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Vac_ last won the day on July 31 2020

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  1. I have no words, I left Garnet Gaming months ago, only to come back and see this? Gamma was my friend since day one when I got introduced around the map by him on Siberia… Were we teammates throughout my career in Seals, SSO, and Vega… Rest easy man, this world’s a messed up place… Edit: What hurts me the most is the fact that Gamma was one who PM’d me offering support and care when I was at my lowest years back, and had my back through everything… Gamma was such a kind individual and it’s horrible that this happened…
  2. Some of you may of noticed my activity has been very poor in the past two weeks, i’ve been dealing a lot with real life... hell, i’ve even reached out for help from some of yall and I seriously appreciate it, unfortunately, it’s hitting me harder than I feel I can handle right now. For this I don’t want the responsibility of staff... I may be back in the future but I can’t promise anything... (Proggy/Garnet/Managers can you set me back to VIP) this isn’t a server goodbye, but i don’t have the stability right now to deal with staff work... thank you all.
  3. -1, A staff member should be a role model and almost the whole month of February you were banned..
  4. This was one hell of a month! Congratz everyone!!!
  5. Great work Garnet! I like the thought of casinos
  6. In-Game name: Vac / 3D Vac FUBAR SteamID: STEAM_0:1:212323038
  7. +1; Will is literally always on, super friendly, always greets me when i run into him, knows the rules. I feel he’d be a perfect addition to the staff team.
  8. It has been brought to my attention that players have been targeting William ingame. If this is found to be true, those players will be looked into, as i'm currently getting in touch with some higher ups. Regarding the post about Keira's voice, William is a newer player probably without knowledge of who she is or her age, as well as all he did was say her voice was amazing, he isn't "being a pedo". I've seen multiple occasions of targeting harassment against William for no reason and if this continues, punishments are possible...
  9. It’s when i noticed that my recording didn’t start when i originally started it, that’s literally unedited... “stop hiding info coward”. I always treat reports fairly and get info from both sides, everything that I said is what happened, i haven’t hid any info that would effect this appeal, don’t be disrespectful for no reason...
  10. In this video, you can see the Illegals (Meth stove, Unfortunately i didnt pan my camera to the left, there was 4 printers in the corner) and after talking with Haxon for a few and him not running over there and fixing it, I ran over to capture the Prop block and you can see everyone stuck in the keypad that didnt work (That Haxon even admitted didnt work). My FailRP warn is valid...
  11. You just admitted to prop blocking a base with illegals (printer/stove), you’re allowed to get raided during a sit... you had a failbase...
  12. @ElCompadre , I’m not home ATM when i get home I’ll upload the clip. Haxon was reported for failbase by Ghost FUBAR. When i tp’d i have video of the base and the keypad didnt work and there was a prop blocking the entrance that Haxon placed, so he was warned for FailRP. I told you to remove it, basically now, since there were people stuck inside, but you kept making excuses not to, so i warned you for FailRP. It doesn’t matter if you kept getting raided by different people, you had meth stoves (with cooking meth) and printers, so your base must be accessible, it was clearly a failbase...
  13. @sofaa Made a report, I tp'd, He said to read chat as a DDoS threat was aimed at him. I checked chat, saw it, recorded it (Although Hollow has the picture of what I captured). I then took him to a sit room, told him what he did, and put the ban string through. It is a clear threat, joke or not, should not be tolerated. Also, @Jrich_modz Follow the Appeal format. [Format] Ban Appeal - Reports and Appeals - Garnet Gaming
  14. +1 | I see Keira on all the time, Very friendly.. knows the ins and outs of the community. Great playtime. I feel Keira would make an excellent staff member!! she yells at me to go to sleep, i’m on too much
  15. +1 | Active, Great person, excellent playtime, not much I need to say, the people above sum’d it up. Goodluck Rosie!!!
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