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MRP Mass Suggestion Thread

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With the MRP server being at a weird spot in time I feel as if there can be alot said in terms of what can be fixed and what needs to be changed. So, Here we go. 



So, From viewing this thread for a few hours and actually reading all the responses it is safe to say although there is server management within the server I can see that there is still a lack of communications within the management and higher management for the server itself. From conversations I had with people in the server one of the main issues I say was that with there being two managers, There appears to be a tipping saw of who is doing what on the server. Now, I f you don't pay attention to the MRP forums or the server as a whole you will notice that @Ozzy does a shit ton for the server (big ups to battyman) while from what can be seen @Gythem has not done nearly as much. Granted, I have no idea what may be lingering on with your life but I feel as if this is one of the main issues on why the server is in a bleak state. Something I will always preach when it comes to either leading a faction or overall having a higher position in any sort of management is that if you cannot uphold an accountability to be active and show true passion to be apart of something you need to actually show it. Along with this, I have also heard that there has been an obvious dislike between the two. It doesn't matter who dislikes the other, @Ozzy x @Gythem if there is a lingering issues between you two then you need to straighten things out or one of you needs to leave the rank you are currently holding. Managers are the head of what can be achieved within the MRP server (Besides SA which is a rare sight) and if there is a literal issue where two of the highest staff members cannot come to and actually communicate then things need to change on who is in that position. 


Unfortunately, I have not been able to play the server due to my permanent ban but I have still been able to keep up with the loop of the server while playing on a different server for the time being until I can return and fully help. An idea that was spurted to me about the staff meetings that should be taking place within the server. From what I have heard there has not been many staff meeting to further discuss what is going on in the server, What can be enforced and what can be changed. That is a massive issue for the staff team because if nobody is initiating fixes for issues things will obviously only get worse. Something that I gained from playing on different servers for some time now is that server staff meeting need to occur weekly. But not only to discuss issues and etc.

Staff meeting for this server need to be based around what is going on, server checkups, staff member checkups and overall giving your two sense on how the server is doing. With this, It would give more staff members a better feeling when they do their staff duties as if there are people who actually care. Instead of higher staff members that just sit in SOC channels and do little to nothing. 

Another idea that I am going to propose for the staff team would be towards recruitments. For years as a previous member of the server, I would always see people complain about recruits adverting that they need a trainer. To be fair, What else are they supposed to do? They cannot just sit around for 30-45 minutes awaiting for a trainer while war is going on and end up leaving the server. As soon as the text is shown that they need a trainer, someone needs to be on top of that almost instantly regardless of the side that the recruit is requesting to be trained for. Adding simple things such as text screens within the training room for new players to have a faster chance to be trained and be able to jump into what is going on. 

My proposal for this would be to open an RTC program within both the staff team and the regular player base. Staff should be enforcing faster trainer times as training new players is basically the foundation to a stable player base. This program should be lead by either a manager or a contending Lead Admin to ensure competency within the program. 


With the Game Master role being added to the server, At first it may seem as if it would open a lot of doors for players to share ideas when it comes to new events how overall giving players something to do. In my last few weeks on the server I saw that the event server for MRP was rarely used. Something that people spent months on making is not dusted up and barely seen. As a result of this, The game master role has been quite fubar. But this is not the only issue that causes the game master role to hardly be used or seem important. A massive issue that I have seen with the server's events is the player base and initiation to want to do events. For some time now, I have seen and heard that there is a massive group of players that refuse to take part in events because they don't want to RP. I tried to do what I could with the addition or "RUSOC" with things such as the 25th OSN, 412th something, 44th FSGT (i think) and the 101st PDSS. This went well for some time because it allowed simple but yet fun RP to happen within the sub branches because it allowed more callsigns to be used, it allowed proper callouts to be used with those callsigns and it also initiated some small events shortly afterwards. When it comes to the events that took place with the server, I am going to use @bishopil as a prime example. His event plans we're extremely fun and got more players involved with the server.  I believe he hosted two events before transferring to SWRP when the server launched. Those events we're executed very well by the player base and from there, there was a spike in players that lead to more events being used. This ties into staff communications. The staff members need to be enforcing how important server events and allowing more events to occur within the server to allow more growth and better times to be had. For the player base, People need to be more involved with the events and the server as a whole. This leads me to my next issue and fix.


With the factions I have been in within the past I often times saw a theme, Someone was handed a position of leadership and had little idea on what to do, leading to a hindrance of players and competency. An idea to fix this small issue would be for the current faction leader (at least 1-2 weeks before resigning) must have someone at an officer position and have that person be trained to overtake that position. That or have people apply for the position and see how people within the SOC faction would feel about that. 

Another issue that I saw oftentimes with certain factions was the overall lack of change within branches. I am going to use @shrimp's post and google doc as a reference to what ideas we're put into place but never had light shined on. 


As shown, There are a lot of changes that can be made for factions to make things more fresh for players and give them a better experience to try something new. I feel as if an expansion within the weapon base and player models would allow players to try new things and allow them to branch out as a whole. I personally think that the player models that shrimps suggested would be a great pick with the new map that is going to be released in the coming weeks as almost a revamp for the server. 



This part of the post is meant for @Jake @eli_ 

So, I have had some ideas lined up for ideas that I have either used in the past and have received good feedback and or just haven't been used yet.

1. Simple 30 Minute occupations of an objectives with there being a 1 minute return time once dead. You can add your own lore to this if needed. 

2. RP a hostage taking, Interrogation (based on /roll) and then either killing the opposing side's hostage or selling him back to the opposing side. 

3. Intel raids, Raids that take place on either base where one side must enter a room (props being spawned inside said room) while the side that is raiding must enter that room and upload the intel and take it)

4. Assassination attempts. This can be lead by a GM where one player is a rank that is not obtainable such as (Marine General or Navy Fleet Admiral) This can take alot of time to take place and can add alot of long based missions with scouting, Stealth and other sorts of your own spin. 

I have more ideas set in stone but I am going to keep them classified until they are tested and given feedback. Until then @Jake If you want to sometime call and come up with ideas with me please reach out. 


For now, This is what I can come up with as the first stepping stone to a better sever. I know change is not an easy thing to get around with but if you all want the server to improve you must open your mind to change. Change can be good in alot of situations and I know damn well the server needs it. So please keep an open mind after reading this and responding with your two sense. Along with that, This thread is meant to be serious as there was alot of time put into both this thread and multiple past threads created by @shrimp

I would also like to state that this thread is made to reach out to @Garnet and or @Ozzy as they are the only people with a staff rank that I have been in contact with recently in regards to the server. If you would like to add your own ideas to this thread, please feel free to do so. 

~ Vizii.

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