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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×

Hyperspace & Ship Destruction Tool


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Imagine this, you're in an epic battle above village and everything is going well until a CIS Cruiser hyerspaces right above you. All hope is lost until Navy scrambles pilots and they blow up the ship and you and the troops are thankful!

Sorry for the dumb intro just thought to spice this post up, the tools I'm speaking of are these 2
We already have vanilla's turbolaser mod and personally with the hyperspace mod it would be cool to be under attack and seeing a CIS cruiser hyperspace outta no where and a GM using the tool to rain down from the cruiser itself instead of outta nowhere. Cause sometimes when GMs do that and Turbolaser outta no where it ruins the immersion. Plus it adds a stress factor and hopefully a rise in pilots. GMs could do drop pods for the ground troops, a little more air troops and to destroy the cruiser as a final goal. And if it gets destroyed by the pilots the assauly can end or whatever. Ofcourse this there's always gonna be issues such as ARC using T4s on the ship but GMs can just say the ship uses some sort of EMP to disable T4s. Then once the GM sees it right. The ship can blow up in a really cool way to end the event. I've seen it used in other servers although a small addition i feel like it could add and further trooper immersion

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We understand the reasoning behind this suggestion, but due to the hyperspace tool's instability and incompatibility concerns it is not something that we are willing to do at the moment. The addon was previously on the server and seemed to cause more issues than it solved.

@Remake lock and move please.

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