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Mute’s Staff Application


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Name: Mute


Age: 17


Total time on the server:  [/playtime] | V PVT Mute has played for 2384:54:10.

Do you own a microphone:  [yes/no] Yes.

Referrals:  [optional] Jackal

Staff History:  [warns/bans] No warns, no bans.

Country of Residence: United States of America


Essay Portion

 Past experiences staffing? 

•Former Head Admin on GG MRP.

•Former Moderator on GG DRP.

Why do you plan on benefiting our server? (100 words minimum) 


       Well, I personally believe I can benefit the server in many ways, whether it’s taking people’s reports or answering questions. I am very familiar with the rules and staff commands on the server and a good understanding of how the logs work. I also have a good understanding of the punishments given with each rule broken. Besides knowing the commands and punishments, I personally believe I can help out the server during it’s low-pop times (morning) when there’s usually no staff on to ban and/or warn people, which can be quite frustrating to most people who play in the morning and have to wait for a staff to get online. Not only do I want to help handle people’s report, but I want to make sure the server is enjoyable for everyone. I can also remain calm in all sits, no matter the situation, which I believe is a big deal when handling a situation. Personally I believe I am much more mature than most players so joking around during a sit will not happen, I like to get problems resolved as quick as they can be. I also have more time on my hands since I graduated from high school this year and can spend more time staffing than I did before when I was staff on MRP.


Thank you for reading my application.

Edited by Mute
Beefing up.
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I have had several encounters with you in-game and I can say you have shown nothing but respect and maturity towards me. You have a good application and some previous experience as staff. With this being said I am going to give you +1.

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