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[MRP] Interrogations, Kidnappings, and Assassinations/PK

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Interrogations, Kidnappings, and Assassinations/PK


This post is to show all information that deals with Interrogations, Kidnappings, and the requirements that must be met to Assassinate a player.




To initiate an interrogation, you must either have kidnapped a player or have arrested a player.


Once a player has been identified as the interrogator, only that person can ask questions and be the one to /roll.


If the interrogator asks you to type all of your answers out, you must do so. 


You may not kidnap an AFK player, if a player intentionally goes AFK after they have been kidnapped then a sit can be called on that player for FailRP, additionally the kidnapper can ask 2 questions and will automatically get the information.


The interrogator can ask as many questions as they wish, they must ask one question at a time, but are only allowed to use the /roll function 3 times.


The person being interrogated must answer all questions, they do not have to tell the truth unless they lose the /roll. Only after a question has been said and answered may the one that asked the question initiate a /roll.


When the interrogator /rolls the kidnappee must also /roll. If the interrogator wins the /roll with either a higher number or with their modifier, then the kidnappee must tell truthful information. If the kidnappee wins the /roll then the interrogator must believe that whatever the kidnappee said is true.


A kidnapped person can only know information based on their security clearances.


Clearance Levels:


Clearance level 1 :

 Includes: Base Faction E-1 through E-4
Knows: Base Faction E-1 through E-4

Clearance level 2 :
Includes: Base Faction E-5 through E-9 | SOC Factions E-4 through E-9
Knows: Base Faction up to Max WO Rank | Up to every factions Max WO Rank

Clearance level 3 :
Includes: Base Faction WO through Max WO Rank | SOC Faction WO through Max WO Rank
Knows: Base Faction up to O-6 | Respected SOC Factions up to O-6

Clearance level 4 :
Includes: O-1 through O-11
Knows: Everybody


Intelligence Documents:

Each nation's officers will be responsible with their intelligence documents.


After every successful interrogation that player must submit any and all intel that they gained.


All intelligence submitted must show proof of the intelligence gained, this means the player must either record the entire encounter or screen shot all information and submit it with a short recap of what intelligence you have gained.




Roll Modifiers:

Depending what faction you are a part of, and your rank, you get a bonus on your roll.

11B Enlisted and WO Officer - 0 | 11A Officer- 5

GB Enlisted and WO Officer - 5 | GB Officer - 10

Rangers Enlisted and WO Officer - 5 | Rangers Officer - 10

DF Enlisted and WO Officer - 10 | DF Officer - 15


Tali Enlisted and WO Officer - 0 | Tali Officer - 5

055th Enlisted and WO Officer - 5 | 055th Officer - 10

TSFU Enlisted and WO Officer - 5 | TSFU Officer - 10

ISI Enlisted and WO Officer - 10 | ISI Officer - 15




Will Power Bonuses:


When being interrogated for the names and identifying information of an officer on your side, you will add a willpower bonus on your own roll depending on the officer they are asking.


The bonuses are based on the rank of the officer they are asking about:


O-1 | +5 roll

O-2 | +5 roll

O-3 | +5 roll

O-4 | +6 roll

O-5 | +8 roll

O-6 | +10 roll

O-7 | +11 roll

O-8 | +12 roll

O-9 | +13 roll 

O-10 | +14 roll

O-11 | +15 roll



O-2 DF member asks a Taliban CWO the name and rank of an O-3 in Taliban Base Faction.


Taliban gives a fake name.


A DF member initiates a roll and gets a 50, the Taliban members gets a 56.

DF officer member gets a modifier of 15 on top of their 50 becoming a roll of 65.


Taliban officer member gets a modifier of 5 on top of their 56 becoming a roll of 61. Additionally since the DF member asked for the name of an O-3 the Taliban gets an additional modifier, the Will Power Bonus, and an O-3 grants an additional 5 to the role, making their total roll a 66.


Taliban won the role with their Modifier and Will Power Bonus meaning the made up name that was said now has to be deemed as a true statement for the DF officer.




An Assassination or Player Kill (PK) means that a player's character has been killed. In order to properly assassinate someone, you must have information regarding their name 3 TIMES. For an PK to be confirmed, it must be brought up with one the admins of the server, with proof that it had happened. The person doing the assassination must advert 'Assassination Completed' after the kill has occurred, record it and then send the proof over.


The consequences for getting assassinated are as follows.

  • The player will be forced to change their name to a new one, allowed to change back to their regular name after WEEKS.

  • They will have to change their name to the voice of the assassin.

Edited by MrTooTooT
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