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Kalis GameMaster Application


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  1. In-game name: Kali

    Age: 15

    SteamID (https://steamid.io/)STEAM_0:0:534900704

    Warns: 0

    Timezone: EST

    Playtime?: over 183


    Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES]


    Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES}


    Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Gert,Draig,Pill, Daph and quads


    Past experiences as a Game Master: [Optional] Head of Event team at Eclipse networks and Event team at Fusepoint


    Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs] I do have a lot of great ideas and I'm very creative at what i do I like to make it fun for others.


    Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, include details I was Warned on Fuse point Networks Police RP for Cop Baiting


    How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: I'm normally very active so i could be on it a lot.


    In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?: To provide fun events for others and make sure the Server will always have things to do!

    Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: I have many great ideas i can use from past experiences and would love to help!


    Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation]

    1. Project Zomboid: "You hear the sound of rustling in the vents" A BX droid on top of the base releasing a Dangerous Illness Causing some troopers to become Zombies...  They must Seal their suits. You must find the Illness releasing CIS At Aurek by spawning pods leading to Zeta and also have zombified clones leading to Aurek Zeta will have some B1s there for a distraction, but Aurek is the main Target if a clone gets infected they need med help ASAP
    2. Secret Invader. There is a clone working for the CIS On base that is stationed at Aurek he's been Leaking files to the CIS of secret Republic plans but also have cams all over the base and knows there every move. What you must do is Have a Suprise base attack Pods dropping on the runway and have the Trooper leaking the files say where abouts of all the clones the whole time in chat and Pods will keep following until you find him at Aurek you must Take him and Question him if he opens fire You may Fire back What you need to do is Stop the Files from being transported quick before its all Leaked.
    3. Project "Lone Wolf" You and your Team are trapped on a Unknown Planet With limited resources and must find a way Back to the fleet you Seal your suits just in case of any Illness in the air But you must go to the FOBS and check for any data and a way to communicate with Forces but there seems to be Weird animals all around you must Defeat them while getting into the Terminals But there seems to be a Wandering Person who wants to help he goes with you to the FOBS and Provides a Comm device to get to your Fleet.
    4.  Operation Ghost Hunt. You Land on this planet that Had a SOS Comms going on, but you figure out Noones here and ITS A TRAP! There is 2 Force Ghost that Have lightsabers wanting to END THE REPUBLIC. So, you send the, Jedi in But Droid Pods come Crashing down and providing help the Ghosts but the Jedi Kill the Ghosts but there are still Pods you must figure out a way to get around them and Get to Safety.
    5. Operation "Recon Expert" You and your comrades land on this planet to Eliminate a CIS Captain You must send 41st and SOB to Recon the area Around to Provide intel Back the Captain is not seen... For now, He finds a way to get behind and you must spawn Drop pods in to Help You must Kill the Captain/Tactical Droid and use his head to get info.
Edited by Kali
Added Referall
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  • StarWarsRP Management Team

Application accepted
You have support from 2 GM supervisors as well as overall positive community feedback with one exception. Your ideas are good and you have gotten feedback relatively quickly by comparison. Together we'll work on your distinction from other applicants, I look forward to having you on the team.
Do not use GM powers until trained, contact any S.GM+ for training.

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