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Posts posted by PrisonNightmare

  1. 1 minute ago, {GG}otham said:

    Lol Garnet is a good community, but it's never been known for it's kindness/warm welcome. It keeps a healthy balance between cool people, crybabies, and idiots.


    Summed up the community in a nutshell tbh.

  2. I feel bad because I know Diomonder spent a stupid amount of time and dedication making the current map, but I'm gonna have to +1 this suggestion. This map isn't bad by any means what so ever, and it's the best map by far aesthetics wise, but gameplay-wise it's lacking compared to maps like Taiga.


    Some downsides I see is that faction leaders are going to once again have to change all of their tryout docs, etc. But even still I think it will be worth it.


    I'm +1ing for the return of Taiga. 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Millerjerm2 said:

    How could I increase my presence and become better known I am willing to do anything to become staff.


    1. Increase your presence within TS/The Forums, actively communicate with people on there

    2. Start interacting with people outside of the faction you play on, talk in OOC and shit, make some friends.


     That's pretty much it to be honest, the more active you are on the TS/Forums in general will help you get more known within the community easily.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Stinkie said:

    The staff team tries their best to have full coverage but there is just simply no way to have staff on 24/7. Any gmod server ever to exist always has their off hours and there is no way to fix that. If it is often enough to make a forum post about it, get your hours up, memorize the rule sets, and try out for staff if you want. Staff downtime is inevitable.




    Just in case it wasn't obvious enough for you, don't necropost.

    • 300 IQ 2
  5. Army does have their own unofficial discord that is ran by the officers and what-not, but I'm not totally 100% sure if I'm allowed to give the discord link out on official garnet gaming services (Rules are pretty strict on making your own discords and whatnot meant for the server).


    So if you want to join that at least if you play on Army, contact an officer to send you an invite privately.

  6. +1 Application looks pretty decent from what I can see and seems pretty mature and chill in-game, albeit I've only had limited interactions with you.


    also he only has 200 hours in the game yet he's already 100x better than half the people in the server wtf  pOg

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    • Dumb/Shitpost 1
  7. I didn't even know you posted an application, lmao.


    +1, from my personal experience this guy is great to play with and hang around with. He's pretty well known throughout 2GA at least, so he has that going from them. He's also one of the most mature people within 2GA to be honest, and would make a great addition to the staff team.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Gamma said:

    This has already been suggested multiple times and Garnet if fully aware of this. It's a pointless thread to make at this point. 


    Really? My bad, I don't remember there ever being a thread about it recently anyways. I mean if it's known why don't they just fix it at this point? It doesn't seem like it takes a fuck ton of work to fix lol.

  9. Description: Sometimes when you die and respawn or switch your job, it will spawn you in the ceiling/in the light prop. Sometimes you can alt + E on the light to get un-stuck but there are still times where you can't and have to switch your job. I know this is such a minuscule thing, but it's still annoying getting stuck in the prop or ceiling and having to switch jobs and back. I don't know if this is like a /setspawn issue or if it's the actual spawnpoint compiled in the map, but either way seems like an easy fix. AFAIK this is only a problem Army/Marines are having, I'm not sure if SOC factions are having the same issue or not.


    Reasoning: Again, this is just a minor bug but I thought I'd make a forum post about it anyway, just in case if it's possible for it to get fixed. It would help out the server so that people don't get stuck anymore and then their forced to switch jobs and back if they can't Alt + E out of the prop.


    Additional Information: Here are some screenshots of what I'm talking about in case you don't know: https://prnt.sc/ooa5c3 | https://prnt.sc/ooa5it


    Thanks for taking a look at this. A small bug but still would be nice for it to be fixed.

    • 300 IQ 1
  10. I really think a permanent ban is way too extreme for what he did, he never even technically broke any server rules. I understand it's important to teach this player a lesson about "internet safety" but a permanent ban just seems way too much and this just isn't the right way to go about it. His ban should be lowered at most to a one month ban, and even that seems like a little excessive to me.

    • Like 4
     Advanced issues found
    1 hour ago, br0ken- said:

    any sort of this behaviour can get you banned again. 

    How? It isn't like he's breaking any server rules, yes it's lowkey retarded to give out your number but it isn't a bannable offense is it? As long as it's your own number I don't really see an issue or a proper reason on why they should be banned.


    As long as it's his own number and he willingly gave it out, then I +1 this ban appeal personally.

     Advanced issues found
    4 minutes ago, Ethan said:

    Also, I would suggest making this a thing that doesn't happen every war, and instead happens like every two wars, or every other war, to make it a surprise affect on the war.


    I like this idea as well, it being a random event would make it a lot more fun and fresh, while allowing to have "Regular" wars as well.

  13. It sounds like a good idea on text, but I have a feeling it will be way too OP depending on what is in these drops. What specifically would be in these drops? How many weapons will there be in general in these drops? How many weapons can someone pick up per person?


    Could be a pretty neat idea if it's balanced properly. Or it could be cool as a "special" event that affects the war, either way it's a pretty interesting idea and if it's done properly it could be a really good way to freshen up wars.

  14. 9 minutes ago, Ethan said:

    I agree with the suggestion, but I think we need to be more specific on what you want. I.E. how much stamina jumping eats up, how fast it regens, and when you can regen it.

    My suggestion for this is each jump would take 18/100 stamina, you regen 1 stamina a second, and can only regen stamina when you aren't sprinting/jumping so people can't continuously jump and regen as they sprint around. Five-Six jumps in one sprint seems reasonable to me (because this is about how many jumps you need to complete the obstacle course).


    Only regenerating 1 stamina a second seems a little slow for me, in my opinion. Having to wait over a minute to get a fully recharged jumping stamina bar just seems way too long. I personally think if they were to go with your idea it should be like 3-5 seconds stamina regened in a second.

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