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ajbedhead last won the day on March 4

ajbedhead had the most liked content!


1,690 Incredible Reputation

About ajbedhead

  • Birthday 12/02/2004

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37,711 profile views
  1. free the homeboy aj

    1. Failed401


      free the homophobe aj? sureeeeeeee

    2. Sauce AceFUBAR

      Sauce AceFUBAR

      cringe asf pal

    3. NotDeadPool2


      Yeah, it goes down like this. But listen first, this is a real song and I have a way in my words too.


      "It doesn't make me a fag because I'm getting my dick sucked, a fag is n***a bending over get fucked," Gangsta Pat.


      And now, for my version,


      "Yeah getting my dick sucked by a contextually and cultured conclusive thought of the female gender and what is considered natural by many of people makes me straight, an appropriated word that makes you sound bad, most if not all of the time, unless someone is being disreputable and causing disruption with orientation preferences and you ultimately cause verbal disruption through your words too, love hate love, are you telling the truth? Now bend over and pick that coin up right front me if you trust me not to fuck you in the ass, and please don't call it The Coin Trick. Otherwise buttsex between two or more dudes is gay bro"

  2. crazy that you got perma banned

  3. Well it looks like your banned pal. I await a reply from you Mr "Bedhead".


  4. best fubar man ever

  5. the real AJBedHead

  6. its 2024 now fubar man👻

  7. fubar on top real shit

  8. Best Fubar man of all time.

  9. aj bread head

  10. The Official List Of All Chat Commands For DarkRP (All staff-related commands were removed from this list) Job Commands ["(customcommand)"] - "Become (Your CustomClass Here)" ["alyx"] - "Become Alyx" ["assassin"] - "Become Assassin" ["banker"] - "Become Banker" ["bankrobber"] - "Become Bank Robber" ["bartender"] - "Become Bartender" ["bigsmoke"] - "Become Big Smoke" ["blackmarketdealer"] - "Become Black Market Dealer" ["blindguy"] - "Become Blind Guy" ["bloodzleader"] - "Become Bloodz Leader" ["bloodzmember"] - "Become Bloodz Member" ["bountyhunter"] - "Become Bounty Hunter" ["chef"] - "Become Chef" ["cinemaowner"] - "Become Cinema Owner" ["cj"] - "Become CJ" ["claude"] - "Become Claude" ["clubbouner"] - "Become Club Bouncer" ["clubowner"] - "Become Club Owner" ["covidspreader"] - "Become Covid Spreader" ["crackmanu"] - "Become Crack Manufacturer" ["cripsleader"] - "Become Crips Leader" ["cripsmember"] - "Become Crips Member" ["cyberthief"] - "Become Cyber Thief" ["deadshot"] - "Become Deadshot" ["deejay"] - "Become DJ" ["deliveryman"] - "Become Deliveryman" ["doctor"] - "Become Doctor" ["drugdealer"] - "Become Drug Dealer" ["exportgundealer"] - "Become Export Gun Dealer" ["franklin"] - "Become Franklin" ["garbageman"] - "Become Garbage Man" ["groveleader"] - "Become Grove Leader" ["grovemember"] - "Become Grove Member" ["hitman"] - "Become Hitman" ["hobolord"] - "Become Hobo Lord" ["hobo"] - "Become Hobo" ["hoe"] - "Become Prostitute" ["hotelmanager"] - "Become Hotel Manager" ["importgundealer"] - "Become Import Gun Dealer" ["mayorswife"] - "Become Mayors Wife" ["mayor"] - "Become Mayor ["mercenary"] - "Become Mercenary" ["methmanufacturer"] - "Become Meth Manufacturer" ["michael"] - "Become Michael" ["parkourist"] - "Become Parkourist" ["pet"] - "Become Pet" ["pianist"] - "Become Pianist" ["pimp"] - "Become Pimp" ["policechief"] - "Become Police Chief" ["policeexterminator"] - "Become Police Exterminator" ["policeofficer"] - "Become Police Officer" ["policewarden"] - "Become Police Warden" ["ryder"] - "Become Ryder" ["secretservice"] - "Become Secret Service" ["securityguard"] - "Become Security Guard" ["spartan"] - "Become Spartan" ["spiderman"] - "Become Spiderman" ["swatheavy"] - "Become Swat Heavy" ["swatlight] - "Become Swat Light" ["swatsniper"] - "Become Swat Sniper" ["terminator"] - "Become Terminator" ["thief"] - "Become Thief" ["tommyvercetti"] - "Become Tommy Vercetti" ["trevor"] - "Become Trevor" ["undercoveredofficer"] - "Become Police Assault" ["venom"] - "Becom