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trolling enthusiast ban appeal

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In-game name: trolling enthusiast
SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/trollingenthusiast/
Staff Members In-game: Chicaa21 
Staff members SteamID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199359250885/
Date & Time of Incident : 2023-02-13-14:14:51
Timezone: EST
How long where you banned for?: 1 month
Proof of ban: https://gyazo.com/eaecbd5d37b8ac7842d17bda5f2ef92e
What happened? (include any proof): I was minding my own business raiding two people who had taken up inside cafe baltic, and suddenly, I was banned for "racism." I am pretty positive I didn't say anything that would be considered racist at all. I was banned out of the blue with no explanation.
Why should your ban be removed?: I wasn't being racist in any sort of way. I would like to see evidence of my supposed racism. 

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11 hours ago, xFish said:

@Chicaa21 Your side please.

I was raiding these two guys who were propblocking the windows in Cafe Baltic. I thought it was hilarious to keep raiding them every ten minutes to just break their windows. One of them kept insulting me, but I found that their insults added to the hilarity. I said absolutely nothing. I didn't even use my mic. I think the person who reported me was just trying to get me banned because I kept raiding them. 

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