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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Posts posted by PrisonNightmare

  1. 3 minutes ago, Abandoned said:

    current map is dogshit cant wait for it be changed and maybe 2GA make a return.

    People like you are the reason why the Execs think the entire community is like this.


    This guy is the silent minority who from what it looks like based on his barely active forum account, is a DarkRP main. To anyone that reads the above and think the entire community is like this, just know the few people like him are what has tarnished the MRP community rep so much and MOST people who actually play the community aren't really like this.

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  2. 1 minute ago, S0UL said:

    The reason SWRP and Rust and getting things is because Garnet likes those communities, MRP is toxic, and if the trend stays, there will always be at least one person whining, even if we do get the weapon and map changes. Even if the map does change, in about 2-4 months another thread like this will be waiting to happen. The same thing will eventually happen with the weapon changes too.

    So, MRP is toxic because the community wants to play on a new map every 3-4 months so the combat doesn't get stale? The MRP community is toxic because it wants the gun meta to be changed from the same meta it has been for at least over two years?


    Yes the same thing will probably happen in the future, but it really shouldn't be labeled as a bad thing that the community wants change to keep the combat/server in general from being stale. These changes really don't take that much time to do, changing the map to something new really shouldn't have to be an ordeal for the community to go through every 6 months, same with getting weapon tweaks and changes.


    To me this just sounds like the community wanting change from the same boring shit they play all day for months. This really should be considered anything but toxic in my opinion. In my opinion, it sounds like Garnet is just bored of working on MRP and wants to focus on other game modes that he is actually enjoying working on. Which is completely fine to do, nothing wrong with that. However, he really either should hand over the reigns to someone to make these monotonous/tedious changes that take some focus/time to do if he expects the server to continue doing well. If he doesn't, then we should all expect the player population to drop in the coming months.


    Gonna leave it here cause we've gotten severely off topic from the thread, but I felt like all this needs to be said lol.

    • Agree 3
  3. 16 minutes ago, S0UL said:

    I agree the maps do get a bit stale, but people need to understand garnet has a life and other servers to attend to other than here, and with us constantly asking MRP has become the little brother crying for a turn on the xbox.

    What? How has MRP become the little brother crying for a turn on the Xbox. It may have been like that in the past, but I feel as if recently MRP hasn't been asking for all that much compared to what StarwarsRP and Rust have been asking and getting. I mean the only changes people have asked for recently that needs Garnet's attention as far as I know that the majority of the community wants is some gun stat changes (Which he has an entire thread to go off of) and a map change to some place that isn't a desert. People really aren't asking much more than that lol.


    There was that thread Fetn made about removing AFSOC/AAF and replacing it with some other SOC's, but that was obviously going to get denied anyways. Fetn himself said it was just an excuse to keep people in AFSOC/AAF from complaining about their factions getting completely removed.


    I understand he has to spread himself out between sixteen different servers spanning across multiple game modes and games (he has spread himself out really thin lol), but people haven't really been asking for much lately as far as I can tell.

    • Agree 1
  4. Just now, S0UL said:

    I feel to prove ourselves we need to stop complaining about what aw actually get. Any time we get something , usually something we asked for, we complain about it. I agree that i wouldn't want  to update a server that complains when it gets updates.

    Can you list some specific examples of when this has happened where the community has complained about something we've asked for? Only times I personally can think of that happening is with maps. And to be fair with maps, they are a very complex thing to design/make so they are most likely going to have flaws people don't like about it. People should be able to get bored of maps as well, the fact there isn't a solid 3-4 month map rotation already in place with the amount of previous maps we've had in the past is kind of ridiculous imo. It's been stated at least 1-2 times that there would be a rotation in place, but that has yet to occur. Playing on the same map every day for months gets boring real quick, so if you're referring for players to stop complaining about maps it is not the way to go.


    People should be able to dislike things Garnet adds to the server without repercussion, sometimes the things he adds just don't work out and while it's a shame, the community in it's entirety shouldn't be punished for it. It's really a hit or miss kind of thing you know, people won't know if they like it until they try it, and that is true for most things.

    • Like 2
  5. 4 hours ago, Kurtle said:

    I think if the MRP community is able to show that it is worthy of all the work that a map update requires, then Garnet should oblige them.

    I feel like this sentiment needs to be addressed, how does the "MRP community" prove themselves to be worthy enough for updates to the map/server? No other community or game that I know of makes the community have to "prove themselves" worthy of getting updates, I genuinely just do not understand why this is being a requirement for any map changes or updates.

