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Posts posted by PrisonNightmare

  1. Didn't you only come back like three days ago? I don't think that's enough time for the community to fully evaluate how you act/interact with the community since your return. Your application is written nice and organized, but is lacking some of the requirements such as the minimum of two paragraphs for the question "How do you plan on benefiting the server".


    I think you should play for at least another month or two before trying to become staff. If everything goes smoothly and you get well respected within the community then you'll probably get staff easily, but you've just returned so I really do think you need more time to get known within the community better.

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, Garnet said:

    I also thought it could've been a really bad joke, but that's been the issue at stake, is that it doesn't seem he's apologetic, which is I keep telling him to appeal. Last time around his appeal was a single sentence long.


    If he isn't taking his appeal seriously in game/on the forums then I don't think he should be unbanned. I like Rohan but if he isn't seeming sincere and apologetic about the situation then I don't see why he should be unbanned.


    This is just my opinion though, if he doesn't have a valid argument against the information you've brought up then you'd probably have to keep him banned imo.

  3. 1 minute ago, Garnet said:

    One thing I forgot to mention is.. I allowed him to play on DarkRP #2, but then he immediately seemed to make light/fun of the situation, IE: players asked why he is community-banned, and I let them know he "abused severely, ruined the server's economy" and he literally responded in ooc "don't you forget how you wiped everybody's inventories because of me" making me feel as though he's not sorry at all.

    Would love to hear your response.


    Based off of that, it certainly does feel like he isn't as sorry as he claims he is. I'd like to hear what @The King of Rohan has to say about this though.


    He could have just been trying to make a joke and it turned out to be shitty and too soon or some shit and just didn't realize it, either way that doesn't help his case in getting unbanned lol.

  4. Honestly I can relate to you a lot in this situation since I've been in your shoes before in a different community 4-5 years ago, sometimes you make decisions that you regret later on. I've never had any problems with you and you're chill to talk to, I don't think your perma blacklist should be removed but I do think you should be given a second chance.


    It all depends if Garnet thinks you've waited long enough and are truly sorry really. I +1 though, He's a cool dude who made a dumb mistake.

  5. Damn man, I don't even know what to think of this. What a scumbag to do this to you, an absolutely abhorrent thing to do to someone. 


    I think you should pursue with legal action if he doesn't stop with the chargebacks. he's old enough to realise what he is doing is wrong and shouldn't be done. He's harming your brand and you personally financially by him doing this to you. 


    Goodluck with the disputes man, and thank you for everything you've done for the last 5 years of the community to keep things running. Hopefully the situation gets resolved quickly and easily. 

    • Friendly 1
  6. You were honestly the best 2GA Marshal I've seen in the past 5-6 Marshals. I'm glad I got see you go from an SNS who got his whitelisted removed from some retarded officer to one of the most well respected people within RU. Gonna miss you man


    If you do decide to leave the community feel free to add me on Steam man, I'd love to still play with you.

    • Sad 1
  7. I love the idea of slowing down movement speed across the board, I think that it will severely help with hitreg issues, as well as give vehicles a bigger importance in war. I also like the jumping stamina bar, I've been rooting for that implementation ever since the original stamina bar was removed lol.


    Also glad to see the old scoreboard come back, the last one wasn't bad but trying to find anyone on it was kind of annoying since it was sorted by factions/jobs I think. Vending machine perks don't look too overpowered as well from their descriptions, glad to see them back.


    Looks like a good update from what I see, can't wait to see the changes in game.


    56 minutes ago, Garnet said:

    Marine will likely merge in Army soon, and we will keep MARSOC. Talking this out with @Jackal


    A few questions on this, how is this going to work with merging marine officers into the army faction? Are all marine officers going to be merging with army officers? Are marine officers reserves also being transferred over to Army?


  8. Damn when did you become such a toxic player? I remember talking to you in the past and you were such a chill dude, kind of disappointing seeing you leave the community like this. 


