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  1. Hello, I know most of you wont care but i'll still post this even though everyone thought of me as a minge(cough cough true). I am leaving GRU so this kinda my annoucement about it. I am really gonna miss frosty. I left GRU for numerous reasons and i'll name a few ig. 1. It didnt feel right to me anyone being the only "old" gru member aka the people i remember ex: soldier,rox,sergei are gone from the faction it was really getting boring with these new guys who i havent gotten used to. 2. It was begging to feel like a Entry factions for a reason i wont leak because then i would get time out and i just wasn't liking it . I will miss the people who made it worth it being GRU like as the people i've named above especially @Maverick since i liked pissing him off. It really is a fun faction to be in but not no more for this retard thanks to the people who made it worth it being there. @Frosty . No offense to the newer members its just not my forte anymore. I Did spend well over 100+ in GRU so that was fun well 3/4 of it .well back to being in the base factions. My bad at leaving at a time where there are no "higher ups" anymore but it just wasn't right no more. My bad if i didnt mention you B @Garnet Kiss me "Dab"
  2. me go bye bye from GRU. all my friends left me and now im sad @Bulleck He raped me and I birthed him but whatever @Jngley Big PP i guess? @Maverick u are gay fag got get gud or eat my penis. you dont love anyone and u eat female penis @Frosty sorry dad i have a big pp
  3. VSS Vintorez: My recent suggestion about adding the HK416 to the GRU Assault has been denied. However, I have another suggestion. In anyway can you buff the VSS Vintorez because this weapon is dreadful to use. Preferably, the recoil and the fire rate. Thank you. Reason: Allow GRU's weapon selection to look better to persuade people to join GRU.
  4. GRU Assault Weapon Change: The weapon that I highly recommend you change is the VSS Vintorez. This weapon is a weapon that all GRU members dislike for many reason. One reason why this weapon is not good is because of its fire rate. The fire rate on this weapon is not as good as many of the other weapons and can easily be out gunned by many of the other weapons. In my opinion you can only use this weapon at close range because its is quite difficult to shoot this gun at mid range. Another reason is its hit reg. The hit reg on this weapon is dreadful. Yes, I understand that the AEK-971 hit reg is also bad; however, the recoil and damage of this weapon cancels out most of the cons of this weapon. Ultimately, the VSS Vintorez's performance is unacceptable and must be changed immediately. One weapons that I would suggest is the HK461. This weapons is something that all GRU members wish for. This weapon is in fact used by Spetsnaz GRU in real life. We all wish for this weapon becasue as I have said, the VSS Vintorez is an unacceptable weapon for anybody to use. In conclusion, we hope that you will make this change because many of us do not want to use such a dreadful weapon anymore. Reasong: This would benefit the server because more people would want to join Spetsnaz GRU. As of right now, most people do not want to join this faction due the VSS Vintorez. This results in them trying out for SSO becasue of their better weapon selection. This leads to many people fail SSO tryouts becasue they are not good at some of the stuff SSO does in there tryouts. However, making people wanting to join GRU will give them an opportunity to make special forces. If somehow they do good at GRU tryouts they could actually have a better weapon than the AK-47. This would have a great impact on the server becasue sometimes people become bored of being a 2GA and end up leaving the server. Overall, giving Spetsnaz GRU Assault the HK461 would truly benefit the server in mores ways than you can think. HK461 Facts: Scroll down to "Rifle in Service" to show proof that Spetsnaz GRU uses the HK461 http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/List_of_firearms_used_by_the_Armed_Forces_of_the_Russian_Federation Weapons Attachment: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/976604071428754938/C5D6F5645B3E770E43E5B2EA0ACBCBDAAFBDA835/ Weapons Stats: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/976604071428754723/DA6370BD0C2D9FCCBFFC4E84E9BE2A049112B38B/ Download Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=354842171&searchtext=CW+2.0+HK416
  5. Im not much of a writer, but ill try on this one. I joined GRU in the first week of may. Since then, my life on GG changed a lot. Bendak, Panini, Savitr, Isis, Frosty, lua, Dan, JJ - evrybody treated me like a real friends. I gained my second family in there, the community wich I joined was strong and friendly. But then something gone wrong, community collapsed. Since then I felt more broken day after day and finaly I decided to resigned. That was a tuff decision but after thinking a few days i came up with idea that I'm actualy tierd of it. Anyways, those 150+ hours were the best time on GG for me. I miss all of you guys. I hope faction wont die and you will get your COL soon. Best of luck to you, firiends! Thunder out. Glory to GRU! Glory for Russia!
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