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Everything posted by ShankNinja

  1. M95 Dragon one-shots perks with a headshot and most the time a body shot, but it's LOUD as fuck. Sound doesn't matter if you're dead already though.
  2. -1 this would be the ultimate MassRDM weapon and I don't think it's necessary since there already exist 1-hit kill snipers. Silenced Raidtools wouldn't really help much either because the Keypad makes a noise when it's activated even if the cracker makes no noise.
  3. ShankNinja


    +1 The addon linked is a definite -1 due to performance but in terms of adding Passive RP jobs, this would be a neat one. I normally would say this doesn't belong ("vanilla" darkRP) but after Hobos got a dumpster diving mini-objective I think it would be cool if there was a lightweight way to add this in. Fishing can be both solitary and social, and I think logging in and seeing some people with lines casted would be cool. If this impacts server stability in any way however I would have to say -1 as that's more important than adding onto the server right now. I'm more neutral-leaning but I don't think Neutral helps much. As long as there's no downside I think this would be beneficial.
  4. Description: I am suggesting that the Police Officer gets the MetroCop model to choose. This model already exists, and anyone who's played Half-Life 2 probably has more memory of the MetroCops than the Combine Soldiers as you interact more with the MetroCops and by the time Soldiers are out it's a nonstop gunfight. The 'Pick Up That Can' scene is legendary and the role that MetroCops play in the Half-Life universe is that of actual Police Officers. Lastly, the MetroCop looks more neat and would add a touch of freshness to the CP class. Reasoning: People would be more likely to use and roleplay as the MetroCop due to the fact that it has a new model. This would add another touch of spice to the newly updated jail/CP and would feel more like a police force rather than a military force. People would be able to choose either the old model or the new model, which would add another level of variety to the CP without actually needing to create and code a whole new job. Additional Information: Surely it will come down to preference but I can't see any harm in giving people the option.
  5. +1 This has been suggested/discussed both as a drawn-radius that indicates the "NLR area" and as a timer on-screen after death, but this would also potentially confuse people who see a 3 minute timer and assume that means they can return to the raid area during that time. I'll say +1 if it's easily implemented and doesn't degrade server performance. That being said, traditionally I've pressed Shift+Tab and took note of that time and have not had issues. But I don't think this should be a development priority as there are more pressing things, but it couldn't hurt to look at ways to improve the NLR experience, especially for new players. An in-your-face approach such as a client-drawn radius etc. has the ability to remove the "I didn't know I was MassNLRing!" issues that come up extremely often. However, if having ~100 people using NLR timers can degrade server performance this turns into a -1, I just have no way of knowing how it would impact the server which I think is a higher priority than someone being unaware of the rules or unable to set a timer. damn I wish I saw your response before I typed my essay you just summed it all up
  6. +1 Jin is a cool person to hang around and has never been rude or toxic towards me, nor have I seen them be rude or toxic to anyone else. Your paragraphs are great and you even have some staffing experience on other servers, which I am sure some parts of that will carry over to your experience on here. Would love to see you on the team!
  7. Very nice brief guide if you don't know what at all to do! Thought I'd offer a correction: The coolers cost 500$ although they say 750$ (this can be confirmed by looking at your money before and afterward) and maybe a tidbit to add: You are able to get other (trusted) VIP to help you upgrade printers when you are starting out without VIP. Also, shameless plug on my Quick-Start user guide which includes some pictures and (perhaps too many?) details on Base Creation etc.:
  8. Sad to see you go my man, hope all is well for you in your future endeavors. I better see you around every now and again still...
  9. -1 If you reported with proof of the racism I guarantee they'd cop at least a 30 day ban. I've seen three 30-day racism bans this week alone, and I've only played two days so far. I personally think the 30-day ban that these people would receive is a better deterrent than a 3-week combo ban for MRDM+Racism. --- (I also suggest you edit the racist slurs out of your post and maybe post something like the following)
  10. -1 I'm saying -1 for two reasons: One, the format wasn't followed. Two: because, well, it looks like it already exists? I don't think the forum staff are going to have to approve or deny a community-run wiki, unless the suggestion is to have it become an officially run wiki? In which case I think you'll find even if it is official you'll need volunteers and the community to help anyways, as is with any wiki. I think it's a cool idea though. Just don't think this is the correct place to post a suggestion that doesn't at all require staff input. You might be better off posting in the Creative Corner and asking for testers and volunteers!
  11. /party - I literally still cannot fathom why the cops are unwilling or unable to create a party and follow the rules. It costs 500$ to get exactly what you're asking for - without modifying the rules that have been in place for literally years. I think updating the rules will overcomplicate things more. We should not be allowing non-party members to retaliate with lethal force, or contradicting other rules already in place unless absolutely necssary - and this is not. Create a party - it isn't that complicated.
  12. -1 The party rule exists so that no more than 7 people can defend each other. This is a LOT of people; and considering a raid party cannot exceed 5 people, this gives the defending party an advantage already. And since the PD is exempt from party requirements, NLR requirements, etc. during a raid, I don't think giving them additional powers outside a raid really benefit anyone. The Civil Protection 'faction' is already potentially the strongest on the server due to the fact that they operate the only base which doesn't require a party to defend the base AND are allowed to NLR during a PD raid. Giving a group of 10+ people the ability to retaliate with lethal force against anyone that is either defending themselves, or attacking a cop outside of a raid (which doesn't happen in RP scenarios often anyways) is not fair or balanced. I really think I've typed more than I need to though. Simply put: If you want to defend or retaliate against another PD being shot, create a party. I can't think of a SINGLE reason why this can't be solved by just creating and joining a party with the PD (A.K.A. how this problem has been solved for years). Collaborate in a party. Problem solved.
  13. ShankNinja

