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Mare's Game Master Application


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Name: JBM JENG RCTL 1LT 6453 Mare
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:98423206
Warns: none
Timezone: CST
Playtime: 13 Day 17 Hours 28 Min
Microphone: Yes

Video capability: Yes

Referrals: NSCL LT C. Balthe | Kai, CG CO Buford, OPS PO III K. Pierce
Past experience as a Game Master:

Why should we choose you over other applicants?

The reason why you should pick me over other candidates is because I am dedicated to this sever and ready to take up the mantle of Game Master. I have experienced many of the events and think that I can add much support to the existing team with my own ideas and ingenuity. I am ready to learn everything there is no know about Gmod and will show it with fast improvement.
I really want to create complex and detailed events along with challenging trainings. In the goal to help improve my battalion and others in their skills to create a better experience for everyone. I want to help people on the server and interact with a new group of people all focused towards a common goal.

Have you ever been punished: No

How much time do you have to contribute to the role: 15 hours a week (I do go to school during the day and work until 6 CST. also very rarely I have weekend Army trainings that could prevent me from getting on)

Responsibilities of the Game Master:

I think the main task of the Game Master is to be a person who controls the story of what we are doing and why we are doing it. Getting players involved in the community by creating fun but difficult challenges to be completed as a team. Some secondary tasks for Game Masters are to support battalions in training and lead by example on the server.

Single Most Creative Idea:

My most Creative Idea is to add some elements of real operations procedure into briefing, it’s what I am studying in school and know that it will add another layer of immersion. I would also like to create more specific tasks to battalions during off worlds. I think it would add an element of depth to our stories and provide special experiences for players.


Unique Ideas:

 Orange=Backstory Purple=Breifing Green=Events
Operation: Recover Assets

34th battle group is deployed to Ginta where a Republic research base is located. The facility has stopped corresponding with Republic high command and large amounts of CIS forces have been sighted in the area. The 34th battle group is tasked in checking the status of the facility, recapturing if need be, and locating Dr. Chris Hammons and their research on new materials that could aid the war effort.

The republic troops set out on foot to the facility where they are meat with heavy CIS resistance and armor (If republic armor is granted). When reaching the facility republic forces will find the base has taken serious structural damage and infested with droids. Fighting though the facility, Dr. Chris Hammons will be found stuck behind rubble from the collapsing structure. Injured from a explosion he cannot access these research documents contained on a console in the room with him. Republic forces will need to clear the rubble and extract the doctor and his research from the facility.

When the doctor is found a 5-minute timer starts to complete the objectives. Otherwise, the facility will collapse killing all that are inside. Once outside of the facility with the doctor (and research if successful) will request before evac to recover core samples vital for their ongoing research located at a small drilling station. The 34th battle group will fight though CIS forces to the drilling station where an ENG console can be accessed to retrieve the core samples. After securing the samples and all objectives complete the 34th battle group will call for evac off world.


The Liberation of Fol

Operation: Lightning Strike (Act 1)

The 34th battle group is tasked to support the 78th battle group in establishing a foothold on the planet of Fol. The situation is at a standstill where the 78th are stuck in heavy fighting with CIS forces. The Republic High command’s intent of the 34th battle group is to act as a flanking force to secure flanking positions against CIS forces. In order to provide relief for the 78th in their attempts to take key positions in other sectors. Initial observations in the sector show orbital cannons that block further recon and resupply. Tasks to units are to locate and destroy those orbital guns and other fortified CIS positions found once scans can be completed.

The planet’s surface is a lush tropical environment, some small villages are present throughout the area, but the inhabitants have moved away from the heavy fighting or were forced out by CIS troops. Two orbital cannons are located near each other but fortified separately and will need to be taken one at a time. ENG consuls will be located near each cannon for sabotage (any other way is fine too). After the cannons are taken out Republic High Command will report a CIS stronghold (designation Fort liberty) vital for securing this position and threatening the CIS flank. With the orbital cannons destroyed, resupply and armor will be available upon request. Resupplied and armored republic forces will push and attempt to capture fort liberty and defend it from all CIS counter attacks until relieved by 78th forces and evac.


Operation: Forced Retirement (Act 2)

With Fort Liberty secured on the planet Fol the 34th battle group is in a key position to strike a decisive blow against CIS high command. CIS general Cicero is located in Voklin a small city due east of Fort Liberty with minimal CIS forces in between. Voklin does have a civilian population that will need to liberated from CIS control, some might not be friendly towards republic forces.

