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Posts posted by Pikožrút

  1. I wish you luck with everything you want to accomplish in life. It was always fun to meet you on the server and just to hag out with you for a little bit. ❤️ Nothing but love. Amazing guy, kinda sad to see you leave but thats how life works 😞 Best of luck dude ❤️ 

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  2. 20 minutes ago, Xavier said:

    No Keep watchin he says himself that he can grab IPs from links from in game etc cause @Pikožrút was also in the discord call when it happend

    the guy who has a cracky ass voice is Carl and he says he can

    0:18 / 10:00 Is when carl says it

    I would just like to say that i was there but i did not hear him saying any of this, he was just in my base farming printers i did not know he said that until Xavier told me. The only thing i can agree with is that the voice is definitely him, all i know 🙂

  3. I must agree with Erza, people do not care about the laws you put in, even if you are a friendly mayor they will still place hits on you or try to raid you and i know some people have amazing almost unraidable bases as a mayor but i think that is okay, the mayor should have the best protection on the server and cops are just running around not even arresting people, and even if you have a spartan in the PD with you as the mayor it takes 3 pro players to raid the PD and the mayor is dead. Everything in this update is great but i dont like the PD idea 🙂  

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  4. +1, I am really sorry for this one, i was dealing with 3 guys breaking the rules and i was trying to warn/jail them and I accidentally warned skeletron. I know i should check the id before warning but dealing with 3 people at the same time is not eazy but i know its my fault and i take full responsibility. Hope you understand. 


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  5. As i am trying to remember i dont know, i was checking my screenshots and i didnt saw nothing there with someone propblocking spawn. Im really sorry but im sure if someone would propblock spawn i would have a picture. It would really help if i would knew what was his name.



    I just check again and i have a picture of a guy named Nicolas Cage  propblocking spawn


    • Toxic 1
  6. I false banned this guy because i switched the id between him and another guy. Im really sorry i didnt mean to, I even told him to do a ban appeal so he can get unbanned. It was my mistake 🙂

    • Cringe 1
    • In-game name: Pikožrút
    • Age: 17
    • SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:89196237
    • Warns: 0
    • Timezone: Central European Standard Time
    • Playtime?: 1135:32:43.
    • Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?:[YES/NO]
    • Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO]
    •  Referral(s): spilq ZachDLC proggy Denizen
    •  Past experiences as staff: None  
    •  Why should we choose you over other applicants?
      Im not saying i am the greatest or the most responsible player but I want to be a part of the staff team and prove my skills and aspiration to help this server grow. I know lots of players and staff who I've become friends with over time playing this server which has helped me enjoy every second of my time playing! Also, i really want to commit to being staff and to help everyone who needs it and make sure no one is treated unfairly. I have a lot of hours on this server and i know a lot of people on here so i can say if i was accepted i could help benefit the community more, I'm friendly and i am always trying to help people by giving them advice or even money to help them start off so they can enjoy every moment on this server.Also, not to mention i am from Europe and where i have different time zone here so when i usually join the server at like 3pm the server is full of players who have no intent to roleplay, if i would get accepted i could help take care of them so no one everyone else can still play, therefore people can enjoy the server all the time. I can be online for a long time, I don't have a problem with that since I am still in school and with the hours rising there are coming new experiences and i hope i can improve myself to be a really good admin. i can be a very patient person when needed to be and will always solve players problems to the best of my ability, i would always listen to my higher ups and never question the decision on anything. I would never abuse my role or loophole any rules because of my loyalty to GarnetGaming. i wish to stop these toxic people trying to ruin the credibility of the server.
    •  Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: NO
    •  Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: NO
    •  How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: 3 hours+
    •  If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod?: I ride bmx.
    •  Did you read the staff rules?: Pikožrút
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