    Kill Baiters

    So the guy shoots one bullet in the direction of two people chasing him... does no damage... and then gets RDM'd. That's what I'm seeing in this video. This player is not baiting you, this is not an example of baiting. He's defending himself from the police: You may not kill civil protection while wanted unless they are making an attempt to actively arrest you. Disrespect, mic spam, or anything that would not result in damage being taken is not RP reasons to kill someone. What I am getting from this video and suggestion is the following: You RDM'd a player and want to have that RDM be posthumously justified. You want Police to have the option to strip all Citizen's ability to defend themselves from a group of arresting officers due to their inability to actually carry out an arrest, if they are recording. Looks to be a bit of an edge case man. Who told you this? If it's a problem, then I'd like to see a video of an actual baiting occur. If it's just a problem because you got baited and didn't know the rules, then I'm sorry man: I don't think changing the rules is going to help anyone out here.
  14. ShankNinja

    Kill Baiters

    -1 this would be too hard to enforce. This server easily has over 100 people on it at any given time, so people are going to shoot in the direction of others all the time. The rules specifically state "Disrespect, mic spam, or anything that would not result in damage being taken is not RP reasons to kill someone." this is because the logs cannot show intent, only results. You cannot prove intent to RDM if they never did any damage to anybody. Why would there be a need to kill someone shooting next to you but doing no damage? If they aren't shooting you, you shouldn't be shooting them unless given an actual reason. Seems like this would cause more conflict than it would solve. The main reason that might make sense to everyone: You should not have to attempt to 'prove' you didn't RDM someone and that they had probable reason to kill you. You having a video of 'intent to hurt' without taking any damage won't be enough, and your bullet-point list is not sufficient in my opinion. Obvious intent to either do damage or bait the player Can you give me a couple examples that you think would be 'obvious intent'? If they aren't adverting Mug, Raid, Steal, etc. or actually harming anyone, how can you tell if they have intent? If I shoot my Ares Shrike at a wall should I have to worry that I might have scared someone into 'self defense' because they were nearby it? Rules shouldn't be vague, they should be as black and white as possible.
  15. +1 more cool thrown weapons can't hurt and it already exists in the server, so would have no negative performance impacts. The thrown M9K Harpoon is an entity, and just like the machete, doesn't block movement.
  16. I really don't think this is the place to argue. We both gave our +1/-1 and that's that. I already stated that nowhere in the rules does it say a Banker is forced to allow other Bankers into their base. If, the Banker had a rule like, say, the Bloodz Member: Then I could see some rules needing amended. However: There isn't a rule that says that Staff can be wrong It's clear that even the staff was unsure and the Party Member allowed them into the party and failed to act when it backfired. I would have argued against letting them in, mostly because the rules don't say I have to, and that's why I keep referring to them. At the most I think the rules could be amended to say: The Banker does not need to allow other Bankers into their base; they as the party leader have the option to allow any non-raiding class in they please. However, I always thought this was common sense and as it seems to be the point of discussion here I guess that the rules could need some clarification, either by a higher-up staff or by an actual Rule re-write. Either way, our back-and-forths don't add much to the discussion so I am going to have this be my last response unless someone else is dumbfounded by my opinion and I have to help explain it. they don't
  17. I've seen Adric's bank be destroyed every time I have seen it run, and this time seems to be no exception?
  18. If I don't trust a Security Guard, I don't hire them. If someone is reporting their way into my party, I am going to turn on Friendly Fire and keep a watch on him. Since the Party Leader can Kick any Member of their Party, I would (if I was the Party Leader) be ready to Kick the person after the first, second, third, fourth, or fifth printer. Certainly before the tenth printer. If everyone else thinks this needs to be a rule now, sure. But if this is truly an exploit, shouldn't it be handled as such? I could see the rules being updated but I have never seen a successful bank with only One Banker before and I fear that this will nerf banks even further.