The 34th battle group is tasked to liberate the city of Voklin and capture CIS general Cicero before he can escape. Tasks to units are SOB, infiltrate and capture CIS general Cicero before he can make it to the spaceport and retreat to a safer position. Main body, push out defenders and secure the town prioritizing and occupying the space port, control all civ’s in the AO, and find any information explaining why the CIS general Cicero hasten fled.

In the town, outside the walls there will be a large CIS force ready to repeal republic attacks. The space port is vital for the general to escape and is heavily defended with anti-personal weapons.

After entering the town civ’s can be found that will relay that there is talk of a large force of CIS troops headed straight for the town of Voklin in a planed attack on republic forces (it’s a trap). The CIS have leaked the General’s location and tricked the republic forces into exposing their flank. The General wasn’t in the city; after realizing this republic forces will be attacked by CIS armor and infantry from all directions. After hard fighting if they are successful, they can capture the city for the republic, but if they are pushed back evac will be available from the space port.

Operation: Black Sky (ACT 3)

After success or failure of operation Forced Retirement, the 78th battle group has been fruitful in their attempts of pushing back CIS forces. Requesting the 34th battle group for resupply and additional forces. On board the vendor the 34th battle group will be briefed the following: The 34th battle group is tasked with reinforcing the 78th battle group on the planet of Fol to ensure its fall out if CIS hands. Transport ships will link up with you to transfer supplies the 78th desperately needs. The space around and near Fol are patrolled by CIS vessels and no cargo ship is guaranteed to make the full journey. Ensure these supplies are safe at all costs and set your course to Fol.

After the briefing a cargo vessel will drop off supplies in MHB with some passive RP. After setting course to Fol and beginning light speed. We begin to detect CIS vessels in the space around Fol and begin to be hailed by the 78th. The CIS vessel is bombarding the 78th lines and causing major damage to their fortifications. They fear that this could be a start for a major CIS counterattack and ask the 34th to eliminate the vessel.

During the battle over Fol fighters are launched from both sides and dog fights break out over the two ships. CIS forces are prepared from previous encounter’s and send drill pods to the most important parts of the republic vendor. After hard fighting a small detachment of REP forces board the CIS vessel and destroy it from the inside. At the end the 78th commander thanks the 34th for their help.


Operation: Take back (ACT 3)

After stopping the CIS counterattack, the location of CIS general Cicero has been confirmed by loyal local militia’s working behind enemy lines. Another opportunity has emerged to capture him and remove the CIS from the planet of Fol. The 34th battle group is tasked with capturing the CIS general Cicero and forcing the surrender of all CIS forces on the planet. Task to units are to capture and hold the last CIS strong hold on the planet. Intel reports that CIS general Cicero cannot leave the planet, but we need him live. After the general is captured, a detachment of republic negotiators will arrive to convince CIS general Cicero to surrender all remaining forces. They are to be protected at all times.

This is the main CIS communications center and last major stronghold on the planet. The outsides are surrounded by a think forest, fortified with trenches and high walls making the only entrance the main gate. This entire fort is heavily defended by what’s left of the best troops the CIS have on world. Fighting though the compound the general will be in an office held up for a last stand. Also to note the communications array is heavily damaged and will need to be repaired to transmit the deactivation order. After his capture, enemy ships start entering the sector in an attempt to reinforce the garrison. A space battle above the planet will then occur, but some droid drop pods will still make it to the surface. Republic forces will have to repeal them while talks go on with CIS general Cicero. When he agrees to turn off his droids on planet and enters the communications relay CIS general Cicero will turn off all forces left on planet. The CIS high command then will issue a order to kill CIS general Cicero to their fleet above the world, and the 34th troops on the ground will need to escort the delegation and general to LZ for evac.

Edited by Mare
Put gamer Master in title
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+1 I've worked under mare a lot, and I know he would make an amazing addition to the GM team, he is dedicated to the server and will provide entertaining events for all. Anybody with the foresight to have mare on their team is bound to reap the rewards of the success he will bring


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  • StarWarsRP Administration Team


After deliberation with the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Leadership Team, we have decided to accept your GM Application. This is largely in-part to some, but not limited to, the below reasons:

Well laid out application
pretty good community support
Decent event ideas


Welcome to the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Team! We're looking forward to getting you trained and having you on board! 

Please do not use any commands/permissions until you have been trained

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