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Everything posted by Illusionss

  1. -1 The format is incorrect, Hope this can be fixed and I can see a solid application. My answer will stay until format is correct and I find you would be a good fit.
  2. Sorry for the late response the post was closed and just noticed it being up again, https://imgur.com/a/2UxBr3l here is a link of proof.
  3. -1 I'll start off by saying I did not refer you, also your paragraphs are very short and don't show me that you would be a great addition to the team. It sounds like this application was written in about 5 minutes with nothing but guesses and lies. Until I see a lot of change my answer will not change
  4. +1 Great Idea to bring some attention to cinema, not used very often and think this would help.
  5. +1 I think this would help a lot with the toxic players , Makes sits go smoother if people follow, and overall good idea.
  6. +1 One of the first people who I met on this server and has always been a great staff member. Hope to see you back on the team
  7. +1 Great member of the community. Very mature and helpful. Awesome paragraphs , see you being a great help if accepted!
  8. @Ark3This doesn’t seem like his correct steam ID in your proof? Not the same as he has listed. But other than that reading the rules help everyone learn the ropes. +1 from me for being new and taking the time and effort into this appeal shows your serious about the server. (Only a VIP)
  9. -1 For Copying my opening sentence. Just seems like you aren't mature enough for the spot if you cannot simply come up with your own ideas. Explains why your play time was my name. This is a typical immature application in my opinion. You took my application and barley reworded it.
  10. In-game name: Illusions Age: 19SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:80786733Warns: 0Timezone: Eastern Standard Time.Playtime?: | Illusions has played for 95:11:26 Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] Yes Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] LASDSheriffDog Past experiences as staff: [Optional] Mod on a very old server of my buddies, ULX experince. Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs] The reason I believe you should choose myself over other applicants, Is because I feel that I can bring a lot of help and maturity to this server. I am constantly helping people with small task around the server and would love to expand that help into much more. I have a true connection to this server that I haven't in over 3 years, and would want nothing but to better the community. I see a lot of staff and even players who are quite young and that raises my concerns, I have been falsely accused and punished for things when I shouldn't have been. With that being said I feel like I can bring a lot of maturity to the community and be sure to reason and listen to both sides of the story and bring the best possibly outcome for not just both players but the server. There is countless reasons on why I think I qualify over most, From my strong conversation skills and being reasonable to my support on rules,building,tips, questions. I have been through many sits (from past experiences by reporting others) and have seen first hand how to handle things correctly. I have read through the rules countless times to prepare for this moment and have been talking to staff members for their support and tips. I'm on late nights early mornings and whenever I'm free which would help a lot for when others are asleep and players are breaking rules . I can always be around for anything needed by both staff and players. I personally think I would bring a great contribution to the Garnet Family! Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: I was once banned on a Dark RP server for RDM because I was stopping a RDMer from killing me in spawn, The staff didnt manage to listen to my side and banned me. Have you made any previous applications, If so, when? N/A How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: My usual play time is 9:00am to 1:00pm then back on around 9:00pm to 4:00am weekly If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod?: I attend school for plumbing, Part time job. Did you read the staff rules?: Illusions
  11. Just edited it thank you!
  12. Illusionss

    Ban Appeal

    In-game name: IllusionsSteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:80786733Staff members in-game name: )spilq)Staff members SteamID (https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans) (/id (name): (STEAM_0:0:513931803Date & Time of incident: 2-1-20 5pm EstTimezone: EasternBan Reason: NLR,Materialized fencesHow long were you banned for?: 4 daysProof of Ban: ??What happened? (include any proof): I was raided and was simply sitting outside waiting for raid to be over, after going into my base I realized they were still inside so I went into corner and sat there so I didn't interrupt their raid, Then once mod was there told me my fences aren't allowed material so I removed it all infront of him to still get a 4 day banWhy should your ban be removed?: My ban should be removed because I was unaware of the fences and also was not trying to break NLR and seeing its been a few months since I last played I forget some small stuff like the fences, and I also don't intend to break rules or anything along the lines I just want to play and have fun on the server like the rest of us
  13. Illusionss

    Odd Ban?

    I also told him I was unware and I wouldn't do it and removed it right infront of him
  14. Illusionss

    Odd Ban?

    So I was banned for something I was unaware of, Materializing fences which then I removed them all infront of him, but the Mod(Who was about 12-13 decided to still give me a 4 day ban. Also tried saying I NRL when I was simply waiting for raid to be done.
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