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Ban Appeal


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In-game name: Was banned as "Prop Minge"
SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:122227891
Staff members in-game name: BallParkFrank41 
Staff members SteamID (https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans) (/id (name): Was Extended by a manager: STEAM_0:0:56149817
Date & Time of incident: 5pm PST, 4/26/21
Timezone: PST
Ban Reason: "Staff Impersonation"
How long were you banned for?: 69420 years
Proof of Ban: https://prnt.sc/1244bx6
What happened? (include any proof): Changed my name to "Garrys Mod Administrator" as a joke, someone else did the same and we both got banned for "Staff Impersonation" 
Why should your ban be removed?: I didn't mean to actually impersonate staff, I was just having a joke name. I'm sorry and I wont do it again. 

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That was the other guy. I was the one in jail who didnt do that.

You can see he is level 13. If you check my steamid I am a higher level (I think 26)

You can also see in chat "Theres two" "Return the other one" followed up by "Mr Shankie has jailed Garrys Mod Administrator for 4 minutes" in which the one youre in a sit with changes his name.
This is the steamid of the one who actually impersonated you: STEAM_0:1:64480840
Feel free to check using https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans/?steamid=STEAM_0%3A1%3A64480840

You can also see in chat "Theres two" "Return the other one" followed up by "Mr Shankie has jailed Garrys Mod Administrator for 4 minutes" in which the one youre in a sit with changes his name.
This is the steamid of the one who actually impersonated you: STEAM_0:1:64480840
Feel free to check using https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans/?steamid=STEAM_0%3A1%3A64480840

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#1 your ingame name isn't prop minge you changed it after we had jailed you and tried to stop you guys from creating a frantic scenario


It sucks cuz I don't have uncut footage due to me not having the ability to record with my laptop, I'm not gonna say that as an excuse but, I'll just go with what I got and hope this can work.


alright here we go....


Both of you were named the EXACT name, you both were prop minging throwing random props trying to lag out the server. I took one of you (not the one in the report) and banned him due to him changing it to El Compadre once we brought him there. so therefore he got banned, Shankie jailed the other one (the one in this forum appeal) and I went over there because WITH MY EYES (I know isn't real enough proof) saw him purposly prop minging and had changed his name to prop minge as soon as I got back trying to avoid the fact that he was claiming as a Garry's mod administrator. Now that being said, I've been informed that admin impersonation is when you change your name to someone else that IS an admin on the server. (which is what the other one did) So this is my proof I'm providing as the name says it all, and since there's no video all I have is my word and that these two were together from the start so I only knew what the did and that they both deserved to be banned. This is my response as of right now I'm continuing to check ss or my phone which is what I use instead when I'm at my dads for recording certain things. Thank you and I'll get back to this forum appeal as soon as I can. (If I have more proof to offer)

Assuming like if this were a sit, I can't provide witnesses but if they have anything extra to provide to the situation @Shin_Tsukimi and El Compadre were seeing this as well, I just don't know how much of it. So if they have further proof to the scenario I don't if they're allowed to provide but I hope they can.

and I guess Shankie as well but he only jailed someone I don't know how much he saw as well.

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