    I hope you don't regret your decision "to go out with a bang", time and time again I've seen similar actions people have done to yours before where they hack and get permanently banned, only to want to come back to the community 8 months later.

  9. 4 hours ago, Lark said:

    I dont agree with this, If consensual rdm is indeed allowed every one who masses or rdms will say "Oh, it was consensual" therefore its gonna fuck up the server in a very bad way. I know ducky was just having fun and giggles with his homies but warden reported him. And as stork said ducky may be young but he has played this server for a while

    Its kind of a controversial topic and I would've done the same if I was stork, -1


    Also I would like to add something
    This was not consensual rdm because if it was truely that warden wouldnt have reported him, If I kill kruger or stork or any of my homies they woudlnt report me if it was "consensual" 


    I'm not saying that we shouldn't punish consensual RDM, I am saying that the punishments for consensual RDM shouldn't be just as extreme as regular cases of RDM.


    If Warden reported him for RDM then obviously that wouldn't be considered consensual, and the ban should stick. But what confuses me is how according from Ducky, Warden was also RDMing back and it doesn't appear like he was banned AFAIK. 

  10. One thing I don't get is why we treat consensual RDM as the same as regular RDM when it comes to punishments. Obviously I understand why there is the need to have punishments for it, but I don't think the punishments should be the same "harshness" as a regular RDM when the actual RDM isn't affecting anyone other than the people who "consented" to said RDMs.


    All this rule does is ban dedicated players who didn't know better for two weeks. I might get shit for this, but I don't think the punishments should be the same if the RDMs were consensual. At most it should be a 1-2 day ban for "Mass RDM" if it was consensual.


    You did break the rules Ducky, so with the current rules I doubt you'll get unbanned. However I think the punishments for this should be looked into and discussed further.

    • Disagree 2
  11. How come no one provided any sort of evidence on your original ban appeal? Isn't that a standard DarkRP has as well to collect and provide proof if a ban appeal is made?


    +1, usually I'd say even if it was just toxicity, that could still warrant a permanent ban. But there was literally no proof provided lol.

    • Disagree 5
  12. I don't understand why it would be causing a lot more fighting and negativity, it's a rule that has valid reasoning to it and helps balance the combat on the server. How can people not know how the rule works half of the time? It's really simple to understand: You are not supposed to intentionally spam jump and crouch at the same time to attempt to "break" the hitbox. Wasn't there a big thread about this like a week ago made my Stork that went really in depth about what it was? Lol.


    19 minutes ago, huskaii said:

    The fact that you are outlawing someone pressing a button on their keyboard has lots of people upset.


    There's more to the reasoning on why it's banned than that. Again, crouch jumping allows someone to manipulate the hitbox in a way where it becomes 10x harder to kill them just because they are "spamming two buttons." It really just becomes an unfair advantage at that point, and the person trying to kill the abuser has to pray the bullet will register on the hitbox AFAIK.


    19 minutes ago, huskaii said:

    I also beleive that it would have been nice if the rule were actually ran by the rest of the community before it were implemented in the first place. It has never been a huge issue until now, and frankly i dont see why we dont just go back to how it was before this rule.


    From what i've seen from Stork's thread it has huge amounts of support for the continuation of banning crouch-jumping tactics and the rule being enforced (albeit people have different opinions on how it should be enforced along with punishments). Removing the rule entirely would completely fuck up combat if we straight-up allow it to continue.


    Maybe the rule should go more in depth about what is crouch jumping, I agree with that. I don't think it should be completely removed however. I agree with what @Soappppp suggested and explained what crouch-jumping was, which you can find here: 



    • Like 1
    • Agree 1
  13. Can't wait to play on the map, looks really good from the screenshots. The scoreboard looks amazing as well, only thing I would change is the blurred-background, which you already said might already be happening.


    4 minutes ago, Garnet said:

    Vehicles to be spawned by Officers and DIs must be utilized strictly for sims/training/war purposes.


