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MaxxTheApe last won the day on July 26 2023

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About MaxxTheApe

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  1. the cheating ban has nothing to do with how good of a staff member i could be. adding onto that, last time i was staff, the only things people had problems with was the way i played during wartime.
  2. In-game name: ISI SO Tangun / 11B DS SGT KMP Age: 16 SteamID: STEAM_0:1:419715133 Timezone: PST Playtime: 4k Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: Yes I do Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: Yes Referrals: Supra, Shax, Dozer. Past staff experiences: I've been a previous staff member on this MRP server and reached Senior Mod before resigning due to Smity. How do you plan on benefiting our server? I plan on helping the server grow by doing a variety of things. These include issues with the server, reports between players, or any problems that are downgrading a player's experience. I will put in my best efforts make the server a more enjoyable place for anyone that wants to play it. As I progress through the ranks of moderation, I can help with more things than just teleports like job sets and more complicated sits. On the other hand, I think it will be fun to experience what it is like from a moderator's point of view when on GG. Not only that but I believe becoming a reliable staff member can give me a much better reputation on GG as well. I want to learn how the server is kept in check by the staff team and address major issues brought up by players and convey it to staff meetings. I also want to make new friends on the staff team or not. My main goal is to set a good example to players, especially the newer players that have joined. Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, include details: I have been banned before for about 2 years for cheating. other than that would be a couple warns when i was still pretty new to the server back in 2020 / 2021 for RDM , failrp, metagame, and basecamp. Have you made any previous staff applications, if so, when?: I have not made any previous staff applications How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Im on pretty often (roughly every other day or 2 )
  3. -1 super toxic player..
  4. -1 I think this is kind of shitty because people will abuse the god mode of the driver seat just like last time it was implemented.
  5. +1 Would be nice if there was a little trashtalk during war and the instant respawn would be insane!
  6. dude the sv98 has identical damage
  7. +1, although i think the m95 is a better choice because soon it will be unused.
  8. +1 Would probably draw in some more pop with older players as well. not only that but seems like a fun map to play on!
  9. +1 actually one of the best suggestions i've ever seen! you pretty much covered all the benefits and causes for this matter.
  10. I think this would be an awesome idea! you covered pretty much everything in my opinion, and it looks like it would be beneficial to the server.
  11. +1 This is an awesome idea honestly, could give players an entire new way of playing which could be extremely fun!
  12. +1 Also confirming referral. He is extremely positive when it comes to the server, its players, and has had experience as staff. Also has 0 warns/bans, and would be very excited for some good ideas you might offer to the server! Lastly, I personally think if you've had staff experience and even owning servers of your own, then it makes up for the small amount of playtime you have.
  13. -1 Your paragraphs really need some improvement and didn't meet the 2 paragraphs minimum. I don't see any good reasons for you being part of the staff team and i've never known who you are or seen you on the server.
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