    3 hours ago, S0UL said:

    we need to be worth even working on, and stop being dissatisfied with the updates we actually get. If we complain when he actually does update the server, hes not going to care enough to do it again.

    Although this is true to an extent, I feel like people should be able to express dissatisfactions they have about the gameplay or map. Forcing people to stay quiet about issues just so Garnet will start noticing MRP again isn't the way to go in my opinion. Garnet needs to know the issues the server has or if people don't like changes he made with a recent update. This really shouldn't be seen as a "Community doesn't care about the work Garnet puts into the server" when people complain about certain aspects of the server, rather than feedback Garnet can use to his advantage.

    • Agree 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Kurtle said:

    I think if the MRP community is able to show that it is worthy of all the work that a map update requires, then Garnet should oblige them.

    I feel like this sentiment needs to be addressed, how does the "MRP community" prove themselves to be worthy enough for updates to the map/server? No other community or game that I know of makes the community have to "prove themselves" worthy of getting updates, I genuinely just do not understand why this is being a requirement for any map changes or updates.

    3 hours ago, S0UL said:

    we need to be worth even working on, and stop being dissatisfied with the updates we actually get. If we complain when he actually does update the server, hes not going to care enough to do it again.

    Although this is true to an extent, I feel like people should be able to express dissatisfactions they have about the gameplay or map. Forcing people to stay quiet about issues just so Garnet will start noticing MRP again isn't the way to go in my opinion. Garnet needs to know the issues the server has or if people don't like changes he made with a recent update. This really shouldn't be seen as a "Community doesn't care about the work Garnet puts into the server" when people complain about certain aspects of the server, rather than feedback Garnet can use to his advantage.

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  7. Map hasn't even been on for three months and people already want to change to a new one? The executive team is usually already so against changing the maps every 4-6 months, I severely doubt they would even consider changing it at the moment. Just based off of previous debates in the past when it comes to map changes, it was insanely difficult to go back to another map. I imagine at the very minimum we'll have to wait another month or two before they'd consider changing.

    • Agree 6
  8. Wow I actually cannot believe this wasn't thought of sooner I'm not gonna lie lmao. This is actually a really good idea, and I imagine it wouldn't even be that hard to implement into the F4 menu. Really good suggestion, it would help new players out and you could even implement the "safety zones" or whatever so people in game can better visualize where they actually are.



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  9. Please edit your original post and fill out the following information:

    Also do you have any proof of him harassing you? I don't believe anything can be done unfortunately if you don't have any proof to provide the admins with.

    • Agree 1
  10. I’ve always been of the personal opinion that RP is almost never done correctly on a widespread scale and it was a mistake to ever go in the RP direction rather than focus on combat & create a less “strict” Rp sense on the server.

    The people that have pushed/currently push for the server to become more RP oriented have always failed to make it enjoyable for everyone, I honestly cannot think of a single time where RP/RP events has worked on the server in a wide scale fashion.

    The reality of the situation most people don’t give a damn about doing role play  events as an actual military force, people just want to fuck around on a gmod server and shoot things. Personally, I can only remember one specific event that was held where it was actually enjoyable and not just the same shitty RP event most GMs put on.


    Consistent RP will almost never work on a gmod server, there is usually too many incompetent people to make it happen as well as the general player base just usually isn’t into it. I know the game has “RP” in the title, but we shouldn’t take that aspect of it so seriously and instead focus on the aspects that will get new players in and having fun.


    sorry if this is written poorly, on mobile rn and just wanted to give my thoughts on this lol.

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  11. 2 minutes ago, Ozzy said:

    I know I’m not around anymore but I don’t think these comments could come from a worse ideology. 

    You're right, you don't play anymore so I have zero clue on why you're trying to make a dramatic scenario out of a simple suggestion

    3 minutes ago, Ozzy said:

    No one is forcing you to play this map. No one is forcing you to get on and play a video game, server, or map that you don’t want to. With that said, there is a significant amount of people holding the server hostage. “I won’t play unless the map changes 😩” Go fuck yourselves. Do you know how whiny and ungrateful you all sound. Leave. Resign from your position. Don’t take an “indefinite LOA”. Leave. Don’t be some selfish asshat holding a position of power hostage because you don’t like the map. If you aren’t going to play, leave. Resign. Give someone else who is willing to stick it out and play the opportunity to run your faction, take your officer spot, etc.

    This suggestion is now calling for a 3rd map change to be on the calendar. The suggestion and all this outcry for a map is so god damn selfish it’s crazy. You’re all saying I play this game for me and me only. Fuck trying to help the server in a time of volatility, I’m just going to cling to a position and not play until something new happens. Phenomenal example of why I completely understand Garnet’s frustration is the Tali update. He changed an entire country at the drop of a hat in order to keep the server spicy and appease the player base. How did pop react? As always, a good spike in the beginning and then it tapers off as the excitement fades.

