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Malmood's Game Master Application

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In-game name: Malmood



Age: 23


SteamID (https://steamid.io/):  STEAM_0:0:89589493


Warns: 0


Timezone: EST


Playtime?:  357:56:41.


Do you have access to a microphone?: [YES/NO] YES


Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO] YES


Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Lancer


Past experiences as a Game Master: [Optional] Previous Gaminglight Senior GameMaster


Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs] 

I believe what makes me an exceptional applicant is my previous experiences, my stride to help others, and my interest in creating entertainment. Here and there I see many requests for assistance with tryouts and certifications. Being a lead to a certification, I know how it feels to wait for a gamemaster to become available, eventually leading to rescheduling the tryout or certification which may lead to losing the trainee. My previous experience as a gamemaster to a different server has molded me to not think of the role as a job, but to be entertained by everyone’s reactions. Having unique ideas sparks people’s curiosity and leads to a whole new world of ideas for others to implement into their content. I take time and go into depth when it comes to creating content; having two outcomes to an event rather than one objective is passed or failed leads to another objective, keeping everyone on their toes. And that is why I believe I would make an exceptional applicant for gamemaster.


Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details.
Last I was punished on a server was over 6 years ago. Since then I have matured and grown up.



How much time do you have to contribute to the role?:

 About 5/7 days of the week, 6 hours a day.



In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster?:


The responsibility of a gamemaster is to assist, contribute, and uphold. Gamemasters assist with many things, such as tryouts, training,  and missions. It is also their responsibility to contribute to the community with content that peaks most people’s interest. These tasks as a whole uphold the server, its population, and people's interests.



 Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: 

When it comes to RP, I like to go into depth. For example, there are many ways to destroy a console. You can fry it with electricity which you can use an electricity effect on the console, or flat out blow it up, using the ship destruction tool as an extremely minimal rate that would fit in a room. Creativity is key to peaking people’s interest. Mounting a turret upside down to a LAAT/c and considering it an experimental gunship or making it to where the LAAT/c can drop a mobile command center like the movies demonstrated. The possibilities are endless.



Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server:

Having an interest in innovation, I like to combine it with my Mechanical Engineering certification in Engineering. I enjoy coming up with interesting attachments and additions to vehicles on republic and CIS vehicles.


Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation]

Infiltrating CIS : Troops are deployed to Geonosis to investigate and destroy the production of a new variant of CIS gunship. The map in use would be rp_geonosis {caves}.  


Vehicles: 2
Starfighters: 2
Jetpacks: Accepted
Grapples: Accepted
Mortars: Accepted


1. Locate the gunship facility

2. 327th or Dooms Unit blast open the facility blast door

3. defeat resisting CIS forces

4. plant explosives to demolish the CIS operation


Captured Commander : After troops fended off a CIS base attack, a Battalion Commander is kidnapped and imprisoned at CIS anaxes. Troops are tasked with infiltrating the CIS base with 2 fireteams and to locate and save the Commander. The map in use would be rp_anaxes_garnet_v2.



Vehicles: 3
Starfighters: 0
Jetpacks: Accepted
Grapples: Accepted
Mortars: Accepted




1. Fireteams will fight their way though enemy forces to get to CIS facilities

2. Engineers will hack door consoles to infiltrate CIS facilities

3. Fireteams will breach and clear facilities

4. Fireteams will locate the kidnapped commander

5. Fireteams will fight remaining CIS forces on their way back to CIS anaxes space port.


Kashyyyk Defense : Troops are tasked with defending a republic medicinal farm on Kashyyyk with Wookie Captain Merumeru from greedy pirates. Map in use would be kashyyyk [beach].



Vehicles: 2
Starfighters: 0
Jetpacks: Accepted
Grapples: Accepted
Mortars: Accepted




1. Troops will locate the republic medicinal farm.

2. CG will locate Wookie Captain Merumeru and protect him during invasion.

3. Troops will defend the medicinal farms from incoming pirate forces.

4. Captain Merumeru calls upon his wookie forces to assist the troops


Anaxes Orbital Defense: A CIS fleet is approaching Anaxes in an attempt to overwhelm the 34th Battle Group. The troops are flown up to a venator in position to intercept the CIS fleet. After a fierce space battle, the Venator sustains heavy damage from the CIS fleet and troops are ordered to evacuate back to Anaxes to defend the base from an onslaught of CIS Infantry and Cavalry. Event will start on the Venator [rp_venator_extensive_v1_4] and as is sustains heavy damage, troops will evacuate back to Anaxes base to prepare for base defense on rp_anaxes_garnet_v2.




Vehicles: Accepted
Starfighters: Accepted
Jetpacks: Accepted
Grapples: Accepted
Mortars: Accepted




1.  Troops will fly to the Venator to prepare for Anaxes invasion attempt.

2. Troops will fight CIS forces throughout the ship.

3. Engineers will have to repair numerous Venator Systems.

4. A strike team consisting of 501th and 212th will be sent to the Muni to sabotage it, while remaining troops continue Venator defense.

5. Starfighters will escort the strike team to the Muni.

6. Troops will have to evacuate to Anaxes as the Venator's systems are rendered inoperable.

7. Troops will have to defend Anaxes base with everything they've got.


Passive Anaxes : The Republic Civilian Corps have hired new interns that are tasked with gathering information in the everyday life of the 34th Battle Group. Each battalion and Certification help out by teaching and providing lessons and information on their specializations and tactics in their everyday jobs. Map in use would be  rp_anaxes_garnet_v2.



Vehicles: Denied
Starfighters: Denied
Jetpacks: Denied
Grapples: Denied
Mortars: Denied




1.Troops will be tasked will providing information of their own battalions to the interns.

2. Certification Classes will be tasked with providing information and lessons to the interns.

3. A Non-Lethal Training Sim in Sim Room will be taken place to teach the interns about 34th Battle Group tactics.



Edited by Malmood I Doomlam
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  • Community Director


After deliberation with the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Leadership Team, we have decided to accept your GM Application. This is largely in-part to some, but not limited to, the below reasons:

Well-written application
Good Community Support
Prior GM Experience


Welcome to the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Team! We're looking forward to getting you trained and having you on board! 

Please do not use any commands/permissions until you have been trained

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