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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×

ItzMalo's Staff Application


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n game name: ItzMalo


SteamID (http://steamidfinder.com/): STEAM_1:1:217397094

Warns: 0 currently 3 in the past caused by myself.

Timezone: Mountain Time (MT)

Playtime?: | ItzMalo has played for 347:07:38.

Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO]

Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO]

    Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Zaroni Pepperoni - BubbleBuddies21 - JPdude - Vernon ?

    Past experiences as staff: [Optional] Didn't want to say... But sadly I've been staff(Moderator) on a minecraft server but it was a couple years ago.

    Why should we choose you over other applicants? [minimum 2 paragraphs]

  Well to start it all I'm a great and friendly guy. The reasons you should choose me over other applicants is quite simple, I have put a lot of time into the community by helping others and just having a fun time. If you're staff that plays during the time I play you should know me from making a report every 5 minutes xD but in all seriousness, I want to help the community grow and become a better place. In my time playing there have been numerous times where a staff member has not been on when there are people Mass-RDMing and Prob-Blocking spawn and I wish to change that. I value other players experience on the server more than my own. I want everyone on the server to have a fun time so that they would want to come back and share the server with their friends  ? 

  Secondly, I understand what it takes to become a mod and I'm ready for the challenge. I have been in numerous sits so by now I think I could handle one. There have been moments when a VIP mod takes my report and doesn't know how to handle the situation or doesn't know what terms such as SSA, NITRP, and LTAP mean. It's a little annoying when you get into a sit with someone that doesn't know how to do their own job, but me on the other hand will handle the sit professionally and quickly. I am pretty chill about situations so I would listen to both players side of the story and layout a reasonable punishment for the person that has caused trouble but if its something like a simple mistake that someone new has made and was reported I would most likely give him/her a verbal warning and help the person with what they are having trouble with. For example, when a new player joins and doesn't know how to make a base with working fading doors and keypads I will teach the person how to do it. 

Just felt like adding this real quick I am on when most staff are offline this could help out the server a lot since in the time I'm on there is usually always mass propblock going on. I'm usually on late night MT-10:00 pm to 6:00 am... Yes, ik I do in fact have no life ?

Hopefully, this was enough for you to reply that +1 instead of -1 but if there are any problems with this application people let me know I'm willing to change it up so that it meets the requirements. 


    Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details: Sadly I have been banned on garnet before, the reason behind that is because I was nice enough and trusted my friend not to kill anyone so I allowed him to go on my PC and let him play games while I slept and next thing you know he wakes me up and tells me he got me banned.. I know I know many people say "Oh it wasn't me it was my friend" I already got roasted by Evity and JP...  But this was truly a mistake that someone else made under my name, and after he got me banned he will never touch GMOD again on my pc? So that won't happen again. The warns were 2 RDM and MASS NLR Stack 

    Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: Yes, but I decided to cancel it because I wanted more time to just mess around and have a fun experience on the server before I took a step up and became a T-mod. 

    How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: A lot I work only 3 days so every other day besides those 3 I will be on. Which if I do get this role I will allow people to send me messages via steam if anything happens on the server when other staff aren't on to solve it. Which I currently do that with JPdude since he's a good pal. 

    If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod? Currently only work

Did you read the staff rules?: ItzMalo 

Edited by Malo
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seen u alot however i have not actually gotten a chance to in a sense 1 to 1 RP with u which is unfortunate but i know that ur not a troll or a minge and thats good enough for me so all the best and hope to see you around 



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9 minutes ago, JPdude said:

BIG FAT OLE +1, hes a cunt but he bought me Pubg so, yeah, but for real i think he knows the rules pretty well, and could be a pretty good addition to the staff team. good lucky my nigga

Why thank you :') That's the nicest thing you've said to me

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