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About rejectedreyna

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  1. +1, lamb approves of this application.
  2. That wasn't my intent. Just wanted him to know he should of reported the person who banned him.
  3. Why did you report me ;(.. I was just putting in a ban.
  4. Yeah, I take up to that 100%, I was getting tired and that's when I was getting off, I take full responsibility for that tho.
  5. If you knew the rules, you would know you're not allowed to base on duty. That's why I didn't change roles. It would be breaking the rules and I was told not to do it by a higher up.
  6. I was basing with 3 other people, there were more than 10+ printers that we had.
  7. As I said in previous posts, I apologize. I was the only staff on duty and there were mass propblockers and I was basing. I wasn't going to become on duty and remove my entire base.
  8. I recorded a handful of it. I stopped recording because of a previous sit. I forgot to start recording. Especially since you two have admitted to what you were doing. You propblocked my base, And Doketer admitted to killing me with a SPAS. The person July that was in my party had to kill him.
  9. If you would like to show the footage of you propblocking my base, that would great as well.
  10. Tony was afk at the time. He was not on duty. Lots of staff go to sleep around that time and I have insomnia so I was the only one awake.
  11. Only thing I think I did wrong was shake the guy. I would of had no problems if he did it once. I couldn't care less. But it was around 3 times, and he had rdmed me for raiding him? So basically all my proof adds up. The textscreen shows it's his. And he had already admitted to RDMing me. *Note: This may look bad but this is the final time he textscreen minged. I will have to find proof for the other times but I can assure you, it was around 3-4 times.*
  12. As I said, I was the only staff online. I always try to contact in @ chat before I do anything off-duty. I am one of the only staff that stays up this late. Please keep that in mind. And the video is fine too, how should I upload it?
  13. https://imgur.com/a/dKXCKUU I am currently looking for the footage where he shot me with a spas even though, he did admit. He had this textscreen on my base around 3-4 times. Kept telling him to take it down, wouldn't. Told him he was going to get banned for textscreen minge after doing it as the Attempted RDM x1 fit into the NITRP. 3 warns = (Textscreen minge x2 *possibly more* and Attempted RDM x1) I don't know why he thinks I can no clip? I am one of the smallest staff on this server. I can only no clip when on duty. My quick was no collided as everyone's is. Maybe that is why he thought I was no clipping?
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