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Everything posted by GrandDaddyStalin

  1. +1 For your experience on MRP And i have seen a lot of activity from you when I'm on.
  2. O Alr then ima sorry for making this then and thank you.
  3. Description: We need a way to keep it so when we die we keep whatever previous attachments we had set to our guns so we dont have to go through the hassle of reequipping all of the previous attachments. Reasoning: This would save time during wars (alittle) and make players happier I feel. PS: Ik this has probably been suggested like thousand of times but it would be nice. Additional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE]
  4. -1 Too much dmg/OP it could provide a big advantage to one party.
  5. Accepted Your proof is enough for this case. We have communicated with @ajbedhead about the missed confession. It was clearly an accident. A Warn & Jail will be issued to ric413 once we see him in-game. @proggy & @DiegoZavier Please Lock & Move.
  6. Accepted @ajbedhead has already been punished in-game for Mic spam, from the report you dealt with. This should'nt have been taken to the forums at all. Please Next time do /report in-game. @DiegoZavier @proggy
  7. Here's A Model I thought would be a fun staff on duty model. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2151548112&searchtext=cop
  8. DeniedYou have failed to use the format provided. You also were reported in a forum report, which was later accepted. The rule you broke was MassRDM which is where you kill someone for no reason. https://garnetgaming.net/forums/index.php?/topic/13393-supreme_ogrelord/ You will not be unbanned.@proggy or @DiegoZavier Please Lock & Move!
  9. +1 You have recommendations from staff that I trust to make the right choices and your app seems to be very clear and shows you know what your doing.
  10. -1 Very little paragraphs or detail included on app.
  11. Congrats To everyone on there hard work this month. And Congrats Proggy on Userxd
  12. with this Information but i think ima go with a -1
  13. +1 I think it would be great to have you back on the staff team.
  14. +1 You Sound like a good kid I havent seen much of you but I think youd be a fine staff.
  15. +1 I saw him ingame on a sit he was super helpful and he really understood the rules and how to help new players.
  16. Congrats To everyone on there promotions and good job guys.
  17. +1 You have good paragraphs and they have a lot of information I think you'll be a good staff.
  18. -1 Short Paragraphs Add more to your application and I might change my post.
  19. +1 In your app you seem very mature. And I believe you could make a good staff member on our team.
  20. +1 Noxii was a good former staff and I would love to see you back on our team.
  21. Congrats To everyone and all the new staff on there promotions.
  22. Denied You should have made a report to staff, Media Micspam should be dealt with in a sit. It is not a arrestable offense. The Warn Will stay @proggy @DiegoZavier Lock And Move
  23. Like I said on your other application.
  24. Figure which app your using and wait at least till one is accepted or denied please.
  25. -1 Your a good person but sentences to short, Low hours High Warns.
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