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Valor's Warn Appeal


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In-game name: 1stSFODD JOPT Roxas
SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:77748914
Staff members in-game name: Python
Staff members SteamID (/id (name): STEAM_0:1:419873569
Date & Time of incident: Occurred around 4:30 PM EST
Timezone: EST
Warn Reason: Self Damage
What happened? (include any proof): I was shooting my rpg, into mosque within the reasoning of doing "self damage" to myself. However, what happened was that Party, another staff member ID: STEAM_0:1:93118620, ran infront of my rocket causing self damage. I had been warned for the self damage, however after trying to explain it to python, he warned me without even listening to the full story. I have a clip but it doesn't show the incident as I only clipped 30 seconds, and I did it too late as I thought I wouldn't be reported, since it was a misconception. 
Why should your warn be removed?: Because, it was an invalid warn, where someone ran infront of my rocket, and since I was super close to the impact it caused self damage. Overall, not a valid warn whatsoever. 

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Just now, Salmon said:

Sounds like Python.


i listened to valor and randy he said "party jumped in front of me and i did 92dmg to myself" i checked logs and saw he self damaged twice 1 for 92 and the other for 30

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