    I really hope this is enforced well by staff, one of my main concerns is people using them to minge and micspam around the map. Will vehicles be allowed for use in raids as well? Or are they strictly only for wars/training/sims?


    You already have a thread about this, why make another? People have already told you that this server doesn't do refunds, and if you try to chargeback you'll receive a community ban. You could try to swap it out for another class of equal value, but even then it's rare that Garnet actually allows that.


    Please don't spam the donation support section, making the same thread about your class is only going to clog up the forum section. Just be patient for a response, it typically takes Garnet a little while to get back to Donation Support requests. For now, just either not use the class or be more careful with it.

  15. Just now, Garnet said:

    My vision was always to make a proper city in a desert, but making one in the style that chaharikar was (big open box) would tank FPS. I need to sit down and figure out a proper design with somebody like @shrimp where we would have streets laid out similarly to say.. evocity/rockford/downtown, except tailored for an MRP server.


    If you could figure out a way to make a Urban-City styled map I think that would be the coolest idea ever. It's something that hasn't been done before in the MRP genre as far as I know, and it'd bring in a lot more "CQC" action which I think people want to counter the sniping meta on the server that's been placed on for years.


    However I think it'd be tricky to design an urban styled map without having gameplay issues, it's kind of like mapping for a defusal map on CSGO. You'd have to make sure timings were good for both sides to get to the objectives, you'd have to make sure there were no angles on the map that were too overpowered, and you'd have to make sure there are different routes to each OBJ so people don't constantly, etc etc.


    It'd be a difficult process, but I think if you plan carefully with Shrimps beforehand you could definitely pull it off.


    9 minutes ago, Garnet said:

    I would probably do that at a later time, Chaharikar as it is wasn't pretty, but it was REALLY fun. 

    As far as you watching my streams, whenever I work on MRP it's usually hacking things around and NOT working on a proper map, I suggest you wait around until I have more free-time and make actual maps that are not purposed for a server - that's when you'll learn things. A big open skybox with fog isn't ideal lol


    if you want my opinion I'd rather the focus be put more on gameplay than the aesthetics of a map, so even if Chaharikar doesn't really look pretty as long as the gameplay is enjoyable and the FPS is stable I'd prefer it more over than the current map.


    I actually learned a lot from when you did those stream of reworking the map to what it is today, like when you were fixing displacements and what not. Making terrain look natural for me is something I absolutely cannot do, displacements have not been kind to me whenever I use them lmao. But yeah I could probably learn more for if you ever stream making a map completely from scratch, we'll just have to see what the future holds.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Garnet said:

    I'm going to shoot my vote to Chaharikar, please do note this cringy video below is ACTUAL gameplay from the map (not directed)

    I would love to bring this map back and update it over-time to look better 😮


    I didn't play much on Chaharikar, but it does look pretty clean from the video.  I think if you cleaned it up and updated it, it would be really fun to play on, I especially love the skybox and how that fits with the lighting/colors of the map.


    If you do decide to spruce it up, make sure to stream it I like watching you work on hammer because I learn a lot from it usually lol. I don't usually make RP maps myself so seeing how you make them is pretty interesting to see lol.

  17. Whatever happened to the idea of bi-weekly/bi-monthly map rotations? I thought I remembered something like that being thrown around back in like October of last year, but I haven't heard anything new regarding that recently.


    Unless I'm thinking of a different map version of Taiga, I don't remember having any FPS issues at all on Taiga V3. I could be wrong though, I wish I had the BSPs of the taiga maps so I could remember which exact map it was lol.


    The current map is pretty much unplayable for me though, I average like 10-30 FPS on it during war time and I'm guessing it's like that because of all the tree/bush props being rendered additionally with all the players on it. Don't get me wrong, the current map in my opinion is one of the best designed maps to date with detailing and objectives, but I personally have a rough time running it which is the main reason I don't really get on the server much anymore.


