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MilitaryRP Management Team
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Everything posted by Python

  1. Holy smokes, didnt know UNC played DRP. However, i've known broken for a hot minute (He even signed my steam profile) He's been around the block on GG and without a doubt would be a extremely good pick for staff. Over the years he's been a good help with MRP. I see zero reason why he should be denied +1 (I know i aint from DRP however i've seen his work on MRP)
  2. Holy smokes, in all seriousness it so far has been an actual blast working with @Nutter @Harus @AlexConway @Ozzy and @Fonza it’s so cool too see this project come together and hopefully succeed:)
  3. I made it

    1. AwesomeAidan0221


      One step closer to a total dictatorship, our plan is working. Don’t let me down.


    2. Python



    3. Gythem


      Ain't no way

  4. Accepted Welcome to the Gamemaster Team!
  5. Accepted Welcome to the Staff Team!
  6. +1, Love that some old heads wanna come back and help out. dudes got the experience so i see no issue with him as staff
  7. Never thought I’d see the day that this man applies for a position, anyone who knows him from MRP knew about him. Minge, toxic and possibly cheats. However I feel I know shturman on a better level. We’ve talked lots and he knows about my life and I know about his. I also know that when under certain rules with actual consequences he’s surprisingly tame and can actually be a valuable asset. Now another point I’ve also seen him fail at this. Thankfully our team and something a lot of people forget. T.GM is for a trial and to test the waters to see if they are compatible with the team and can hold the responsibility of the role. In final thoughts I’d give him a plus one +1
  8. i am currently on my way to your location buster

  9. Lil late to promos due to work but holy smokes a shit load of T-Admins all amazing picks too (except Jake, I’m biased and I hate him) but massive congrats to them and same with all the S.GMs, yall are doing amazing and I’m so happy how far this team has come. When I came back to SWRP it was a complete mess and now it’s stocked with a competent team!
  10. why are you still on the forums sir


    1. Jared Cox

      Jared Cox

      @Python your pfp intimidates me

    2. Gythem


      Waiting for the MRP 2 release 🙂

    3. Python


      im glad jared


  11. wild amount for profile reviews 

    1. dunceduck


      Wow, what an important member of this community

  12. Easy plus +1 I remember hosting an event and seeing that it was going to be his first one. As I played as a EC and watched over the players I noticed he did very good for his RP and fully understood how to do it while also having fun and not being 100% serious all the time. I’m confident that this man can make a great GM
  13. I remember trying to navigate that shit when I first joined MRP, did not know what I was looking at till like a month after using it. Ngl I’m gunna miss it
  14. I 100% agree with horse on this one, I’ve seen the events fetn has done on MRP and played in them too. Probably the most fun I’ve had on that server at the time. He manages to not let his events get derailed and instead works with what the players want to do. I love the way he GMs as imo I have a very similar style as him so there’s some bias on that lmao but definitely +1 he’d make a amazing GM and is definitely worth picking up
  15. I hate you for slandering my model (jk thank you very much for adding all this cool shit)
  16. Massive +1, his engineer RP speaks for itself. If this dude doesnt get GM im going to fucking riot
  17. Thank god you finally applied +1
  18. Application denied.While I know this information may be demeaning, I do want to give you a few tips. Work on your networking and possibly try to improve your reputation. You had no support on this and while I want to accept it knowing you, I cannot warrant it with no support for it. You may reapply again in 2 weeks.
  19. ACCEPTED You have pulled a good amount of community support for your application for gamemaster. Your interest in the team, with a strong application, makes me feel as though this is a choice that will better the Gamemaster Team! Welcome to the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Team! We're looking forward to getting you trained and having you on board! Please do not use any commands/permissions until you have been trained
  20. Lol bout damn time you apply +1
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