Recruiters get compensated for every rank their recruit earns. This is to encourage more interaction between trainers and newer players with the main goal being to hook newer players to the server. Once the recruit reaches these ranks listed below, the recruiter of said new player will be rewarded. This is a new money making method, and should be looked at as both a passive income as well as an active grind players can do to earn money. It will directly encourage recruiters to engage with the people they train, as they will invest stake into them and look to keep them around the server.
US Wage Rates
CPL > $2000
Trained for DS > $500 Bonus SGT > $500 SSG > $500 SFC > $500 MSG > $500 SGM > $500
18B CPL > $10,000 Bonus! 75R TRN > $20,000 Bonus! 1stFODD JOPT > $50,000 Bonus! 11B WO1 > $25,000 Bonus! AFG Wage Rates CPL > $2000 Trained for RAC > $500 Bonus SGT > $500 SSGT > $500 SFC > $500 MSGT > $500 SGM > $500
055th CPL > $10,000 Bonus!
TSFU TRN > $20,000 Bonus! ISI CDT > $50,000 Bonus!
Tali BMI > $25,000 Bonus!
IF CAUGHT ABUSING THIS SYSTEM (E.G Making ALT accounts, handpicking recruits you have trained, mass promoting recruits you have trained, falsifying names on recruit submission) A WARN FOR FAILRP WILL BE GIVEN AS WELL YOUR MONEY
Hello guys this is reynolds please let me know youre guys thoughts and opinons on this suggestion feedback is greatly appeciated