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why me warned

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In-game name: LEAN Koi Fish
SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:77563806
Staff members in-game name: Not sure who warned me
Staff members SteamID (/id (name): IDK
Date & Time of incident: Sunday may 29th 19:53:37 2022
Timezone: central
Warn Reason: rdm x2
What happened? (include any proof): I don't know why I was warned I'm pretty sure it was a mistake by a staff member
Why should your warn be removed?: Because I did not commit rdm x2 and having a warn on my record is a big deal to me now that I'm turning a new leaf and trying to be a non toxic of the community.

Edited by KoiFish
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  • DarkRP Management Team

You were warned by mistake, my /id command on the reportee of our sit didn't copy properly to my clipboard, leaving your Id there and causing me to warn you by mistake. I asked you on the roof if you wanted it removed, you declined so we settled with that. It was my mistake and I fully support the removal of the warning to whomever is able to remove it.


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1 hour ago, Merrick said:

I asked you on the roof if you wanted it removed, you declined.

I meant to say it's okay meaning I wasn't salty that you warned me, but still wanted it removed. Sorry for not being specific and thank you for your response.

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