Venom" ["vipprotectivedrone"] - 'Become Protective Drone" ["weedcultivator"] - "Become Weed Cultivator" Purchase Entities Ammo ["buyammo 357"] - "Purchase 357 Ammo" ["buyammo pistol"] - "Puchase Pistol Ammo" ["buyammo ar2"] - "Purchase Rifle Ammo" ["buyammo smg1"] - "Purchase SMG Ammo" ["buyammo SniperPenetratedRound"] - "Purchase Sniper Round" Jobs -Bartender- ["buybeer"] - "Purchase Beer" ["buybleach"] - "Purchase Bleach" ["buycigs"] - "Purchase Cigarette" ["buycodeine"] - "Purchase Codeine" ["buycoffee"] - "Purchase Coffee" ["buymoonshine"] - "Purchase Moonshine" ["buywater"] - "Purchase Water" -Crack- ["buycocaplant"] - "Purchase a Crack - Coca Plant" ["buycrackb12"] - "Purchase a Crack - B12" ["buycrackpot"] - "Purchase a Crack - Pot" ["buycrackstove"] - "Purchase a Crack - Stove" ["buycrackwada"] - "Purchase a Crack - Water" -Meth- ["buymethcrystallizediodine"] - "Purchase a Meth - Crystallized Iodine" ["buymethredphosphate"] - "Purchase a Meth - Red Phosphate" ["buymethpot"] - "Purchase a Meth - Pot" ["buymethpottwo"] - "Purchase a Meth - Secondary Pot" ["buymethstove"] - "Purchase a Meth - Stove" ["buymethstovehighlevel"] - "Purchase a Meth - Secondary Stove" ["buymethwater"] - "Purchase a Meth - Water" -Weed- ["buypot"] - "Purchase a Weed - Plant Pot" ["buylamp"] - "Purchase a Weed - LED Lamp" ["buyweedseed"] - "Purchase a Weed - Cannabis Seed" ["waterforweed"] - "Purchase a Weed - Water" -Other- ["buyaradio"] - "Purchase a DJ Radio" ["buydonationbox"] - "Purchase a Donation Box" ["hits"] - "Check the current availale hots, as hitman/assassin/deadshot." ["buypiano"] - "Purchase a Piano" ["buytrashbag"] - "Purchase a Trash Bag" External ["buyarmor"] - "Purchase Armor" ["buyhealth"] - "Purchase a Health Vial" ["buymodernavaccine"] - "Purchase a Moderna Vaccine" ["buytotem"] - "Purchase a Rebirth Totem" ["shitprinterbecauseimabrokemotherfucker"] - "Purchase a Low Tier Printer" ["ibuytheseprinterseverytimeyeahonfuckinggarnet"] - "Purchase a High Tier Printer" Civil Protection ["000"] - "Cry for help, the police will come (hopefully)!" ["112"] - "Cry for help, the police will come (hopefully)!" ["911"] - "Cry for help, the police will come (hopefully)!" ["999"] - "Cry for help, the police will come (hopefully)!" ["cr"] - "Cry for help, the police will come (hopefully)!" ["addlaw (law)"] - "Add a certain law, as mayor." ["broadcast"] - "Broadcast a public announcement, as mayor." ["givelicense"] - "Gives the player in-front of you a gun license, as mayor." ["lockdown"] - "Start a lockdown, as mayor." ["lottery (amount)"] - "Start a lottery for a certain amount of money, as mayor." ["quickwant"] - "Quickwant a player." ["resetlaws"] - "Reset all laws, as mayor." ["removelaw (lawnumber)"] - "Remove a certain law, as mayor." ["unlockdown"] - "Ends a lockdown, as mayor." ["unwanted"] - "Remove a certain players wanted level." ["unwarrant"] - "Remove a search warrant for a certain player." ["wanted"] - "Issues a want on a certain player." ["warrant"] - "Issues a warrant on a certain player." Additional ["credits"] - "Opens the credit menu." ["dropmoney (amount)"] - "Drop a certain amount of money." ["drop"] - "Drop your current weapon selected." ["!donate"] - "Opens the donation page." ["forceunown"] - "Sells door that you're looking at." ["getmoney (playername)"] - "Look at another players money count." ["inv"] - "Shows the inventory." ["job (name)"] - "Change your job-name." ["me"] - "Chat roleplay." ["!missions"] - "Shows the missions menu." ["name"] - "Chance your rp-name." ["party"] - "Shows the party menu." ["placehit"] - "The menu where you can place a hit." ["ps"] or ["pointshop"] - "Access the pointshop menu to buy cosmetics." ["pickup"] - "Picks up the item in-front of you." ["requestlicense"] - "Request a gun license from the mayor (can only be used when looking directly at the mayor). ["sellalldoors"] - "Sell all you're doors quickly." ["toggleown"] - "Own/Sell the door in-front of you." ["!unbox"] - "Opens the unbox system." Some commands listed above may not work (marked in red). Will update once they are fixed.
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