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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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About Secretkilla

  • Birthday December 18

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  1. I recall this situation of you being on the server at the time a while ago when I was apart of the staff team. The rule was made the same day as you were banned and they used you as an example as why it is a thing today. You were extremely toxic that day and I was apart of one situation when you completely ruined a kidnap situation and then therefore got kicked out of SSO. You say you have changed and said you were depressed i'm not going to go against that and just give you my input on the situation.
  2. Jesus Christ it’s a fucking barrel it does so much harm!
  3. Simone literally cheated for a purpose to my eyes he did it the wrong way and not standing up for what he believed in. I understand everyone's points saying we don't need a blatant cheater to come back into the community but this has occurred before with other people. Simone is a great guy for the community, I think he deserves another chance to come back to the community therefore +1
  4. Porche you were really cool man and one of the best leaders I have had also. It's sad to see you go this way much love to ya.
  5. +1 you are active and you are very dedicated to the server. You also are very determined to change the community. I listened to your speech the other day and it sounded like you are trying to make the community a better place.
  6. +1 I agree with the whole ranking system making it how it should be. The only problem I have with this suggestion is that the ranks of PFC/SPC/CPL/YFR/JSG I personally don't think they are needed to be on docs. It could be a cluster from people joining getting that rank then leaving just making the officers of the faction have more trouble keeping up with them. Also I think SOC faction cooldowns should be longer so they have to prove who is good enough and dedicated to be in the faction. (Especially Officer Ranks)
  7. Blooms you were always cool to talk with and play with. it's very sad to see you go, hope whatever you do going forward goes well. /me Salutes
  8. So I am resigning from staff don't like how the direction in the staff team is going. I just currently feel like I wan't to play the server apart from the staff team thanks for all. @AwesomeAidan @JimTrash
  9. Cod ghost because one of my personally favorite CODs
  10. Secretkilla

    Ducky LOA

    I hope you get back to gaming soon ducky, hope you are ok.
  11. +1 Would love to see either Siberia or Delta because we just had echo.
  12. @vilan Fucking good at every game. Keeps me motivated to keep playing the server to get better. @AwesomeAidan One of the best dudes who can lead a faction and doesn't care about the outside noise and he keeps his mind @D_Rose Sucks at Cod, A real homey, keeps shit real. @Foxxx Brain Dead, "Computer Expert". @Hofman Toxic but a homey. @Larry_The_Potato THE OG TALI GANG. @King_ Messi is better than Ronaldo. @Python Head glitches to get kills. xD @blooms Keep doing great in wars you can be really good just gotta work for it. @Michael KEEP GRINDING BABY GET THAT 2LT. @SpedClown Your rages are great, keep grinding that Tic Tok game! @Medinator RPG Loser. @DuckyRU The GOAT. @Red Crypt Fuck your Match spot. @Jake Taught me how to fucking parkour xD. @Lark Thanks for the help on the skins, we need to play roblox again xD. @Kruger Sucks at sniping, roblox again sometime @Soappppp Love the role play keep it up. @AparhsTurtle Come back @Porche Had our good times in GRU let's see how we do in PDSS!
  13. +1 Pannini doesn't need to be here that's just uncalled for
  14. +1 Chill and very mature would be a great fit.
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