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irrical ban appeal

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In-game name: irrical
SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:837175274
Staff members in-game name: GamingCarrot
Staff members SteamID: STEAM_0:1:93460670
Date & Time of incident: 5:45 PM
Timezone: EST
Ban Reason: Alleged hacking
How long were you banned for?: 10 years
Proof of Ban: https://imgur.com/bJs9mC7 
What happened?: My buddy and I, Marty McFly (who had literally just joined the server like 30 minutes prior and hasn't played Gmod in years before this), were playing on the DarkRP server. I had set up my gun shop as I do nearly every time I play, and Marty was serving as my faithful security guard. All of a sudden, we both get teleported to a sit with GamingCarrot. He then proceeds to ask us if we are using hacks or something. I then turn on my recording device and record the below clip. He claims he was watching us for some time and we were snapping to people or whatever. Well, I don't have hacks and neither does my friend Marty McFly so I'm requesting that we get unbanned and GamingCarrot gets some sort of punishment for false banning us. I've also included my latest clip from last night showing that I don't snap to people.



Edited by irricle
adding clarification
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  • DarkRP Management Team

Thank you for your appeal. Please allow up to 24-48 hours for a response from a member of the Operator Division. As well as allowing a reasonable timeframe to gather the facts pertaining to your ban.

Please note, bans will only be appealed if they are of a false nature, incorrect reasoning, and in some cases mishandling of sit/report/ban. 

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I have reviewed the evidence gathered by gamingcarrot, and while he did catch you seeming to see players through walls and aim onto them, I wouldn't exactly call what he got "concrete." if you were cheating, you would have been using the trashiest client I've ever seen. With that being said, you will be unbanned from the server and given a second opportunity to play the game. I do apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you if you were not in fact cheating, but if you were, I would strongly advise against doing it again.

Edited by Danny_The_Dog
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