as I feel like I cannot keep up with both my quotas and responsibility. As well, it is not the servers fault as to why I feel the way I do, I love the server and especially the people in it. But my IRL situation makes me feel awful and I feel guilty taking a staff position where I am not doing my responsibilities.


    Last week a took a vacation to my friends cottage, where I called it a mental health break. What did I need a break from? Well, from recently quitting my HR position at my job (PetSmart) which was paying for my university, as well as losing a girlfriend and some family members pretty suddenly. The point of my "vacation" was to kinda just reset my mental state, and kind of restart in terms when it came of both routine and work. The results have been fucking awful. I feel unmotivated to do anything. It is hard to explain but I can barely wake up in the morning to go to the gym everyday which use to be the staple of my happiness. I feel lost and like I am back on square one.


    I do not know what to do, and if anyone has any ideas on what I could do to please suggest them to me. I have supporting friends in real life aswell as my lacrosse trainer who tries to get me motivated but it all feels like pity but maybe it is all in my head.


    Sorry for getting personal, and thanks for understanding.




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