  19. No........ Banker You must base inside of the bank found across from fountain Within the Banker's bank, printers can be legally stored and operated You may not withhold the printer or its money from a client. You may not destroy a client's printers. You may not own a weapon larger than a pistol. You may not base with raiding classes. Are we going to let one minge reduce the amount of Bankers that can work together? If a long-running bank wants to be successful sometimes one banker might need to let the other take over for a short while. It can't be expected that one man run the bank by himself with a myriad of guards, especially if the banker or the guard are just letting people in to destroy their printers. Can somebody please explain how this is any different than a security guard being let into the party? Sounds like a case of the staff not knowing the rules. It happens. The rules don't state that a Banker must allow other Bankers to base with them, rather that they can't base anywhere else. If the Banker rules said "You must allow all other Bankers into your party and not kick them out when destroying your printers" then yes, I could see some change needing to be made. However, this has NEVER been an issue. I'd like to see a higher up say that Bankers must allow all other Bankers to base with them, then I could see some issue here.
  20. -1 What? I've seen 2 bankers basing together before. How on Earth can a banker "force" themselves in?? Can you refer the 'loophole' described here? The rules have been in place for years and I've NEVER seen such an exploit in use. Banker You must base inside of the bank found across from fountain Within the Banker's bank, printers can be legally stored and operated You may not withhold the printer or its money from a client. You may not destroy a client's printers. You may not own a weapon larger than a pistol. You may not base with raiding classes. With the way Parties, Security Guards, etc. work along with the rules above, I am not seeing this as an issue. Nothing in the rules says you must allow a banker into a pre-existing bank and watch them blow up the printers in front of you. In fact, the rules say quite the opposite This looks to be more an issue of blindly trusting somebody and not promptly kicking them out of the party. Did they ruin the bank for everybody else? It looks like it. Could it have been prevented? Well, considering this has never been an issue until today, I am thinking that this was a lapse in judgment and should be treated as such. The EXACT same thing would happen if you blindly let a Security Guard blow up all the printers in your base while you stood completely still and allowed it. I don't see how limiting the Banker class solves this.
  21. +1 I have known Frank since I started back in June after my sudden hiatus. I have yet to see Frank truly be a toxic player. Mingey? Occasionally. But breaking the rules? I have only seen it once on a failbase sit that, although he tried to appeal, he did end up admitting he was wrong. I've based with Frank, chilled with Frank, been on Discord calls with Frank, and I have never seen a single soul so fucking determined to be a staff member. I couldn't figure out why, but he explained in his app he wants to right his wrongs and get back on the right page with the team. Sure, there are doubts; and even Frank can respect that. However: how can we know if he's sincere if we don't give him a chance? Fetn and xo6o, some of the stricter staff members I know, have expressed that he deserves another chance. Initially, after inquiring about his past and looking into the documentation etc. I was going to remain neutral. But the main point brought up is that he hasn't had any real transgressions lately and has been working on his image to apply. Is that a ploy to get onto the team for some ulterior motive? Only time will tell. But what can one truly gain from this? He will either get his 90 sits and be unappealed/have evidence (an issue in the PAST) before demotion or he will fail and be blacklisted. I'm trying to approach this from as unbiased as a perspective as possible while looking at all the information provided. If he really isn't fit for the staff team, those who believe as such are going to be quick to tear him down and that's a fact. Put him back if that's his true goal and see how he does, and if he disappoints again he won't have the opportunity to ask another time.
  22. Except that Decibels are literally up to the user. If your headset is emitting more than 70 dB, then that's your fault; this micspamming is no louder (in fact, it's much quieter) than the Ares Shrike which can give hearing damage as well if your speakers/heaphones are turned up enough to give hearing damage. As soon as we open up "I don't like this noise it must be banned" is when we have to make a LOT of other changes. As for the 2000 Hz: The human range of hearing is about up to 20,000 Hz. I don't think you know what you're talking about when you're saying that 2000 Hz damages people's ears. In fact, midrange audio is 250 to 4,000Hz and a Piano is often 2,000 Hz.
  23. -1 you can just mute them from the TAB menu.
  24. your profile picture is really cute 🥺

    1. bearboobs


      Simp + L Nerd + Ratio + Frank is better

    2. Nutter


      He's actually dreaming about world domination and murder.

    3. bearboobs


      i dont like the thought of that


  25. -1 low playtime and I've never met you. Suggestions have already been made above on how you can improve your community approval. As for your app, you may want to split your mega paragraph into two paragraphs (as per the application rules) and for the Warns you can type /warnmenu while in-game.
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