    Let me start this off by saying you have zero clue of what you're talking about. Just because some people want a simple map change while Garnet edits the new one doesn't mean we're holding our positions of power hostage. All of the people who play on the server and want this are still very much active and are playing every day. No one has taken an "indefinite LOA" as far as I know because they are bored of the map.


    I've dedicated countless of hours to Taliban since I've come back, I've reworked the Cadet Corps structure and all of the docs that comes with it, as well as lead the program itself. I also did the most amount of Tali tryouts in the month of October, I've been busting ass to try and keep this side alive and for some reason people seem to think I've done nothing to help try and keep it up. No one is clinging to a position of power, or at least I haven't. Your claim is baseless and outright stupid considering you do not play on the server. We've all been trying to help the server in this time of need, we have been for the past two weeks. But it comes to a point where the problem isn't a side thing it is a server functionality thing (Combat and the map itself). If Garnet doesn't want to continue to work on these aspects of the server, then he seriously needs to consider his future plans for the server itself.


    As for how the pop reacted when Afghan came out, that is a completely normal behaviour for players to have with a game. People become bored of a game so they move on, that's why games like Genshin Impact or New World release updates constantly to add new things to the game. The fact that you expect people to stick around when things start to become boring is one of the dumbest things I keep hearing when discussing topics like this. 


    No one has said they aren't grateful for what He's done for this community the past 6 years, all people want is a temporary map while he edits Omega to see if it helps pop come back and to see if it will help players "burned out"/boredom feeling. It really doesn't take that much to just change the BSP to the omega beta version, it takes two seconds.


    19 minutes ago, Ozzy said:

    emergency, devote time to yet another map change when history has shown that it yields very temporary results. And in addition the people asking for the change are literally taking pop hostage. Y’all fucking wild man I swear.

    I'm not saying he has to do it right this second, no Idea where you got that idea from. Every change is going to hold very temporary results, hence why change is necessary if you want people to continue playing the server and have fun while doing it. The fact you think we're the ones holding the population hostage is so stupid, we're all still on at a constant rate.


    This is a suggestion thread, there is no expiration date or deadline on when these have to be accepted or denied. He can come to it when he pleases, but he should know what the community wants. One of the only reasons why I posted this thread in the first place was because I asked Fonza to talk about this to Garnet again on discord, and he gave me this response:




    Not like it matters anyways though, looks like Fonza already made up his mind and just doesn't care about what the community feels like doing.





    • Cringe 1
  12. If you are having issues with a lot of dead space/"no mans land" type areas, why not just remove the dead space? I've been told you're struggling with adding new things to fill the space, but instead of having to fill up that space with superficial buildings and whatnot just remove it all together. It might take some fucking around with displacements and whatnot as well as moving some things around so the map still flows fluidly, but I don't feel like anyone is going to be able to come up with suitable things to fill that void up. It makes more sense to me to just remove the space and make the map more compact (which with this map is a good thing).

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  13. Description: [description of what you are suggesting, one paragraph minimum]


    I am suggesting that while we wait for the new edited version of Omega to release, we switch to the original Omega map for the time being. I believe most people (At least within the Afghanistan side) agree to this idea, as we are all sick of playing on this map. We've been asking for a map change for at least 3 months now, it's about time we finally switch to something else. I understand that Garnet is working on the new version, and some people say we need to be patient, but it just doesn't make any sense to force people to play on this map when it's most likely going to be a long while before the map releases and when people don't want to play this map anymore.


    Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?]


    Some people may ask if there really is any benefit/point to switching the map. In my opinion, I'd say there 100% is a benefit to switching the map back to Omega. From what I've personally seen, a lot of the player base has grown bored of Delta, and most would prefer to switch back to Omega (even with it's existing issues). Implementing the map back adds some freshness to the gameplay of the server, which will encourage people to continue playing the server. And with more active players, the pop will increase. With higher pop, newer players will join the server. Hopefully with this change the more active players will play more (I know I personally would be incentivized to play more) which will cause newer players to stick around as well.


     Additional Information: [Photos/Videos] N/A

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  14. +1

    Jashmeed is a cool guy, never had any issues with him at all. He's never caused any issues in game and knows when to be "mature" when it's needed. I also pretty much agree with Jackal as well when it comes to his limited interactions with US people. I think he'd be a very good fit for staff overall.

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