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Everything posted by AlexConway

  1. ACCEPTED After deliberation with the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Leadership Team, we have decided to accept your GM Application. This is largely in-part to some, but not limited to, the below reasons: Plenty of referrals Well-Written Application and Idea Concepts Active Member within Community Welcome to the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Team! We're looking forward to getting you trained and having you on board! Please do not use any commands/permissions until you have been trained
  2. ACCEPTED After deliberation with the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Leadership Team, we have decided to accept your GM Application. This is largely in-part to some, but not limited to, the below reasons: Solid Event Concepts Current GM/Staff Referrals Well-Written Application Welcome to the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Team! We're looking forward to getting you trained and having you on board! Please do not use any commands/permissions until you have been trained
  3. DENIED After careful review of your appeal and the events pertaining/leading up to your ban. We regretfully inform you that your request for an appeal of your ban has been denied at this time. This is mostly but may not be limited to the following reasons: Harassment of members of Community Management ( @Harus) Advertising Appeal in an attempt to garner a response, as opposed to waiting a day (heaven forbid) Terrible Attitude. Thank you for attempting an appeal, as well as the effort you have put into your appeal.
  4. ACCEPTED After deliberation with the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Leadership Team, we have decided to accept your GM Application. This is largely in-part to some, but not limited to, the below reasons: Referrals Decent Event Concepts Active Member of the Community Welcome to the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Team! We're looking forward to getting you trained and having you on board! Please do not use any commands/permissions until you have been trained
  5. ACCEPTED After deliberation with the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Leadership Team, we have decided to accept your GM Application. This is largely in-part to some, but not limited to, the below reasons: Solid Application Prior GM Experience Welcome to the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Team! We're looking forward to getting you trained and having you on board! Please do not use any commands/permissions until you have been trained
  6. ACCEPTED After deliberation with the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Leadership Team, we have decided to accept your GM Application. This is largely in-part to some, but not limited to, the below reasons: Good/Solid Event Concepts Staff/GM Referrals Well-Written Application Welcome to the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Team! We're looking forward to getting you trained and having you on board! Please do not use any commands/permissions until you have been trained
  7. ACCEPTED After deliberation with the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Leadership Team, we have decided to accept your GM Application. This is largely in-part to some, but not limited to, the below reasons: Well-written application Good Community Support Prior GM Experience Welcome to the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Team! We're looking forward to getting you trained and having you on board! Please do not use any commands/permissions until you have been trained
  8. ACCEPTED After deliberation with the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Leadership Team, we have decided to accept your GM Application. This is largely in-part to some, but not limited to, the below reasons: Solid Ideas, they just need some expansion from a Senior GM. Otherwise, the remaining application is well written. Good Community Reputation/Feedback (I can bully you easier for LVS stuff) Welcome to the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Team! We're looking forward to getting you trained and having you on board! Please do not use any commands/permissions until you have been trained
  9. Confirming referral! Very solid application, the event ideas could do with some expansion, but the concepts are there - also will need to verify age, since I'm pretty sure you're 41.
  10. ACCEPTED After deliberation with the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Leadership Team, we have decided to accept your GM Application. This is largely in-part to some, but not limited to, the below reasons: Fucking finally Welcome to the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Team! We're looking forward to getting you trained and having you on board! Please do not use any commands/permissions until you have been trained
  11. ACCEPTED After deliberation with the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Leadership Team, we have decided to accept your GM Application. This is largely in-part to some, but not limited to, the below reasons: Strong Event Ideas with an overall well written application Staff References Active and Positive Participant in the SWRP Community Welcome to the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Team! We're looking forward to getting you trained and having you on board! Please do not use any commands/permissions until you have been trained
  12. +1 Confirming he was bullied into making this application. This is your first-time being a Gamemaster, so I'm fine with the shorter events ideas, I think pairing you with a seasoned GM, seeing your RP these will be fleshed out easily. The concepts are definitely there. Best of Luck!
  13. ACCEPTED After deliberation with the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Leadership Team, we have decided to accept your GM Application. This is largely in-part to some, but not limited to, the below reasons: Positive Community Support Good Referrals Well Written Application Welcome to the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Team! We're looking forward to getting you trained and having you on board! Please do not use any commands/permissions until you have been trained
  14. ACCEPTED After deliberation with the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Leadership Team, we have decided to accept your GM Application. This is largely in-part to some, but not limited to, the below reasons: You have a few S. GMs who have decided to vouch for you, so pursuant to the namesake portion of "Trial Gamemaster", it will be a great Trial-Run for you. Welcome to the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Team! We're looking forward to getting you trained and having you on board! Please do not use any commands/permissions until you have been trained
  15. Unbelievably, a very solid application. You have definitely come strides since your “timeout”. Good Luck +1
  16. Congratulations to our MVPs and all those promoted! Triple Digits all week :)!
  17. Congratulations to all those promoted!!
  18. I can see it now, "Is <INSERT DARKRP PLAYER NAME> gay lol?"
  19. +1 - Application is a bit lackluster, HOWEVER - I think you could do well when paired up with an S. GM+ - best of luck!
  20. Happy Birthday! 🎂

    1. WohMi


      Happy Birthday Nutterman

    2. Monkey_withagun


      what he said



      Habby burrday garnut 🫡

  21. Hey Saxon! I think this is a really solid application. I'd like to place this on hold for a week or two, whilst you get your playtime up to get yourself acclimated. Let me know what you think :). Also @Octo and @Clyderus for input on this also.
  22. Unfortunately, some members of the community from time to time are removed from the community usually on permanent basis (often referred to toxicity bans). This is when they cannot learn how to behave, prone to create problems, or like to stir up drama. But 100% disagree, they are executed, and have been done for years; and in your case I was in fact lenient - against normal duration. Back on track though, unfortunately, you’re well established to be one of these people. Just to clarify there is no one singular event that resulted in your ban, but rather a culmination of events leading up to your temporary removal. To name a few: Creating mass dismay with your demotion in 327th and leaving resigning everything, seemingly telling people a different story than the reality that went down. Issues over the past month prior to that as well, and violations of one of 3 basic rules we hold more recently, and trying to stir due to that. In most interactions with you, most members of the community often site these as negative. To the point I had Staff, GMs, and Players sending me “thank you messages”, joke or otherwise, it clearly shows a troubled past. I had eluded to people already, including some who mentioned it to you - that if you owned up to past grievances, I would likely remove it or shorten to a few weeks, but regardless of your tenure on Garnet, you still cannot learn. Seemingly, beyond yourself and your friends. Which happens with everyone even the guy banned for necrophilia (yes real reference to last month), this is very out of touch with reality. The wheels of the server continue to carry on without you present. I think this comment is clearly evident of how you conduct yourself thinking something like this. Appeal Denied, at least for now. We’ll see how you can improve over the next little while.
  23. These colors make my eyes hurt. I’ve given Phil a verbal warning for misuse of /slay. The rest of the report/commentary is a simple, grow up. You’ll be getting a warning for arguing in staff chat also. In the future don’t escalate things, just report them and leave your commentary else where. As for the “RDM” from another member, we do not allow third party reporting, it has been removed from the report, they’re a big boy and can make their own.
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