    Honestly I'm down for either Siberia, Delta, or Taiga V3 mainly because I remember those maps having the best FPS and are most optimized. (maybe turn down the light_environment brightness on Delta though lmao)

  18. I remember playing on Taiga v3 (Pretty sure it was v3 anyways) and I'd get a crispy smooth 70-80 FPS on that map, no lag whatsoever. These maps nowadays I'm lucky to get 40 FPS, which is really the main reason I don't get on as much anymore. If I had to choose a map to start a map rotation on I'd definitely choose Taiga v3 for that reason alone. Plus I fucking love played on the comms site, it was personally my favorite OBJ to play on out of all the maps.

    • Like 1
    • Agree 1
  19. I mean shit, what kind of punishment are you looking for him to get? All I see here is someone trying to make an actual functioning discord that US-SOC can use to coordinate with themselves and the other SOC factions with. I understand it says [GG], but is that really something to get upset about? This discord was ran by two trusted people of the community, I really don't see any reason why Shrimp or anyone involved should get any sort of trouble with this. If this was made by some random Warrant officer or enlisted I could see why someone would be upset, but I mean come on Shrimps is well known and respected within the community.


    I know there's already a public discord, but literally no one uses that and isn't very "well kept" anyways. I can understand why they'd want to make a private discord just for USSOCOM, as the way they have it currently set-up allows for them to better communicate between the factions, and therefore helps fix issues on the US side that everyone has been freaking out about lately. The rule in general is stupid, and the only real context that it makes sense in is the one I already said above.


    There's also the teamspeak, but it's pretty obvious why they'd want to have a discord server rather than use the teamspeak for this kind of thing.


    Overall, gonna have to -1 this. This report just looks like you trying to get Shrimp in trouble for no real reason, especially if he's trying to actively improve the server by creating a platform in which SOC can better communicate themselves rather than  just locking themselves in their separate teamspeak channels. If Garnet really will not allow this (Even though it would benefit the community as a whole), then at most Shrimps should just be forced to either change the name of the discord server so it says "Unofficial GG Discord Server" or make him publicly state somewhere in the discord that it is not an official discord of GG.


    I mean I'd assume that anyone in the discord would know it's not official anyways, assuming the only people allowed in it are SOC. It's not a public discord anyways.


    Sorry for the scattered/poorly written post, but I'm not trying to spend 30 minutes making a response to this lmao, these are just my thoughts on the matter.

    • Agree 2
  20. Here are some of my main concerns about merging the two factions together:


    A: Wouldn't there be an "overcrowdness" of the officers and warrant-officers if they were to merge? I could be wrong since I'm not sure how many officers marines and army have currently, but there certainly isn't a need for 20-30 WO's/CO's leading the faction at the same time. I could also see internal issues arise with that many officers trying to lead a singular faction.

    B:  What about reserves? Would marine reserve ranks be transferred over to the equivalent rank as well?


    Other than that I really do think this idea should go through, it's sad seeing a faction that's been apart of the server for so long go but if it's for the better of US than I +1.

    • Like 1
    • Informative 1
  21. 42 minutes ago, Garnet said:

    What stops a DI from further training him? - or is it that they won't do anything to help other members of the community unless it directly translates to their ability to get promoted?


    I think it's just something the base faction leaders need to change how they teach newer players the ropes of the server. The way it worked before was that trainers needed to take 10-20 minutes training the new players the basics of the server, to then give them the whitelist. However with this new system, these players are learning the base rules of the server but aren't learning the actual "Roleplay" aspects of it (Like how wars/debrief works, etc).


    I think officers/trainers need to shift the focus from giving base recruit job trainees the full training experience in a dedicated amount of time as soon as they join the server to teaching these new privates the basics as they play on the server, that way they can learn off of both experience and help from others.


    Hopefully this makes sense, its 6 am for me and i haven't slept lol. I'm having a hard time explaining my thought process but hopefully you get what I mean.

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